latest electoral map

How many of those are Liar Rasmussen Polls? Becaue the RCP average have quite different numbers.

As I've said before, when people get a good look at what a real creep Romney is, he's done.

Cracking up, eh Joe?!

I don't know if any are Rasmussen polls. The RCP averages for state polls go across months, so they aren't a good barometer for what has happened recently. And recently, Romney has pulled tighter.

Wait, you cite a poll, and then you don't even vouch for the source?

Rasumessen is the only guy showing Romney in the lead nationally right now, which would indicat to MOST rational people that he has a bias. (Also known as "lying through his ass" in the non-Investment world where we don't tolerarte bullshit.)

But even if you were to take those polls at face value, Romney only gets 31 Electoral votes to Obama's 88.

My worry is you bastards on Wall Street will try to crash the economy to get your Robot elected. It's the kind of things I wouldn't put past you.


One of the more amusing secondary effects of a Romney victory will be seeing you totally lose it on this MB. You're already starting to lose it and it's just June!

Go to RCP

Hit polls

Hit latest polls and you can see them for yourself.

NV CO IA OH FL and VA are NBC polls. MO is PPP. NC is Civitas. PA is Rasmussen.
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Cracking up, eh Joe?!

I don't know if any are Rasmussen polls. The RCP averages for state polls go across months, so they aren't a good barometer for what has happened recently. And recently, Romney has pulled tighter.

Wait, you cite a poll, and then you don't even vouch for the source?

Rasumessen is the only guy showing Romney in the lead nationally right now, which would indicat to MOST rational people that he has a bias. (Also known as "lying through his ass" in the non-Investment world where we don't tolerarte bullshit.)

But even if you were to take those polls at face value, Romney only gets 31 Electoral votes to Obama's 88.

My worry is you bastards on Wall Street will try to crash the economy to get your Robot elected. It's the kind of things I wouldn't put past you.


One of the more amusing secondary effects of a Romney victory will be seeing you totally lose it on this MB. You're already starting to lose it and it's just June!

Go to RCP

Hit polls

Hit latest polls and you can see them for yourself.

NV CO IA OH FL and VA are NBC polls. MO is PPP. NC is Civitas. PA is Rasmussen.

Joey's lost it long ago, too late for him either way:cuckoo:
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.



Obama wins only one state?




yesterday, Huff Po had all red states as 'Leans Romney', and not a single one as 'Strong Romney'.

I just checked, and now only AZ shows as 'Leans Romney' and the rest are 'Strong Romney'.
They also revised Obama from over 300, down to 270.
no, what Rasumessen does it tells the right wing what it wants to hear. Maybe up until about a week before the actual election,where he actually attempts to get it right.

Which is why in 2008, Rasumessen had McCain close when everyone else had Obama blowing his doors off.

Until you got to October or so, where he tried to preserve his credibility by admitting Obama was beating the pants off McCin.

They poll likely voters. I don't know where you come up with the other shit.

Rasmussen has the reliability of a $2.00 watch.

Here is a source on the reliability of Rasmussen poll

In short, Rasmussen looks to be a very reliable poll in recent elections, and there is no evidence at all in these cases of a Republican bias. But I can see why A.I., Cory Heidelberger, and Travis Dahle all want to believe that the R polls are unbelievable. Rasmussen has Daugaard leading Heidepriem 52% to 36%. We won't know how accurate this polling is until we can compare the last R poll with November's result, but gentlemen: isn't this what South Dakota gubernatorial elections look like?
South Dakota Politics: Rasmussen Reliability & Wishful Thinking
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.



Obama wins only one state?




The places one can find justice...the dictionary, the cemetery,....and, sometimes, the ballot box.

One state is one too many.
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.



Obama wins only one state?




The places one can find justice...the dictionary, the cemetery,....and, sometimes, the ballot box.

One state is one too many.

I know you guys are upset about Obama killing Osama Bin Laden and Gaddafi.

But..that's the way it goes.
Latest polls in the battleground states, from RCP.

Ohio --> Romney +2
Nevada --> Obama +2
Colorado --> Obama +1
Iowa --> tie
Missouri --> Obama +1
Florida --> Obama +4
Virginia --> Obama +4
North Carolina --> Romney +2
Pennsylvania --> Obama +8

So, things have tightened up somewhat. All are within the margin of error except for PA.

How many of those are Liar Rasmussen Polls? Becaue the RCP average have quite different numbers.

As I've said before, when people get a good look at what a real creep Romney is, he's done.

As far as I can tell, they've already seen it all. They don't care.
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.



Obama wins only one state?




Here you go

Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.

Do you dip your paint chips in ketchup or mayonnaise?

