Leopard tanks soon operational?


Nov 14, 2012
This might be the true reason why the German government hesitates to supply Ukraine with MBTs: They are not operational.
This could change soon and 29 tanks could be ready by April or sooner.

I think the issue is that the specific tanks Germany was considering giving to Ukraine were units that would need some serious refurbishment. Rheinmetall had announced it would be 2024 before these could be prepped for use. It looks like a dodge and the Leopards will be going to Ukraine from Poland and possibly other nations.

I think NATO's leaders are going to keep messing around until a nuke goes off...
This might be the true reason why the German government hesitates to supply Ukraine with MBTs: They are not operational.
This could change soon and 29 tanks could be ready by April or sooner.


You are not a German and a Nazi, Bleipriester. So no one should take serios anything what you say about Germany.
I think the issue is that the specific tanks Germany was considering giving to Ukraine were units that would need some serious refurbishment. Rheinmetall had announced it would be 2024 before these could be prepped for use. It looks like a dodge and the Leopards will be going to Ukraine from Poland and possibly other nations.

I think NATO's leaders are going to keep messing around until a nuke goes off...

German gave Leopards to Poland under the legal condition not to have to give this tanks to anyone else. Now the Polish government made clear she will ask Germany and whatever Germany will answer: they will give this tanks to the Ukraine. That's typical for the use of justice in Poland. The Polish government is always right - independent from anything else than to be the Polish government. Perhaps only the Russian government under Putin and his criminal gang is always a little more righter.
I suggest to the German government not to give Poland any answer at all.

And your year 2024 was corrected from the producers of the Leopards to the year 2023 ... what's ... one moment, let me calculate ... now! Now is by the way also a good time to leave the Ukraine with all Russian forces and private armies. A better time had only been yesterday ... and the day before yesterday ... and ...

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You are wrong to disagree. I had once a very long senseless "discussion" with this man. He is a Nazi and not a German. His basic racism and his basic political ideas are totally absurde and dangerous.
The Poles were pissed when they saw the state of disrepair the Leopards were in....One did not even have a turret.

The Squareheads had been cannibalizing them for years, readiness was as low as 12% at one time. After unification they were more interested in selling them off. If memory serves the Turks got a bunch of them.
Getting worse Titloose .
Ukeys have no gas and bullets are heavily rationed .

Much wailing and gnashing of teeth

There is also the false impression, pushed by some weapon dealers (in German), that there are 'hundreds' of Leopards available. This is nonsense. Not every Leopard is like the other. The most standardized variant is Leopard 2A4 one. In the end Ukraine could receive may be 50 of those. The current German standard tank is the Leopard 2A7 which had three upgrades since the A4 version came out. Various countries have versions in between, often with their own upgraded gun control and communication systems. It would not make any sense from a training and maintenance point to give Ukraine a smorgasbord of various Leopard types. The logistics to support those would immediately become unfeasible.

There are also other issues. Soviet era tanks have a weight of about 40 metric tons. All he 'western' Abrams, Leopard, British Challenger and French Leclerc main battle tanks have a battle weight in the 60 metric ton class. I doubt that Ukraine rural roads and bridges were constructed with such tanks in mind. What use is a tank when you can not move it around without destroying your own supply routes?

There is also the important issue of training. This does not only include the technology of the tank but its tactical use in the field. The Turkish experience in Syria showed that bad tank tactics inevitably lead to bad outcomes, no matter how good the tanks are.\
Getting worse Titloose .
Ukeys have no gas and bullets are heavily rationed .

Much wailing and gnashing of teeth

There is also the false impression, pushed by some weapon dealers (in German), that there are 'hundreds' of Leopards available. This is nonsense. Not every Leopard is like the other. The most standardized variant is Leopard 2A4 one. In the end Ukraine could receive may be 50 of those. The current German standard tank is the Leopard 2A7 which had three upgrades since the A4 version came out. Various countries have versions in between, often with their own upgraded gun control and communication systems. It would not make any sense from a training and maintenance point to give Ukraine a smorgasbord of various Leopard types. The logistics to support those would immediately become unfeasible.

There are also other issues. Soviet era tanks have a weight of about 40 metric tons. All he 'western' Abrams, Leopard, British Challenger and French Leclerc main battle tanks have a battle weight in the 60 metric ton class. I doubt that Ukraine rural roads and bridges were constructed with such tanks in mind. What use is a tank when you can not move it around without destroying your own supply routes?

There is also the important issue of training. This does not only include the technology of the tank but its tactical use in the field. The Turkish experience in Syria showed that bad tank tactics inevitably lead to bad outcomes, no matter how good the tanks are.\
OK, so it was the Turks that got a bunch of them.
Sorry Adolf .

Must learn that I am wrong to disagree .

It's nothing new to me that Nazis call others Nazis, Nazi. In your case I do not see a big chance for you to try to speak with god - or how do you see your chances to do so? Everything is better than hell, isn't it?
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The Poles were pissed when they saw the state of disrepair the Leopards were in....

A German military secret. Try the best cat food. Siberian tigers for example love Putins. Could also help in case of a Leo in Poland who is a German Leopard with depth psychological problems.

Good luck, Poland.

Good luck, world.
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And why has no one thought of making tanks on electric motors until now?
Don't you fucking think about the environment?!

You made this, super-idiot with this big senseless hat. What for heavens sake did you expect when you attacked Europe? Was ever anything in the European history in any way for anyone in the whole world calculable? How stupid is Russia? Why are you not able to end what you never liked to do? Stop this war! How to do it? Very simple: Go home!
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And why has no one thought of making tanks on electric motors until now?
Don't you fucking think about the environment?!

What a funny joke. If you will hear a similar funny joke at your death bed then I hope you will be able to laugh about.
attacked Europe?
With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher
Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png

Ever mention this?
There is also the false impression, pushed by some weapon dealers (in German), that there are 'hundreds' of Leopards available. This is nonsense. Not every Leopard is like the other. The most standardized variant is Leopard 2A4 one. In the end Ukraine could receive may be 50 of those. The current German standard tank is the Leopard 2A7 which had three upgrades since the A4 version came out. Various countries have versions in between, often with their own upgraded gun control and communication systems. It would not make any sense from a training and maintenance point to give Ukraine a smorgasbord of various Leopard types. The logistics to support those would immediately become unfeasible.

There are also other issues. Soviet era tanks have a weight of about 40 metric tons. All he 'western' Abrams, Leopard, British Challenger and French Leclerc main battle tanks have a battle weight in the 60 metric ton class. I doubt that Ukraine rural roads and bridges were constructed with such tanks in mind. What use is a tank when you can not move it around without destroying your own supply routes?

There is also the important issue of training. This does not only include the technology of the tank but its tactical use in the field. The Turkish experience in Syria showed that bad tank tactics inevitably lead to bad outcomes, no matter how good the tanks are.

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