Let Friday Be The End To America's Response Over Tower 22!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Biden White House is making a big mistake saying Friday's February 2nd attacks against eighty-four sites in Iraq and Syria is only part of America's response to the drone attack against the Tower 22 base in Jordan that killed three U.S. soldiers and wounded dozens. Let this February 2nd attack be America's complete response to this Tower 22 incident, America used one-hundred and twenty five missiles and killed around forty people in these attacks that is a heavy response. The White House is making a miscalculation that people in these countries and these groups behind the Tower 22 attack will see future attacks against them as a just response to the Jordan matter, no they will perceive it as America is doing Israel's bidding America is culpable in the Israeli Defense Forces killing and persecution of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and this will cause future attacks against American government targets in the Middle East and depending on how long and the nature of America's ongoing response to the Tower 22 attacks America could see terrorist attacks in America. America does not need radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the continental United State right now it will further demoralize and divide our nation; if the Biden White House continues this heavy response it will see an escalation and this is foolish and unwise. In all probability there will soon be a six or so week cease fire in the Gaza War and all the hostages released and wisdom will prevail in the Israeli people's leadership where they will recognize they cannot wipe out Hamas and agree to a permanent cease fire that will allow the Israeli Defense Forces to destroy the entirety of the 300 mile Hamas tunnel system under Gaza and that will create the trajectory for the permanent elimination of Hamas which offers the Palestinian people no good future. This whole recent flame up of conflict around Iraq, Syria and Jordan is all because of the Gaza War, the American government gets the Gaza War to go away and this problem at a serious level goes away it is that simple, Biden White House don't make matters worse than they have to be!

America's abundance of ex military leaders have in high numbers come out publicly and said there will be lessons learned for the U.S. military in regards to the drone attack on the Tower 22 base. I am not a military guy but it seems to me that common sense screams out that in these small American bases scattered throughout the Middle East you shouldn't be using what are essentially shipping containers for sleeping quarters and work locations for the soldiers stationed at these bases. Wisdom calls for assuming a missile, drone or artillery shell will get through America's defenses for these bases and hit these containers which offer very little protection for the soldiers working and living in these containers. It would not be that expensive to make underground masonry bunkers for the soldiers stationed at these bases. Use bulldozers to dig the hole bring in pallets of bags of concrete and use five inch steel pole columns with a concrete base and steel I beams resting on the poles to support the ceiling make a steel bar concrete ceiling just like they make a concrete roadway on a bridge have thin steel pans to hold the concrete as it cures and make walls in the bunker out of cinder blocks. Have the restrooms and showers outside the bunker so you don't have to deal with plumbing and sewer challenges. This isn't a high tech lessoned learned but it is one that will save American soldiers lives in the future!
Hamas will never honor a ceasefire agreement. How do I know this? They'd agreed to one and were under its provisions on October 6th, 2023. Do a bit of reading about the Islamist's "Hudnah".
The Biden White House is making a big mistake saying Friday's February 2nd attacks against eighty-four sites in Iraq and Syria is only part of America's response to the drone attack against the Tower 22 base in Jordan that killed three U.S. soldiers and wounded dozens. Let this February 2nd attack be America's complete response to this Tower 22 incident, America used one-hundred and twenty five missiles and killed around forty people in these attacks that is a heavy response. The White House is making a miscalculation that people in these countries and these groups behind the Tower 22 attack will see future attacks against them as a just response to the Jordan matter, no they will perceive it as America is doing Israel's bidding America is culpable in the Israeli Defense Forces killing and persecution of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and this will cause future attacks against American government targets in the Middle East and depending on how long and the nature of America's ongoing response to the Tower 22 attacks America could see terrorist attacks in America. America does not need radical Islamic terrorist attacks in the continental United State right now it will further demoralize and divide our nation; if the Biden White House continues this heavy response it will see an escalation and this is foolish and unwise. In all probability there will soon be a six or so week cease fire in the Gaza War and all the hostages released and wisdom will prevail in the Israeli people's leadership where they will recognize they cannot wipe out Hamas and agree to a permanent cease fire that will allow the Israeli Defense Forces to destroy the entirety of the 300 mile Hamas tunnel system under Gaza and that will create the trajectory for the permanent elimination of Hamas which offers the Palestinian people no good future. This whole recent flame up of conflict around Iraq, Syria and Jordan is all because of the Gaza War, the American government gets the Gaza War to go away and this problem at a serious level goes away it is that simple, Biden White House don't make matters worse than they have to be!

America's abundance of ex military leaders have in high numbers come out publicly and said there will be lessons learned for the U.S. military in regards to the drone attack on the Tower 22 base. I am not a military guy but it seems to me that common sense screams out that in these small American bases scattered throughout the Middle East you shouldn't be using what are essentially shipping containers for sleeping quarters and work locations for the soldiers stationed at these bases. Wisdom calls for assuming a missile, drone or artillery shell will get through America's defenses for these bases and hit these containers which offer very little protection for the soldiers working and living in these containers. It would not be that expensive to make underground masonry bunkers for the soldiers stationed at these bases. Use bulldozers to dig the hole bring in pallets of bags of concrete and use five inch steel pole columns with a concrete base and steel I beams resting on the poles to support the ceiling make a steel bar concrete ceiling just like they make a concrete roadway on a bridge have thin steel pans to hold the concrete as it cures and make walls in the bunker out of cinder blocks. Have the restrooms and showers outside the bunker so you don't have to deal with plumbing and sewer challenges. This isn't a high tech lessoned learned but it is one that will save American soldiers lives in the future!

this text is way too long!

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