OH I get it now you think I meant only one state will go too obama. I some times forget their are stupid people here, the only reminder I have is reading some of their shit. My comment was not meant to say that only Hawaii would go to obama. others states will. But my point was this after reviewing historical election results Hawaii is the only sure obama state. Other states aren't.
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.

Do you dip your paint chips in ketchup or mayonnaise?

OH I get it now you think I meant only one state will go too obama. I some times forget their are stupid people here, the only reminder I have is reading some of their shit. My comment was not meant to say that only Hawaii would go to obama. others states will. But my point was this after reviewing historical election results Hawaii is the only sure obama state. Other states aren't.

then perhaps you should put more thought into how you word your posts, dip-shit.
Wait, you cite a poll, and then you don't even vouch for the source?

Rasumessen is the only guy showing Romney in the lead nationally right now, which would indicat to MOST rational people that he has a bias. (Also known as "lying through his ass" in the non-Investment world where we don't tolerarte bullshit.)

But even if you were to take those polls at face value, Romney only gets 31 Electoral votes to Obama's 88.

My worry is you bastards on Wall Street will try to crash the economy to get your Robot elected. It's the kind of things I wouldn't put past you.

JoeBitch could not have said anything more truly fucking stupid to prove that he is a mindless twit.

Stupid bitch commentary like his makes one wonder how he has enough brains to even breathe.

Yet it got you horribly upset?

Don't like that Rasmussen is usually wrong and Romney is not getting much traction.. and that's before they unload on him fully with the 1 billion dollar wrecking ball that's coming his way.

Many sets of magic underpants will be soiled that day.. :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Wouldn't Barack be better served to give the money to his colored supporters who really need it? Their unemployment rate is currently 13.6% and that doesn't even include the ones that have no interest in working. Am I wrong?
Do you dip your paint chips in ketchup or mayonnaise?

OH I get it now you think I meant only one state will go too obama. I some times forget their are stupid people here, the only reminder I have is reading some of their shit. My comment was not meant to say that only Hawaii would go to obama. others states will. But my point was this after reviewing historical election results Hawaii is the only sure obama state. Other states aren't.

then perhaps you should put more thought into how you word your posts, dip-shit.

Don't blame me because you are one of the stupid ones. dip shit
OH I get it now you think I meant only one state will go too obama. I some times forget their are stupid people here, the only reminder I have is reading some of their shit. My comment was not meant to say that only Hawaii would go to obama. others states will. But my point was this after reviewing historical election results Hawaii is the only sure obama state. Other states aren't.

then perhaps you should put more thought into how you word your posts, dip-shit.

Don't blame me because you are one of the stupid ones. dip shit

you said...
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.

the parts in red above are contradictory, dipshit.
then perhaps you should put more thought into how you word your posts, dip-shit.

Don't blame me because you are one of the stupid ones. dip shit

you said...
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.

the parts in red above are contradictory, dipshit.
As in Hawaii is the only Guaranteed state that obama will get using historical election results.
I guess you are one of the stupid people I was talking about who didn't get what I meant fucking Moron

Now stop
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Don't blame me because you are one of the stupid ones. dip shit

you said...
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama. Since it became a state it's voted republican once in a presidential election and that was Reagan's re-election bid.

the parts in red above are contradictory, dipshit.
As in Hawaii is the only Guaranteed state that obama will get using historical election results.
I guess you are one of the stupid people I was talking about who didn't get what I meant fucking Moron

these two statements...

Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama


Hawaii is the only Guaranteed state that obama will get using historical election results.

are not equal. Only a brain dead moron like you would think they are, and whine about it when he gets called out.
you said...

the parts in red above are contradictory, dipshit.
As in Hawaii is the only Guaranteed state that obama will get using historical election results.
I guess you are one of the stupid people I was talking about who didn't get what I meant fucking Moron

these two statements...

Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama


Hawaii is the only Guaranteed state that obama will get using historical election results.

are not equal. Only a brain dead moron like you would think they are, and whine about it when he gets called out.
I said stop
these two statements...
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama

Hawaii is the only Guaranteed state that obama will get using historical election results.

are not equal. Only a brain dead moron like you would think they are, and whine about it when he gets called out.
these two statements...
Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama

Hawaii is the only Guaranteed state that obama will get using historical election results.

are not equal. Only a brain dead moron like you would think they are, and whine about it when he gets called out.

Why are you the only one besides another liberal having a problem understanding what I said? Stop your whining
these two statements...

Using past elections as a guide Hawaii is the only state that I see going too obama


Hawaii is the only Guaranteed state that obama will get using historical election results.

are not equal. Only a brain dead moron like you would think they are, and whine about it when he gets called out.

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