Left has meltdown over impending demise of Biden student loan debt shifting scheme.

Congress did authorize it. They authorized the president to change or modify anything regarding student loans in the HEROS act.
Congress does a LOT of stupid un-Constititional stuff.

Because it's full of dumbass fucking leftards who don't give a rat:s ass about the Constitution in the first place.
I'll ask again, why are the colleges and universities with billions upon billions in endowments NEVER MENTIONED as part of loan forgiveness? Aren't they the ones who jacked college costs sky high? When I graduated in 1980 my entire student loan debt was 10K. What justifies that same 4 year degree to cost 250K today?

Once again, the far-left had "great intentions" by making grants and loans easier to obtain because, as everyone knows, EVERYONE must go to college.

The result? More kids, with more money, signing up for college. Then, WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED, TUITION SKYROCKETED? WHO KNEW?

I graduated college in 1967 after two years at then a Jr. College and two years at the University of Miami, a private college. I don't think student loans were available back then, at least I don't remember if they were available. Worked full time, no social life much of the year but graduated with no debt.
Students take out student loans because they can't afford thousands & thousands of dollars for tuition, etc.

Not everybody is a trust fund brat who gets their college education paid for by uber wealthy mommy & daddy.
I earned every penny that went for my college tuition and room and board. A lot of the jobs sucked but they provided the cash I needed for that, books, fees, etc. There were no such things as student loans. Colleges and universities didn't get government subsidies or guarantee loans so education was affordable for even we lower income people determined to get an education.

The very day government got into healthcare via Medicare and Medicaid health care costs began escalating and soon became unaffordable without government subsidies or insurance plans that also had to become unaffordable for many.

The very day government got involved in funding education, costs began escalating and soon were unafforable for most without that government help including government backed student loans.

We were not able to help our kids a great deal and they both got their degrees, one a PhD with hefty student debt loans but they have both done without a lot of nice things early on and have faithfully paid those loans payments while working and building good careers.

Our granddaughter worked at whatever she could and our son and daughter-in-law drove older cars, did without vacations and many other nice things to get our granddaughter through a 4-yr-degree at a small state college without any debt.

And now you want me, our daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter who paid our own way to pay the debts of your kids because the poor things shouldn't have to work to pay what they agreed to pay?

Please explain the morality of that. How is that fair? How is that just?
Make no mistake about it, this isn’t loan forgivenes, it is shifting the responsibility of paying the loans from those who signed contracts to pay them back to those who did not.

And it will go down since the Constitution is crystal clear that spending originates in Congress, not the executive branch.

Biden overstepped his authority Bigly here.

But it is entertaining to watch leftist go bat shit crazy over the inevitable ruling by the Supreme Court.

Democrats love to promise stuff they will never deliver on. It’s cheap, it gets votes and when it doesn’t happen the Dems can blame republicans.
Students take out student loans because they can't afford thousands & thousands of dollars for tuition, etc.

Not everybody is a trust fund brat who gets their college education paid for by uber wealthy mommy & daddy.

The solution to that is simple: There is no law that states you have to attend college right out of high school. You can live at home with mom and dad, work a full-time job for two or three years, then you'd have enough money for college without borrowing a dime.
So you admit your Vegetable Messiah intentionally fucked with millions for purely political reasons.

Got it.

yes, I admit that Biden intentionally fucked with millions for purely political reasons.

He is a politician, that is what they do
Can't stand the fact that poor & middle class students may get a break on student loans, right asswipe?

How are harmed by the idea other then the fact that you're soiling yourself over it?
How about the peasants who have taken a beating the last couple years with the inflation get some checks also. Meanwhile in China...they are preparing for us to be their slaves. Colonizers as it were.
No one is required to attend college, and anyone can save up for it if their parents failed to do so.
True. And anyone can do the following as well:

1) Start with community college. If you’re low-income Pell Grants pay for it; otherwise the cost is minimal.

2) Maintain a B average and transfer to the state school which offers an academic transfer scholarship, in some cases as much as half off.

3) The remaining tuition at state school would be around $20,000 for the last two years. Working summers full-time and part-time dueing school can shave half off.

4) You can fund the remaining $10,000 with the savings you accumulated for this purpose, or, if not, graduate with a small loan.
The solution to that is simple: There is no law that states you have to attend college right out of high school. You can live at home with mom and dad, work a full-time job for two or three years, then you'd have enough money for college without borrowing a dime.
I think this should actually be required - for one year. The benefits are threefold:

1) The 18-year-old will get an unskilled job now paying around $15 an hour, and after taxes and a little “fun money,” he has $20,000 saved for college. This will cover the first year’s costs alone.

2) The kid will appreciate the opportunity now granted him once he arrives in college a year later.

3) Unskilled jobs that Americans refuse to take (why give up all that welfare?) will now be able to be filled.
I think this should actually be required - for one year. The benefits are threefold:

1) The 18-year-old will get an unskilled job now paying around $15 an hour, and after taxes and a little “fun money,” he has $20,000 saved for college. This will cover the first year’s costs alone.

2) The kid will appreciate the opportunity now granted him once he arrives in college a year later.

3) Unskilled jobs that Americans refuse to take (why give up all that welfare?) will now be able to be filled.

Not only that but I can't tell you how many kids I've known or ran across that had no idea what they want to go to college for, only that they must get a college education. My niece? She wanted to go for a marine biologist. I told her to find me a Help Wanted ad that was looking for one. She switched her major to biology and after she graduated, ended up waiting tables in Florida.

When you get out into the working world you run across people from all different walks of life. I think after a few years of that kids will have a much better idea of what kind of profession to seek out and end up not wasting their time and money on some worthless degree with no job opportunities.

Maybe to solve this problem we need a federal law stating nobody can go to college until the age of 21 so we never have this problem again.
yes, I admit that Biden intentionally fucked with millions for purely political reasons.

He is a politician, that is what they do

It's tough to beat Santa Clause while we taxpayers are the elves. The results of last election were voters between the ages of 18 and 29 voted Democrat by 63%.

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