Leftists using bail reform to wreck Canada just like they did in U.S.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As Dennis Prager points out……everything the left touches, they destroy……and a s Derek Hunter points out, the left is the left everywhere….just because Canadians and Australians seem to be a lot like Americans…..well..lAmericans before leftism took over…..they are not…..they are leftists first and only……everything else is just a human skin they wear like leather face…….

Canada has implemented the same vile bail reform that we have here in the U.S…….and crime is going up there just like here….

Crime is up in Canada. In 2021, there were over two million police-reported Criminal Code incidents (excluding traffic), 25,500 more than in 2020. The violent crime rate increased five per cent, while the property crime rate decreased one per cent. Nationally, there were 788 homicides, 29 more than in 2020, an increase of three per cent. Forty-one per cent involved firearms, and 46 per cent were gang related.
But the “unintended consequence of the reform” according to former B.C. attorney general Murray Rankin, was that more repeat offenders, some of them accused of random violence, ended up on the streets — with deadly results. One such incident was the murder of Ontario police officer Grzegorz Pierzchala in December; the man charged in the killing was out on bail, had a warrant out for his arrest and had a lifetime firearms prohibition. After that, provincial and territorial leaders wrote to the federal government asking that they make it the accused’s responsibility to prove why they should get bail in cases where a firearm is used.

Canada is among the many countries needed to be destroyed before annexation into the new global soviet. They still have far too many guns, religious people, private property, a sense of independence, patriotism and prosperity. Once they're more insect minded as are many easterners that have existed under authoritarian rule since it was possible for it to take place, then they will be transitioned.

We are the TOP OF THAT LIST when it comes to nations that need to be destroyed. The people of most other nations will live under any flag and tolerate being herded into crematoriums.

That's why we're being bombarded with agendas and policies that are so OBVIOUSLY detrimental, damaging and destructive to all that is structured, virtuous and honorable about our society, culture, traditions, values and sovereignty. You will notice the soviets didn't have "diversity". You were a soviet and did what you were told or you became "diversified" in the soil of a collective farm. There weren't commissars with green hair running around making sure tranny freaks were grooming children in schools. In fact even closeted faggotry might get you killed in the soviet "utopia" the bed wetters believe they're creating here.

Not a whole lot of people fled INTO any commie country of course, LEAST OF ALL from the african nations the USSR dumped millions of AK's and billions of rounds into. Yet bed wetters seem to believe that "diversity" strengthens western society, but it's acceptable that diversity is pretty much shunned in the eastern world.

Yet the bed wetters will still laugh at my "assertion" they're the "baddies".
Crime is going up due to poverty and lack of social supports. Even someone with a high school diploma can figure this out. During a 10 year period the police budget went up 34% in Toronto for instance while social spending decressed 8%. This is akin to the war of drugs in the 1980s, an abject failure wnd expensive as hell. What is the definition of insanity again?
Crime is going up due to poverty and lack of social supports. Even someone with a high school diploma can figure this out. During a 10 year period the police budget went up 34% in Toronto for instance while social spending decressed 8%. This is akin to the war of drugs in the 1980s, an abject failure wnd expensive as hell. What is the definition of insanity again?
Trying communist policies fits in that definition I think.
Trying communist policies fits in that definition I think.
Errr, what ideology does massive spending on policing fall under? We've had European leaders raise their eyebrows at how much we spend on local security in Canada. THIS is the real danger America faces when emulating us...
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Errr, what ideology does massive spending on policing fall under? We've had European leaders raise their eyebrows at how much we spend on locsl security in Canada. THIS is the real danger America faces when emulating us...
The objective is to undermine your confidence in LE and the institution of justice in your country. The objective is to increase misery in Canada just as much as the elites are doing to us here.
Ten Canadian police officers murdered by criminals……..most of them murdered by criminals with guns….in
Crime is going up due to poverty and lack of social supports. Even someone with a high school diploma can figure this out. During a 10 year period the police budget went up 34% in Toronto for instance while social spending decressed 8%. This is akin to the war of drugs in the 1980s, an abject failure wnd expensive as hell. What is the definition of insanity again?

And you have no idea what you are talking about.......releasing violent criminals over and over again increases crime......

True, leftist social policies destroy the nuclear family, create fatherless homes, and those create generational poverty and crime..........but nothing you are going to post about will address that issue.
The cash bail system works. Unfortunately, few people understand it, and it is easy to influence ignorant people, and make them think that it is oppressive.

The amount of bail is related to a number of things, but mainly the accused's ties to the community. The only purpose of bail is to ensure that the accused shows up for trial. Eliminating cash bail for "oppressed" people will do two things: (1) have fewer of them show up for trial, and (2) result in more street crime. It ain't rocket science.
Crime is going up due to poverty and lack of social supports. Even someone with a high school diploma can figure this out. During a 10 year period the police budget went up 34% in Toronto for instance while social spending decressed 8%. This is akin to the war of drugs in the 1980s, an abject failure wnd expensive as hell. What is the definition of insanity again?
Poverty is going up due to bad values and behavior. Kids need to stay in school, NOT have illegitimate children on their own, and then go on for some career or trade prep.

It would also help if people were required to get a job In order to keep the welfare flowing in.

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