Lester Holt = Crowley

The moderator asked Trump about 2 "scandals" while only saying" yea what about the emails" one time. And her 10 second response was sufficient. That was bullshit
All around, I think Hillary won but trump did very well in the first half.
But he was right about one thing, we don't need more failure. Whether he is the answer is VERY debatable. Nonetheless, she isn't!
Lester got his marching orders and tore into trump the second half, putting him on trial.

Why Republicans still do business with the Corrupt News Network is a mystery to me.
Looks like what the people felt after last night is that they don't prefer somebody who answers questions like a robot. And lets face it.......my God she was boring as all hell. If you think about it........most any GOP nominee for the past 5 decades would have made Hilda look silly last night. People don't like to see rehearsed stuff.......and her clinging to this notion that things are hunkey dorey in America didn't at all resonate........
Looks like what the people felt after last night is that they don't prefer somebody who answers questions like a robot. And lets face it.......my God she was boring as all hell. If you think about it........most any GOP nominee for the past 5 decades would have made Hilda look silly last night. People don't like to see rehearsed stuff.......and her clinging to this notion that things are hunkey dorey in America didn't at all resonate........
Boring and fake as fuck. Least Trump showed heart.
Trump should have told him that if wanted to participate he should get a podium and let someone else moderate.
Do any of you remember Romney debating Obama when the then moderator Crowley disputed something Romney said as true? She never made a peep against Obama

Well it happened again with Lester Holt. Lester, on more than one occasion, challenged Trump with his truthiness.

Then you have the queen up there denying such things as supporting NAFTA as the gold standard, which she did, and then hearing crickets from Lester Holt.

Do we need any more proof that this election is rigged from top to bottom, one thing both Bernie and Trump seem to agree on?

I also got a kick at the end of the debate when Lester insisted that Trump say he would support the queen when coronated.




It's a big conspiracy.

Then you have the queen up there denying such things as supporting NAFTA as the gold standard, which she did, and then hearing crickets from Lester Holt.
Clinton said nothing about NAFTA being a Gold Standard, fool! Trump took it in the shorts last night! Fucking live with it and stop with the excuses and apologies!!!!
Do any of you remember Romney debating Obama when the then moderator Crowley disputed something Romney said as true? She never made a peep against Obama

Well it happened again with Lester Holt. Lester, on more than one occasion, challenged Trump with his truthiness.

Then you have the queen up there denying such things as supporting NAFTA as the gold standard, which she did, and then hearing crickets from Lester Holt.

Do we need any more proof that this election is rigged from top to bottom, one thing both Bernie and Trump seem to agree on?

I also got a kick at the end of the debate when Lester insisted that Trump say he would support the queen when coronated.




It's a big conspiracy.

What I don't get is why Hillary even bothered to debate that Hitler like bastard.


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