Left Now Engaged in Criminal Activity to Silence Rush

"IF* You really did this? YOU are lower than whalesqueeze at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. "

Not if, its already past tense. Of course she knew I was joking but she already knew that Limbaugh was an over the top name caller who thinks he could give me a lesson in politics when really its totally the other way around. But I did let her know he did use this language. She got a chuckle out of it. And shes still on the pill. Pay $5 a month for it via her insurance. I think shes paying enough.
So crazed is the left to silence those who oppose their agenda and dare mock their sacred cows, they have resorted to committing telecommunication crimes to get the word out and silence a private citizen.

Illegal robocalls accuse Republicans over Rush Limbaugh and 'slut' slur - Mail Online - Toby Harnden's blog

The outrage should be towards this tactic, and prosection on those who have undertaken it.

Criminal activity is not protected free speech.

Women of the 99% Robocall Attacks Rush Limbaugh March 8, 2012 - YouTube

Well, why would you make it a blanket "the left" when it seems to be an individual group?
Just living down to the left's standards. Is that too much to ask? If they are to be believed, they represent 99% of all women, let alone liberal women.

>gasp<! Could it be they're lying too?!?

So basically, you are no better than "the left" that you have such disdain for. The "robocalls" in question could have been made by ANYBODY they could be made by right wingers in order to gin up support and play that "poor persecuted martyr" role that they like to play lately.
and with Erik Holder around and the current FCC, that ain't gonna happen and I suspect they're counting on that.

After this debacle and declination by the Criminal Holder to prosecute these hoods? I don't doubt it.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4MTQVMatW0"]RACIST GROUP INTIMIDATES VOTERS - YouTube[/ame]


I'd rather you not use that word to describe that city. Last week, I sent a resume to Camden, NJ, right across the river from Philadelphia. The job looked perfect for me! But alas, I was probably 1 of 500 resumes and haven't heard back from them.

I never thought of moving north of the Norfolk, VA area, but that job looked exactly like the one I want. :(

My utmost apologies...I've been in the city more than once...hated it.

The impression of the cradle of American Freedom has been sullied by the Libs that run the place...and the crap I saw when I was there.

After this debacle and declination by the Criminal Holder to prosecute these hoods? I don't doubt it.



I'd rather you not use that word to describe that city. Last week, I sent a resume to Camden, NJ, right across the river from Philadelphia. The job looked perfect for me! But alas, I was probably 1 of 500 resumes and haven't heard back from them.

I never thought of moving north of the Norfolk, VA area, but that job looked exactly like the one I want. :(

My utmost apologies...I've been in the city more than once...hated it.

The impression of the cradle of American Freedom has been sullied by the Libs that run the place...and the crap I saw when I was there.



What I was hoping for was someone to say, "Hey, I live in Camden, what job did you apply for?". To which in PM I would have told them. Then, of course they would say "I know the Executive Director, perhaps I could put in a good word for you?" and from there, the job would be mine. :cool:

You never know, it seems that there are only two ways to get a job these days. Knowing the right person or B*****g the right person and I refuse the second option.

Well, why would you make it a blanket "the left" when it seems to be an individual group?
Just living down to the left's standards. Is that too much to ask? If they are to be believed, they represent 99% of all women, let alone liberal women.

>gasp<! Could it be they're lying too?!?

So basically, you are no better than "the left" that you have such disdain for. The "robocalls" in question could have been made by ANYBODY they could be made by right wingers in order to gin up support and play that "poor persecuted martyr" role that they like to play lately.
I have tried being 'better' than the left. They do not respect that. So I have decided to live down to their standards they hold to other people. So far, it's been my discovery that they fucking HATE being held to their own standards. I hope that over time, they will raise the level of THEIR discourse, so I can respect that and raise my own.

I'm done being the 'better person' if it allows shitty behavior to continue as if it thinks it's condoned.

You want to treat others like animals, I shall apply the same standard to you.

So, it's on your side to raise the discourse. I'll wait.
from the article.....

And that's a very thin statement to base a judgement of illegal on, much less criminal. The group did identify itself, the author just claims there is no known group by that name. Well.... known to whom?

