Lebanon warns of attempts to sow discord between Syrian refugees, army


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
BEIRUT, July 10 (Xinhua) -- Lebanon's Prime Minister Saad Hariri warned Monday of attempts to "sow discord and tensions" between the army and the Syrian refugees in Lebanon while voicing "unconditional" support for the military institution.

"The army is keen on citizens and civilians more than any other side," said Hariri after talks with Defense Minister Yacoub Sarraf and Army Chief General Joseph Aoun, a statement by the PM media office said.

The statement pointed that Hariri was referring to controversy over the army's treatment of refugees and detainees in the wake of major security sweep at refugee encampments near the border town of Arsal.

"There is a transparent probe into the deaths of the four Syrian detainees and political support for the army is totally unconditional," the PM added.

He also cautioned that "there is a political group or side that wants to sow discord and tensions between the army and the refugees," while lauding the military for "fighting terror and preventing suicide attacks inside Lebanon."
Lebanon warns of attempts to sow discord between Syrian refugees, army - Xinhua | English.news.cn

They want to start a bunch of crap and make the situation beyond impossible.
you forgot the three tigers saved in Lebanon that will be going to France now


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