Lawsuite forces CIA confession on MK-Ultra


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Publication Date:
August 28, 1982
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CIA-RDP90-00965R000100150073-8.pdf 88.2 KB

For all the --------------- who think MK ULTRA is or was a conspiracy..................... well once again the fools are fools again.
And no you can't use the fake web bs line because when it comes to " faking an official gov. site" you can be prosecuted for false information.

So much for being oh so fake, lmao.

And for those who don't even know WTH it is :


This may be old information, but many people have yet to hear about project MK Ultra. It was the name for a previously classified research program through the CIA’s scientific intelligence division. It was the CIA’s program of research in behavioral modification on human beings that’s now declassified. The United States government even issued a national apology for the program while Bill Clinton was in office. We often hear stories about mind control and human experimentation without really considering the reality behind the phenomenon. Is it really that hard to believe? Scientific experimentation is not only limited to animals. It can be hard to fathom that there are organisations on the planet that would actually subject human beings to experimentation, torture and more in order to manipulate people’s individual mental states as well as alter brain functions. If you step outside of yourself and look at the planet from an external perspective, we have an energy industry that thrives off of oil and suppression of clean, zero point energy. We have a health industry that thrives off of genetically engineering our food. Big pharmaceutical companies and the suppression of cures. And we have a small group of multinational corporations that own the media and all industries mentioned above. What is even more revealing is that all of the money that goes into the department of defense and intelligence agencies is connected to all other industries that govern our planet. It is evidently clear that the ones we give our power over to so easily do not have our best interests at hand, and are searching for information and methods in order to control and manipulate the population. In my opinion, TV, mass media and other forms of ‘pop culture’ are branches of the MK Ultra program.

MK Ultra: CIA Admits Behavioral Engineering On Humans
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And this is how the MSM WORKS YOU SHEEP , and you don't even know it, realize it refuse to believe it..
So where's the legit link for this story? Your conspiracy website links mean less than nothing. Quit wasting people's time with your wacky nonsense.
I just googled MK ultra news, and guess what I found? NOTHING!

Fuck you Mindwars, for repeatedly putting fake stories on our legitimate forums. FUCK YOU!!!!!!
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LMAO I knew some D.H. mod would put it here, that's how pathetic they are . The site say .GOV and dumb fks still put here. " Overly vaccinated loons" .
You failed to properly research this story. You just accepted it as a fact without even double checking. If there was even the slightest truth to this, the internet would explode with news about it. Google it and you will find nothing.

You are extremely gullible.
You failed to properly research this story. You just accepted it as a fact without even double checking. If there was even the slightest truth to this, the internet would explode with news about it. Google it and you will find nothing.

You are extremely gullible.

You do realize the link provided in the OP is from the, right? Which is straight from the horses mouth rather that thru a 3rd party interpretation? Did you bother to check that? And you do realize that not all 'news' is ever reported, right? The MSM isn't about to report on something against those same 'intelligence agencies' that provide all that fodder for their 'Russian Collusion' stories.....that's like shitting on your paycheck
You failed to properly research this story. You just accepted it as a fact without even double checking. If there was even the slightest truth to this, the internet would explode with news about it. Google it and you will find nothing.

You are extremely gullible.

You do realize the link provided in the OP is from the, right? Which is straight from the horses mouth rather that thru a 3rd party interpretation? Did you bother to check that? And you do realize that not all 'news' is ever reported, right? The MSM isn't about to report on something against those same 'intelligence agencies' that provide all that fodder for their 'Russian Collusion' stories.....that's like shitting on your paycheck
Who's talking about just MSM? I'm referring to everyone else on earth. Not one person is talking about this. What does that tell you? It tells me that the OP is complete horseshit.

I'm not wasting any more time on looking into something that is obviously fake.
You failed to properly research this story. You just accepted it as a fact without even double checking. If there was even the slightest truth to this, the internet would explode with news about it. Google it and you will find nothing.

You are extremely gullible.