If the group can be identified by this name, there is nothing even illegal, much less criminal.
The letter of the law is the letter of the law. The spirit of the law was long killed off by the left as unimportant.

Of course when they're trying to sue Rush for libel..

I think the whole fiasco is nonsense but....

I suppose the right is just calling bullshit like the leftists do...

I suppose this time it is actually "illegal" probably a law manifested by democrats...

I'm sure somehow it will be justified by progressives as "different.".
Just living down to the left's standards. Is that too much to ask? If they are to be believed, they represent 99% of all women, let alone liberal women.

>gasp<! Could it be they're lying too?!?

So basically, you are no better than "the left" that you have such disdain for. The "robocalls" in question could have been made by ANYBODY they could be made by right wingers in order to gin up support and play that "poor persecuted martyr" role that they like to play lately.
I have tried being 'better' than the left. They do not respect that. So I have decided to live down to their standards they hold to other people. So far, it's been my discovery that they fucking HATE being held to their own standards. I hope that over time, they will raise the level of THEIR discourse, so I can respect that and raise my own.

I'm done being the 'better person' if it allows shitty behavior to continue as if it thinks it's condoned.

You want to treat others like animals, I shall apply the same standard to you.

So, it's on your side to raise the discourse. I'll wait.

Please don't hold your breath.

Just living down to the left's standards. Is that too much to ask? If they are to be believed, they represent 99% of all women, let alone liberal women.

>gasp<! Could it be they're lying too?!?

So basically, you are no better than "the left" that you have such disdain for. The "robocalls" in question could have been made by ANYBODY they could be made by right wingers in order to gin up support and play that "poor persecuted martyr" role that they like to play lately.
I have tried being 'better' than the left. They do not respect that. So I have decided to live down to their standards they hold to other people. So far, it's been my discovery that they fucking HATE being held to their own standards. I hope that over time, they will raise the level of THEIR discourse, so I can respect that and raise my own.

I'm done being the 'better person' if it allows shitty behavior to continue as if it thinks it's condoned.

You want to treat others like animals, I shall apply the same standard to you.

So, it's on your side to raise the discourse. I'll wait.

There it is. Well stated.
Well, why would you make it a blanket "the left" when it seems to be an individual group?
Just living down to the left's standards. Is that too much to ask? If they are to be believed, they represent 99% of all women, let alone liberal women.

>gasp<! Could it be they're lying too?!?

So basically, you are no better than "the left" that you have such disdain for. The "robocalls" in question could have been made by ANYBODY they could be made by right wingers in order to gin up support and play that "poor persecuted martyr" role that they like to play lately.
i see that ridiculous idea is quite popular among the lefty echo chambers. :lol:
Just living down to the left's standards. Is that too much to ask? If they are to be believed, they represent 99% of all women, let alone liberal women.

>gasp<! Could it be they're lying too?!?

So basically, you are no better than "the left" that you have such disdain for. The "robocalls" in question could have been made by ANYBODY they could be made by right wingers in order to gin up support and play that "poor persecuted martyr" role that they like to play lately.
i see that ridiculous idea is quite popular among the lefty echo chambers. :lol:

You know, I am by no means a lefty, but, I have thought the same thing in regards to the calls made by Santorum recently.

Why is it so difficult to believe that members of one party or the other would stoop to such low levels?

So basically, you are no better than "the left" that you have such disdain for. The "robocalls" in question could have been made by ANYBODY they could be made by right wingers in order to gin up support and play that "poor persecuted martyr" role that they like to play lately.
i see that ridiculous idea is quite popular among the lefty echo chambers. :lol:

You know, I am by no means a lefty, but, I have thought the same thing in regards to the calls made by Santorum recently.

Why is it so difficult to believe that members of one party or the other would stoop to such low levels?

It started in the 1960's where the radicals expected tolerance while they slapped those who held themselves to a higher standard. They got used to it, and now, they are rapidly losing that double standard to act like animals and NOT have their own tactics used against them. They're finding it very distastful, and not so much fun when it comes back to bite them on the ass. Its kinda like they got used to playing on 'rookie' difficulty, and now have been forced to play on 'normal'.

It's not fun when you keep losing when just a few short games before, you could walk all over the enemy without repercussions.

