
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
This would be my advice to Blacks when approached by police and deal with the complaints in the precient. This would never happen to any of my boys 16 -52 because they woudl not be braking the law and in in the wrong place at the wrong time and it was my duty to teach them right from wrong and it is got given gift to know right from wrong. I put most of the blame on the parenting. Lead by example and teach and the victims themselves. The ability to know right from wrong is human instinct. Badness take planning, lies and deceit.
The policemen who used the chock hold was in murder mode. After the man was down and restrained the chock hold was extreme and unnecessary force unless he was intended to to mortal hard. Once he was down he was no longer a threat. Police was acting like a pit bull.
You have sons whose ages range from 16-52?

Did I read that right? You must be raising an extra or two...
This would be my advice to Blacks when approached by police and deal with the complaints in the precient. This would never happen to any of my boys 16 -52 because they woudl not be braking the law and in in the wrong place at the wrong time and it was my duty to teach them right from wrong and it is got given gift to know right from wrong. I put most of the blame on the parenting. Lead by example and teach and the victims themselves. The ability to know right from wrong is human instinct. Badness take planning, lies and deceit.
The policemen who used the chock hold was in murder mode. After the man was down and restrained the chock hold was extreme and unnecessary force unless he was intended to to mortal hard. Once he was down he was no longer a threat. Police was acting like a pit bull.

Parenting!!! Did I hear you mention PARENTING!

Oooh...I just assumed she was fostering or raising grandkids, lol.

I teach my kids that cops are great when you need them..but for pete's sakes don't seek them out unless you need them, and don't draw their attention.

Morons who call out cops and advance on them..well, they often end up dead.
This would be my advice to Blacks when approached by police and deal with the complaints in the precient. This would never happen to any of my boys 16 -52 because they woudl not be braking the law and in in the wrong place at the wrong time and it was my duty to teach them right from wrong and it is got given gift to know right from wrong. I put most of the blame on the parenting. Lead by example and teach and the victims themselves. The ability to know right from wrong is human instinct. Badness take planning, lies and deceit.
The policemen who used the chock hold was in murder mode. After the man was down and restrained the chock hold was extreme and unnecessary force unless he was intended to to mortal hard. Once he was down he was no longer a threat. Police was acting like a pit bull.

Put the fucking blame where it belongs.....

Oooh...I just assumed she was fostering or raising grandkids, lol.

I teach my kids that cops are great when you need them..but for pete's sakes don't seek them out unless you need them, and don't draw their attention.

Morons who call out cops and advance on them..well, they often end up dead.
Never taught my kids that cops or great but that cops are human and some are bad and some are good. You are always in control no matter what and if you want to live lay down and play dead. In other words go with the flow and stay alive because most of the time the cop is just doing is job. but after the man was down and restrained the chock hold was no lover necessary. Extreme and deadly force.
Boy never had a chance because his support was missing. His support sytstem failed he, You do not cry wolf after the wolf is dead
Oooh...I just assumed she was fostering or raising grandkids, lol.

I teach my kids that cops are great when you need them..but for pete's sakes don't seek them out unless you need them, and don't draw their attention.

Morons who call out cops and advance on them..well, they often end up dead.
Never taught my kids that cops or great but that cops are human and some are bad and some are good. You are always in control no matter what and if you want to live lay down and play dead. In other words go with the flow and stay alive because most of the time the cop is just doing is job. but after the man was down and restrained the chock hold was no lover necessary. Extreme and deadly force.

Head of the NYPD Patrolmen's Benevolent ass. today stated that the hold that the officer used was a TAKE DOWN HOLD taught at the police academy....and NO ONE DENIED IT from the Dept. or the mayors office! Did you know that there was a BLACK, FEMALE Sgt. at the scene when the incident took place, and was GIVEN IMMUNITY by the Grand Jury in order to have her testify, as SHE WAS IN CHARGE of the detail to arrest Garner?....Didn't think so!

BREAKING BLACK FEMALE Police Sergeant Supervised Eric Garner 8217 s Deadly Arrest The Gateway Pundit
You have sons whose ages range from 16-52?

Did I read that right? You must be raising an extra or two...
I raise my kids on my own and they are raising their kids like I raised them with and I am the support behind them all. We are a family who stick together I provide the glue. Parents and must lead by example. Or the children lose

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