You do realize the link provided in the OP is from the, right? Which is straight from the horses mouth rather that thru a 3rd party interpretation? Did you bother to check that? And you do realize that not all 'news' is ever reported, right? The MSM isn't about to report on something against those same 'intelligence agencies' that provide all that fodder for their 'Russian Collusion' stories.....that's like shitting on your paycheck
Who's talking about just MSM? I'm referring to everyone else on earth. Not one person is talking about this. What does that tell you? It tells me that the OP is complete horseshit.

I'm not wasting any more time on looking into something that is obviously fake.

Really? Debate me on this because the whistle was blown on this back during the Church Committee hearings.
You failed to properly research this story. You just accepted it as a fact without even double checking. If there was even the slightest truth to this, the internet would explode with news about it. Google it and you will find nothing.

You are extremely gullible.

You do realize the link provided in the OP is from the, right? Which is straight from the horses mouth rather that thru a 3rd party interpretation? Did you bother to check that? And you do realize that not all 'news' is ever reported, right? The MSM isn't about to report on something against those same 'intelligence agencies' that provide all that fodder for their 'Russian Collusion' stories.....that's like shitting on your paycheck
Who's talking about just MSM? I'm referring to everyone else on earth. Not one person is talking about this. What does that tell you? It tells me that the OP is complete horseshit.

I'm not wasting any more time on looking into something that is obviously fake.

Really? Debate me on this because the whistle was blown on this back during the Church Committee hearings.
Ok, but all your silly videos and conspiracy links are useless garbage that will play no part in this. Using legitimate sources, show me what i need to know.
Well they either moved here just to jerk me off, or they're that out of it. How much can one deny the information that comes from the CIA site itself. Whoever put it here can they possibly be that retarded..................Hmm let think about that. YES it is possible to be that retarded after all they proved they suffer from MK ULTRA just by the fact they put it in Conspiracy. They are a victim and don't even know it. Must suck to be someone's gov. experiment , to be deceived and all ., oh but wait most of these same people are Trump haters too funny how they are all alike isn't it.
Now if you want proof of how pathetically retarded people are and who deny what is right in front of them WTF more proof do you want

Hell,they never stopped the program and it still goes on today.

You got that right, it's bigger better and stronger than ever, and is honestly part of why we have so many dumbasses in society today . This is just one ingredient to the dumbing down of course. But they can't understand that all since once again they are Gov. victims better known as Gov. Slaves who would lick shit of their shoes if ordered to. Just like in No. Korea.
Now if you want proof of how pathetically retarded people are and who deny what is right in front of them WTF more proof do you want

View attachment 140932
Your stupid link leads to a fucking 1982 article from the Washington Post. There is not one word about a lawsuit.

...and now you are silent. What happened to the ultra confident person in the OP?

You don't even have the integrity to admit your mistake. Pathetic.
...and this is why the whole world hates conspiracy theorists. They disappear the moment you prove them wrong, then they move on to the next conspiracy and act like nothing ever happened.

You see, its easy to make ridiculous claims, but backing up those claims is another story. The conspiracy community has no integrity or any ability to distinguish between truth and fiction. What a bunch of fucking losers you guys are.
...and this is why the whole world hates conspiracy theorists. They disappear the moment you prove them wrong, then they move on to the next conspiracy and act like nothing ever happened.

You see, its easy to make ridiculous claims, but backing up those claims is another story. The conspiracy community has no integrity or any ability to distinguish between truth and fiction. What a bunch of fucking losers you guys are.

The whole world, fuckwad????? PROVE IT! And I will not accept any link that I don't believe is credible. Prove to me that the WHOLE world hates what you call "conspiracy theorists"....put up or STFU.

MK-ULTRA Trauma based mind control that they use to create what they call "super soldiers" or Manchurian candidate exists even unto this day. Did you look up the Church Committee about this at all, fuckwad? Of course not, but you did take the time to find when the lawsuit was filed though? So go fuck yourself and fetch me proof that the WHOLE world hates conspiracy theorists, you little sack of shit.

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