Oh well. Life sucks, wear a helmet and learn to duck.

From Section 5:

(B) Criminal fine Any person who willfully and knowingly violates this subsection shall upon conviction thereof be fined not more than $10,000 for each violation, or 3 times that amount for each day of a continuing violation, in lieu of the fine provided by section 501 of this title for such a violation. This subparagraph does not supersede the provisions of section 501 of this title relating to imprisonment or the imposition of a penalty of both fine and imprisonment.

Ergo, criminal activity.

Criminal activity against a criminal.

Somewhere the god of irony is smiling. :lol:

From Section 5:

(B) Criminal fine Any person who willfully and knowingly violates this subsection shall upon conviction thereof be fined not more than $10,000 for each violation, or 3 times that amount for each day of a continuing violation, in lieu of the fine provided by section 501 of this title for such a violation. This subparagraph does not supersede the provisions of section 501 of this title relating to imprisonment or the imposition of a penalty of both fine and imprisonment.

Ergo, criminal activity.

Criminal activity against a criminal.

Somewhere the god of irony is smiling. :lol:
And Rush is a criminal becauseeeee? Thought crimes?
i see that ridiculous idea is quite popular among the lefty echo chambers. :lol:

You know, I am by no means a lefty, but, I have thought the same thing in regards to the calls made by Santorum recently.

Why is it so difficult to believe that members of one party or the other would stoop to such low levels?

It started in the 1960's where the radicals expected tolerance while they slapped those who held themselves to a higher standard. They got used to it, and now, they are rapidly losing that double standard to act like animals and NOT have their own tactics used against them. They're finding it very distastful, and not so much fun when it comes back to bite them on the ass. Its kinda like they got used to playing on 'rookie' difficulty, and now have been forced to play on 'normal'.

It's not fun when you keep losing when just a few short games before, you could walk all over the enemy without repercussions.

Oh well. Life sucks, wear a helmet and learn to duck.

You lost me.

Did you answer my question in there somehow?

Why is it so difficult to believe that either party would stoop to such low tactics such as using robocalls claiming to be someone you are not in order to make the other party look like assholes?

I don't put that kind of tactic passed either party let alone a group of extremists within a party doing it without party approval.


From Section 5:


Ergo, criminal activity.

Criminal activity against a criminal.

Somewhere the god of irony is smiling. :lol:
And Rush is a criminal becauseeeee? Thought crimes?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News
Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra - CBS News

This is after he classy comment about Jerry Garcia:

In the public square, reaction was nearly as reverent &#8212; with the exception of Rush Limbaugh, who characterized Garcia as ''a dead doper.'' Most of the rest of the ''straight'' world eschewed demonization, seeming to recognize that, whatever his lifestyle, Garcia was a gentleman.
Real class act. :thup:
You know, I am by no means a lefty, but, I have thought the same thing in regards to the calls made by Santorum recently.

Why is it so difficult to believe that members of one party or the other would stoop to such low levels?

It started in the 1960's where the radicals expected tolerance while they slapped those who held themselves to a higher standard. They got used to it, and now, they are rapidly losing that double standard to act like animals and NOT have their own tactics used against them. They're finding it very distastful, and not so much fun when it comes back to bite them on the ass. Its kinda like they got used to playing on 'rookie' difficulty, and now have been forced to play on 'normal'.

It's not fun when you keep losing when just a few short games before, you could walk all over the enemy without repercussions.

Oh well. Life sucks, wear a helmet and learn to duck.

You lost me.

Did you answer my question in there somehow?

Why is it so difficult to believe that either party would stoop to such low tactics such as using robocalls claiming to be someone you are not in order to make the other party look like assholes?

I don't put that kind of tactic passed either party let alone a group of extremists within a party doing it without party approval.

I was agreeing with you in an oblique angle. It's not hard to see people on the right getting fed up with the double standard and using the tactics of their enemy against them. PhoenixOps is trying to shame us for using the same standards as they do. Sorry, but I'll wait for them to feel shame for using those tactics first. I'm done tolerating the notion that I should be ashamed while they continue to use the same tactics over and over again. Gaining ground in this nation in the arena of public discourse because they don't justifiably get popped in the rhetorical chops now and again to keep em honest.

