'Laws / Rules For THEE But NOT For ME' - Hypocritical Tyrany In The Name Of COVID-19 Openly Demonstrated


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Jonathon Gruber declared publicly several times that Democrat voters / supporters are ā€˜STUPIDā€™ and the Democratic Party depends on their STUPIDITY to get away with the unethical and criminal things the Democrats get away with.

Democrat politicians have demonstrated this over and over again, perhaps, however, none better than through their recent hypocritical violations of their own oppressive, heavy-handed lock-down / shut-down edicts imposed on their constituents in the name of ā€˜COVID-19ā€™. While violating both Americansā€™ Constitutional and Civil Rights, these Democrat Politicians have ā€“ as usual ā€“ elevated themselves above the laws /edicts they impose on others.

ā€œFor months left-wing liberals have fined, shamed, and arrested, all who dared reject their tyrannical orders closing churches and schools in the name of public health over a virus with a 99.98 percent survival rate while defying their own edicts. Many, including liberal beltway reporters masquerading as journalists, even excused or participated in massive social justice protests after condemning Trump rallies as homicidal super-spreader events poised to erase any and all progress on viral mitigation.ā€

"Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito made rare public remarks calling pandemic restrictions ā€œpreviously unimaginableā€ suspensions of constitutional liberty.
ā€œWe have never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive and prolonged as those experienced for most of 2020,ā€ Alito said in a video address to the Federalist Society.ā€

We have also never seen such hypocritical tyranny demonstrated by Democrat Politicians who have ignored their own mandates / edicts:

Austin Mayor Threatens Residents With Lockdown While Vacationing In Cabo
Austin Mayor Steve Adler threatened residents with stricter lockdowns while vacationing in the resort town of Cabo San Lucas.

California Bureaucrat Dines At Restaurant Hours After Voting To Ban Outdoor Dining
Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl enjoyed a meal at one of her favorite restaurants just hours after voting to ban outdoor dining in L.A. for three weeks, calling it ā€œa most dangerous situation.ā€

California Emperor Gavin Newsom Flouts Restrictions To Dine In Luxury
California Gov. Gavin Newsom enjoyed a high-priced dinner at a three-star Michelin restaurant in the heart of Napa Valleyā€™s wine country with a dozen other people after handing down rules that prohibit gatherings of more than three households just before Thanksgiving.

Newsom later admitted he had made a mistakeā€¦.right before issuing even tighter restrictions on Ca residentsā€¦as if to punish them for exposing his hypocrisy.

While Waiting For Plane To Take Off, Denver Mayor Demands Residents Stay Home
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock boarded a flight to Houston on the way to visit his daughter in Mississippi while demanding residents to avoid travel on the day before Thanksgiving.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser Tightens Lockdown, Exempts Herself
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered 14-day quarantines for residents after visiting ā€œhot spotā€ areas including Delaware. Days later, the D.C. mayor took a trip to Joe Bidenā€™s Wilmington victory rally to celebrate the Democratā€™s win.

Nancy Pelosi Visits Shut-Down Hair Salon Without a Mask
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi received a hair treatment at a shut-down salon in San Francisco. Security footage shows Pelosi trotting maskless through the salon while the city remained under a mask mandate.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Gets Caught Again, and Again
In late March, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot admonished residents wishing to open back up hair salons.

ā€œGetting your roots done is not essential,ā€ Lightfoot said.

Days later, Lightfoot pushed her way into a shut-down salon closed under the state governorā€™s lockdown order for a special treatment. When asked about the hypocrisy, an annoyed mayor claimed it was because she is important. (ā€¦and YOU are NOTā€¦)

Philadelphia Mayor Shuts Down Dining, Then Dines In Maryland
In August, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney apologized after being spotted enjoying time at an indoor restaurant in Maryland after banning it in his own city.

New York Nursing Home Grim Reaper Goes Maskless In Georgia, Ignores Post-Quarantine Travel Mandate
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, made famous amid the pandemic for sticking COVID-stricken patients in nursing homes, killing more than 10,000, went to Georgia in July and was caught interacting with others in close quarters without a mask on.

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Joins Protestors After Implementing Stay-Home Order
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti joined Black Lives Matter protestors in solidary on June 2, one day after issuing a stay-at-home order.

New Mexico Governor Buys Jewelry From Shop She Shut Down
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham reportedly opened up a jewelry store in April to buy expensive jewels while shutting down ā€œnon-essentialā€ businesses, according to a local news outlet in Albuquerque.

Bill de Blasio Blows Off New York Rules, Goes to the Gym
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio went to the gym in March as the stateā€™s governor shut down all businesses deemed by emperor Cuomo as non-essential, including gyms. At the time, de Blasioā€™s city government had urged residents to stay home except for grocery shopping, medical services, and work if it required leaving the house.

If you claim to be UNABLE to see the obvious pattern then it is because you are the 'STUPID' sheep Jonathon Gruber declared you to be...

Welcome to Liberal Progressive SOCIALIST/MARXIST Democrat Party RULE.

Tyranny always finds its way forward under the pretext of public safety or security.

That damn liberty tree is about to die of thirst.

The USSC just shot down another one of Ca Gov Newsom's Un-Constitutional edicts banning church attendance...there is still hope. / a pulse.
Yes, but how long until they get to the SCOTUS?

Tyranny always finds its way forward under the pretext of public safety or security.

That damn liberty tree is about to die of thirst.

The USSC just shot down another one of Ca Gov Newsom's Un-Constitutional edicts banning church attendance...there is still hope. / a pulse.
Yes, but how long until they get to the SCOTUS?

View attachment 424676
After Trump just got his 2nd pick I would say it will be a while.....then again, no one saw Robert's sudden 180 degree 'about-face'...did they 'get to him'?
Tyranny always finds its way forward under the pretext of public safety or security.

That damn liberty tree is about to die of thirst.

The USSC just shot down another one of Ca Gov Newsom's Un-Constitutional edicts banning church attendance...there is still hope. / a pulse.
Yes, but how long until they get to the SCOTUS?

View attachment 424676
After Trump just got his 2nd pick I would say it will be a while.....then again, no one saw Robert's sudden 180 degree 'about-face'...did they 'get to him'?
Layer after layer of cushions exist for the Progs. They show up all the time.
Even CNN is 'hammering' the dictatorial and highly HYPOCRITICAL Democrats for violating their own edicts ... and saying 'Sorry, my bad' after being caught, believing that is good enough...

CNN anchor: What is it with Democrat leaders and COVID-19 hypocrisy?
Ed Morrissey Dec 03, 2020 12:37 PM
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ā€œ[F]ailing to lead by example ā€¦ and appearing sorry only when theyā€™re caught.ā€


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