Leftists: Please explain to me how democracy is in jeopardy

If Republicans have their way, our votes for president don’t count unless the state’s governor and legislature agree with how we voted.

That’s not democracy.

And how do you figure that could happen? Even if they had that kind of power (which they don't) nobody would even think of doing it. Therefore this new theme of threat to Democracy is nothing but pure bullshit and yet another scare tactic the Communists are trying to use to get people to vote for them and this disaster they brought on our country. If anybody is a true threat to our democracy Republic, it's them--not us
And they let idiots like you teach our children.

Hillary Clinton had 3 million more votes than trump. Stacy Abrams lost by 55,000 after Kemp illegally purged over 300,000 people from the rolls. So when you try making comparisons do so using all the facts. Because none of them lost by 7 million votes and still whines about how they won.

All of Hillary's overage came from one state--Commiefornia. It's why we have a electoral college system; so one or two states don't have control over the presidency for the entire country.

There is nothing illegal about voter purges. If you don't vote for an extended period of time, the state sends out forms asking if you'd like to stay on the voter rolls. They provide a post paid card for you to sign and stick in the mail box. They usually send out more than one card to cover any potential post office errors, If you don't return the card, it's assumed you no longer want to be a voter, died, moved to another state, or in prison. Nothing illegal about it.
Everything you say here is a lie. And with almost 300 election deniers running for office, if you can't see the threat to democracy it's because you don't want to.

So explain how that's a threat to Democracy. Give us an example or two.
Everything you say here is a lie. And with almost 300 election deniers running for office, if you can't see the threat to democracy it's because you don't want to.
What Democracy the US has always been a Constitutional Republic. The Founding Fathers loathed Democracies.
Everything you say here is a lie. And with almost 300 election deniers running for office, if you can't see the threat to democracy it's because you don't want to.
You’ve never been held accountable for proving a lie or a truth. You only feel entitled that your opinion gets converted to facts. Back up your statement beyond what lies between your ears.
That's like saying that the bears ran the ball more yards than the Packers, but the Packers scored more actual points.....they never seem to understand that concept....
Yup... they don't like how elections work in this country...

Oh, but... but the Bears have wayyyyy more offensive yards than the Packers do... Big whoop... Football victories aren't determined by the number of offensive yards... they are determined by the number of points on the scoreboard after 4 quarters of gameplay.

Same with presidential elections... they aren't determined by the "popular vote" of "citizens" across the nation... they are determined by the popular vote of electors within the electoral college.

Democrats insist on talking about the incorrect metric because the correct metric hurts their feelings.
Do you condemn the rioters?
Yes, yes I do condemn the rioters that filled the streets and lit cities on fire during the summer of 2020. Yes, I do condemn those rioters who vandalized public and private property, stormed into state capitol buildings, assaulted women and children, and were even "superspreaders" of a "very dangerous disease" during a "pandemic".

Oh wait, were you referring to the mostly peaceful protest on J6 instead? ;)
Yes. Do you condemn the Jan 6 rioters?

The ones who were violent, of course……and the FBI agents leading them…….and the blm and antifa thugs pretending to be Trump supporters……

Free the innocent people who were let into the Capitol by the pelosi gestapo.
I think what she did was stupid and petty. With that said, she didn’t inspire a bunch of idiots by pushing a baseless conspiracy theory into violently attacking police and our elected officials.

Every single other President of the United States has peacefully resigned and conceded when it was their time to leave. What happened that day is an embarrassment and will forever be remembered.
What you are describing here (and lying about with regard to J6) is what Democrats have already done years ago.

Hillary Clinton was an election denier in 2016 and she peddled, with absolutely no evidence whatever, conspiracy theories that Trump was an illegitimate President due to Russian interference in our elections. As a result of her, and other prominent Democrats', unsubstantiated claims, Steve Scalise was shot at a practice for a congressional baseball game.

Apparently SHE inspired a crazy nut job by pushing baseless conspiracy theories into violently attacking a bunch of Republican elected officials, which ended up with Steve Scalise being shot.

Nobody is going to take your faux outrage about your J6 lies seriously until you actually show true outrage about events such as this one that have actually happened and are actually truthful.
Yes. Do you condemn the Jan 6 rioters?
Yes, I condemn the Antifa/BLM/FBI false flag event that infiltrated the J6 peaceful protest of the fraudulent 2020 selection.

Do you condemn the Summer 2020 rioters that I described in my prior post?
What you are describing here (and lying about with regard to J6) is what Democrats have already done years ago.

Hillary Clinton was an election denier in 2016 and she peddled, with absolutely no evidence whatever, conspiracy theories that Trump was an illegitimate President due to Russian interference in our elections. As a result of her, and other prominent Democrats', unsubstantiated claims, Steve Scalise was shot at a practice for a congressional baseball game.

Apparently SHE inspired a crazy nut job by pushing baseless conspiracy theories into violently attacking a bunch of Republican elected officials, which ended up with Steve Scalise being shot.

Nobody is going to take your faux outrage about your J6 lies seriously until you actually show true outrage about events such as this one that have actually happened and are actually truthful.
Hillary Clinton conceded when she lost.

The Mueller report outlines the Russian interference, which is not a conspiracy theory.
Yes, I condemn the Antifa/BLM/FBI false flag event that infiltrated the J6 peaceful protest of the fraudulent 2020 selection.

Do you condemn the Summer 2020 rioters that I described in my prior post?
So you’re fine with all the Jan 6 rioters who got thrown in prison, correct?

Yes, I condemn the summer of 2020 rioters.
Are they the Antifa/BLM/FBI infiltrators? Or are they political prisoners?
Does it matter who they’re affiliated with? They were violent rioters. They deserve to go to jail regardless of their political leanings.


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