I remember a scene from "Cinderella Man" when Braddock goes up against Henry Lewis, IIRC. "Pin him in a corner and keep hitting him. He idn't gonna like it." Apparently this is what needs to be done to the left.
Criminal activity against a criminal.

Somewhere the god of irony is smiling. :lol:
And Rush is a criminal becauseeeee? Thought crimes?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News
Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra - CBS News

This is after he classy comment about Jerry Garcia:

In the public square, reaction was nearly as reverent &#8212; with the exception of Rush Limbaugh, who characterized Garcia as ''a dead doper.'' Most of the rest of the ''straight'' world eschewed demonization, seeming to recognize that, whatever his lifestyle, Garcia was a gentleman.
Last Rites of the Dead | EW.com
Real class act. :thup:
I can't seem to find any conviction of Rush online for any drug charges. Perhaps you can find it for me? Oh, and as a reminder, arrests and charges, as OJ and Michael Jackson proved, are not convictions, but detractors will never see anything beyond guilty.

So I'll take your 'criminal' label as unfounded till you provide the news record from a real news source as proof. If it is shown he was convicted, I will apologize.

Of course I find evidence that the investigation had to be stopped by outside authorities because it had become a witch hunt. Oh, I did find this little tidbit. http://www.nctimes.com/news/national/backpage/article_9b373bdf-664e-536b-b60a-9b6b1d82c420.html

Limbaugh, who pleaded not guilty Friday, has steadfastly denied doctor shopping. Black said the charge will be dismissed in 18 months if Limbaugh complies with court guidelines.
So here we are, no conviction, or anything. I guess the charge was dropped.
And Rush is a criminal becauseeeee? Thought crimes?

Rush Limbaugh Arrested On Drug Charges - CBS News
Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra - CBS News

This is after he classy comment about Jerry Garcia:

Last Rites of the Dead | EW.com
Real class act. :thup:
I can't seem to find any conviction of Rush online for any drug charges. Perhaps you can find it for me? Oh, and as a reminder, arrests and charges, as OJ and Michael Jackson proved, are not convictions, but detractors will never see anything beyond guilty.

So I'll take your 'criminal' label as unfounded till you provide the news record from a real news source as proof. If it is shown he was convicted, I will apologize.

Of course I find evidence that the investigation had to be stopped by outside authorities because it had become a witch hunt. Oh, I did find this little tidbit. Rush Limbaugh arrested on prescription drug charges, deal lets him avoid guilty plea

Limbaugh, who pleaded not guilty Friday, has steadfastly denied doctor shopping. Black said the charge will be dismissed in 18 months if Limbaugh complies with court guidelines.
So here we are, no conviction, or anything. I guess the charge was dropped.

So there was no maid going out on the street with cash to buy oxyconton?...no massive ammount of viagra confiscated in customs?

Rush bought his way out of two serious convictions... Nothing to see here...move along.
I can't seem to find any conviction of Rush online for any drug charges. Perhaps you can find it for me? Oh, and as a reminder, arrests and charges, as OJ and Michael Jackson proved, are not convictions, but detractors will never see anything beyond guilty.

So I'll take your 'criminal' label as unfounded till you provide the news record from a real news source as proof. If it is shown he was convicted, I will apologize.

Of course I find evidence that the investigation had to be stopped by outside authorities because it had become a witch hunt. Oh, I did find this little tidbit. Rush Limbaugh arrested on prescription drug charges, deal lets him avoid guilty plea

Limbaugh, who pleaded not guilty Friday, has steadfastly denied doctor shopping. Black said the charge will be dismissed in 18 months if Limbaugh complies with court guidelines.
So here we are, no conviction, or anything. I guess the charge was dropped.

So there was no maid going out on the street with cash to buy oxyconton?...no massive ammount of viagra confiscated in customs?

Rush bought his way out of two serious convictions... Nothing to see here...move along.
Of course. It's your standard. Why should I use something else? I don't see a conviction. I find only the case dismissed after 18 months.

So he's not guilty of anything. Isn't that the case for your heroes?

You're whining again. Go pay attention to your list.

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