Later Today: Rasmussen Poll on Covid Vaccines

Majority of deaths now are vaccinated for Covid-19.

Try to lie your way out of this Leftists. You cannot, but you always try anyway. Evil is like that.

Government failures, incompetence documented re Covid-19 vaccines
If "vaccinees" are tagged, this could mean a perpetual experiment. Pfizer will know how their ingredients affected the tagged genome throughout its lifespan, and will make blood tests and autopsies more trending. Especially for cancer statistics
Majority of deaths now are vaccinated for Covid-19.

Try to lie your way out of this Leftists. You cannot, but you always try anyway. Evil is like that.

Government failures, incompetence documented re Covid-19 vaccines

So what would be the percentage of covid deaths for vaxxed vs. unvaxxed if 100% of the people were vaxxed...?
Well, I work as a program assistant, in geology and geography, both fields I have enjoyed from childhood and still do, but do not have a degree. What I learn is driven by curiosity and being around other people also driven by curiosity. My avocation, on the other hand, is animal behavior and dog training, where I really put my heart. Others here have also recently attacked me for working at a university even though I rarely mention it and it isn’t relevant to any discussion. That why I take it as a slam.

That is interesting! Actually…I think I fall under the second type, and speak what ever is in my head, often without thinking it through first and then speaking. I also tend to think more in terms of a spiral, rather than linear, from broad to specific. But discussions like that are hard to have here because free association discussions may mean that you end up changing your mind or coming to a completely unforeseen consensus outside tbe box.

That is cool, seriously. I have the greatest respect for teachers and I’ve been fortunate to have had some really good o es.
So interesting to hear that you learn more in a spiral fashion rather than linear- me too! So of course I have to say this is the better way to learn between the two, but I’m being facetious lol The world needs both types! I imagine that more “talkers” would be inclined to be spiral thinkers, while the those who take things in by observing would be more geared for linear thinking. Idk but it’s something I will try to find out more about.

I’ve always had a fascination with geography and geology. I would imagine you have an interesting day since it contains both related areas. I would love to work with animals, and knew you shared that appreciation with working with them. I’ve been putting off volunteering weekly hours at one of the local shelters and need to just do it. Once I’m signed up I’ll be committed it’s just the signing up part, the commitment. Hey, as a fellow spiral thinker do you ever have any commitment issues like I do? Lol you probably don’t as I’m admittedly a little more flighty I think;)
The vax is killing people. There is no way to deny it. It is an established fact.
I’m wondering when more people will connect the dots about Pfizer now coming out with their heart vessel jab that will help heal the damage from the Pfizer “vaccines”. What the heck, you can’t get any more bizarre than this! Who in their right mind would trust a second rushed product from the same failed company that caused the injury is what I need to know! What a scam, led by scammers.
So interesting to hear that you learn more in a spiral fashion rather than linear- me too! So of course I have to say this is the better way to learn between the two, but I’m being facetious lol The world needs both types! I imagine that more “talkers” would be inclined to be spiral thinkers, while the those who take things in by observing would be more geared for linear thinking. Idk but it’s something I will try to find out more about.

I’ve always had a fascination with geography and geology. I would imagine you have an interesting day since it contains both related areas. I would love to work with animals, and knew you shared that appreciation with working with them. I’ve been putting off volunteering weekly hours at one of the local shelters and need to just do it. Once I’m signed up I’ll be committed it’s just the signing up part, the commitment. Hey, as a fellow spiral thinker do you ever have any commitment issues like I do? Lol you probably don’t as I’m admittedly a little more flighty I think;)
I have a lot of commitment issues unfortunately…once I get to the point of committing, I’ll do it, but too often I think more about wanting to do it than doing it!
I have a lot of commitment issues unfortunately…once I get to the point of committing, I’ll do it, but too often I think more about wanting to do it than doing it!
I relate way too much with that last sentiment! It I acted on half of my plotting and planning in my head, I might find another purpose in/to life. Reading over that last sentence appears self-centered and not a good way to steer the ship… I’ll put more thought to helping others outside of family/friends. Sounds like working with animals is at least one of yours, and mine are based around my family routine but need revising.
If "vaccinees" are tagged, this could mean a perpetual experiment. Pfizer will know how their ingredients affected the tagged genome throughout its lifespan, and will make blood tests and autopsies more trending. Especially for cancer statistics
Badger, i'm not up on the term 'tagged' here....? :oops:~S~
Badger, i'm not up on the term 'tagged' here....? :oops:~S~
I am definitely not Badger with his extensive knowledge about this topic, but I read that there is a possibility that a certain percentage of the fake vaccines administered were diluted in half, some given at full strength, and some were placebo. The percentages I read were 50% were placebo and it was a 25 split between full and half dosage. Considering all known variables, I can believe it but awaiting evidence.

All subversive information will come out by forced legal action if needed.
I am definitely not Badger with his extensive knowledge about this topic, but I read that there is a possibility that a certain percentage of the fake vaccines administered were diluted in half some given at full strength, and some were placebo. All subversive info will come out by forced legal action if needed.
Jikky is leading the way with the idea that PCR testing can tell whether the patient has had Pfizer vaccine. There is also mention of #Pfizertaggate @ Jikkyleaks.
I can't be the only one who finds it strange that the lefties here are such passionate cheerleaders for the vaccine. What ever happened to the left that was against big corporations and the establishment? Apparently now they're the biggest fans of Big Pharma. :laugh2:
Jikky is leading the way with the idea that PCR testing can tell whether the patient has had Pfizer vaccine. There is also mention of #Pfizertaggate @ Jikkyleaks.
Yes. I believe I read this breakdown of what they did with these US jabs on Jikky’s thread, and as you have mentioned, these specific pharmas conducting their own experimental research while public fully blinded.
I can't be the only one who finds it strange that the lefties here are such passionate cheerleaders for the vaccine. What ever happened to the left that was against big corporations and the establishment? Apparently now they're the biggest fans of Big Pharma. :laugh2:
It blows my mind as well Buttercup. What’s happened over the past couple of decades is that traditional liberals no longer call the shots (way outnumbered by both Corporate Dems and Leftists) about what happens within the Democrat party. A real shame. Traditional liberals had some good candidates with relatively good motives and good hearts. No longer are those qualities found in post 2000 Dem candidates. I haven’t been impressed with the Republicans either, except Trump, since 2000. A few warmongers here and there in the mix from both sides.
Yes. I believe I read this breakdown of what they did with these US jabs on Jikky’s thread, and as you have mentioned, these specific pharmas conducting their own experimental research while public fully blinded.
Russian Sputnik V vaccine contains two adenoviruses and has not caused the ruckus of mRNA "vaccines." Though a PCR test, as Jikky suggests, could still prove the patient was "tagged" with Sputnik V.

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