Lawmakers condemn Pentagon effort to recover enlistment bonuses from California veterans


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Lawmakers on Sunday condemned a Pentagon effort to recoup enlistment bonuses improperly paid to thousands of California National Guard soldiers a decade ago, saying the overpayments were not the soldiers’ fault and calling on the Pentagon or Congress to waive their debts.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy pledged a House investigation of the problem, calling the Pentagon demands for repayment of bonuses from combat veterans “disgraceful."

McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) said the House would demand a briefing from the National Guard Bureau, the Pentagon agency that oversees the California branch of the Guard.

The Times reported that the Pentagon was demanding repayment of enlistment bonuses — which often reached $15,000 or more — from about 9,700 California Guard soldiers, many of whom served multiple combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Lawmakers condemn Pentagon effort to recover enlistment bonuses from California veterans

And why was this even thought of as a good idea?
Granny says, Dat's right - the ones dat served deserve to keep dey's bonuses...

Lawmaker Rips DoD Takeback of Troop Bonuses as 'Boneheaded'
Oct 24, 2016 | Days after a news organization reported the Defense Department is forcing National Guardsmen from California to pay back bonuses received in error, lawmakers and advocates are calling on officials to forgive their debt.
Rep. Julia Brownley, a Democrat from the state, is among a growing number of lawmakers calling for the Pentagon to stop seeking repayment of enlistment bonuses from thousands of California National Guardsmen and veterans. "I am outraged that our servicemembers and veterans are being asked to repay bonuses and benefits promised to them when they answered the call to serve our nation," she said in a statement Monday. "I intend to introduce legislation as soon as Congress returns to waive repayment, and will work with my colleagues to ensure a full accounting of how this mismanagement occurred."

Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from the state and a former Marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, called the repayment policy "boneheaded." "It remains my firm belief that even the simple request of asking soldiers to repay money contingent on reenlistment is disgraceful and insulting," Hunter said in a letter to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. "In fact, I find it difficult to believe that either you or your leadership team was aware that such a boneheaded decision was made to demand repayment -- and I ask that you utilize your authority to influence a solution, including a possible legislative fix if determined necessary, that's in the best interest of the individuals and families impacted," he added.


Soldiers of the California National Guard's 40th Infantry Division rehearsing an air assault mission at Fort Hunter Liggett​

More than 10,000 veterans have been required to pay back bonuses of as much as $15,000 or face such penalties as interest charges and tax liens, according to an article published Saturday by David Cloud, a reporter for The Los Angeles Times. Like other branches of service, the Guard used enlistment bonuses to entice more people to enter the ranks a decade ago during the height of the U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. California National Guard officials were later found guilty of mismanaging the program. In 2014, eight current or former members were indicted on federal charges for fraudulently obtaining recruiting referral bonuses, The Associated Press reported.

The Pentagon is looking to speed up the process for granting waivers to the estimated 10,500 service members, mostly from the California National Guard, who received a combined total of about $22 million in improperly awarded bonuses, according to a statement from Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman. But under current law and regulations, the department isn't authorized to grant a blanket waiver, so individuals still have to petition the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals to have a debt waived, Davis said. "We have the authority to waive individual payments on a one-by-one basis," he said. "We do not have the authority to waive these things writ large."

disgusting. ludicrous. ridiculous. RIDICULUDICROUS!

Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war

Short of troops to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan a decade ago, the California National Guard enticed thousands of soldiers with bonuses of $15,000 or more to reenlist and go to war.

Now the Pentagon is demanding the money back.

Nearly 10,000 soldiers, many of whom served multiple combat tours, have been ordered to repay large enlistment bonuses — and slapped with interest charges, wage garnishments and tax liens if they refuse — after audits revealed widespread overpayments by the California Guard at the height of the wars last decade.

Did you actually find a way to post the words "after audits revealed widespread overpayments" without noticing that you had just posted the words "after audits revealed widespread overpayments"?
some folks like liberal nutjob obama apologist pogo wanna nitpick over minor details.
You know, if you really want to blame someone, blame those who wrote the regs at the time, as well as the Commanding Officers who signed the authorization to give them the money.

Don't blame the vets, they were told they were eligible.

Incidentally, don't blame Obama either, this program was conceived under Jr.
don't blame obama? HA!

Obama isn't the one who authorized the bonuses. The authorization happened during Jr.'s admin.

As far as finding out that they might not be eligible? Sounds like something that came from a mid level bureaucrat who was looking for extra money in the budget and came up with this.

I doubt anything concerning this was brought to Obama's attention until the news reports started about it.
"Obama isn't the one who authorized the bonuses. The authorization happened during Jr.'s admin."

Why hasn't Obie signed an EO putting an end to this C-Fuck! Should've been done by now. Too busy campaigning for the Hill-Beast. Well, like Obies preacher told him for 20 years; goddamn America.
can anyone tell me why these particular soldiers deserve to keep their unearned bonuses while others would have to pay them.back?
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can anuone tell me why these particular soldiers deserve to keep their unearned bonuses while others would have to pay them.back?
The bonuses were to be paid upon reenlistment. They earned the bonus on signing the reenlistment papers.

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