Last Movie You Saw.....

Saw AMERICAN HUSTLE last night...

Like it! Not sure it deserved the 4 stars the cable provider gave it, but it was a good solid 3.

I love Christian Bale, (in spite of his rant on the Terminator set) .... anyway, good movie!
A couple. Read the book Unbroken and it was a page turner. The move? Not very good.
Read The Book Thief and it was excellent; the movie brought life to the characters - watched it a couple more times.
Movie: Woman in Gold. Excellent. I was familiar with the artist and some of his work. Learning the story behind the painting "Woman in Gold" was awesome.
Movie: The Imitation Game. Excellent.

Can't remember the last time I was in a movie theater - maybe when I grudgingly took my son to the the first Star Wars movie...and loving it! I like to buy my movies and watch in the comfort of my home at a sound decibel I can deal with!

Oh! And American Sniper. I boo-hooed to my heart's content.
I watch the Hobbit/LOTR movies at least 1 time a week, depending on whichever is on tv at the time. And I have all the dvds. I never tire of them.
I watch the Hobbit/LOTR movies at least 1 time a week, depending on whichever is on tv at the time. And I have all the dvds. I never tire of them.

Before watching Battle of the Five Armies I rewatched the first two. I spent almost all day just watching The Hobbit movies. I felt like such a loser when I was done, and it was dark outside. :lol:

Nothing special, but good cast.

Trainwreck- hilariously funny- not for the easily offended.
Mission Impossible- great fun.

Just watched Guardians of the Galaxy again last night- fun- fun movie.
I watch the Hobbit/LOTR movies at least 1 time a week, depending on whichever is on tv at the time. And I have all the dvds. I never tire of them.

Before watching Battle of the Five Armies I rewatched the first two. I spent almost all day just watching The Hobbit movies. I felt like such a loser when I was done, and it was dark outside. :lol:

I was a huge fan of LOTR movies- and the Hobbit movies were such a disappointment- too long, boring, and frankly didn't even have the 'feel' of the Hobbit.
so far its an hour away from here.....if it rains i may talk him into going....fury road was good....

I'm not a "Mad Max" type of person, BUT, I might watch this one because I love Charlize Theron!

Hope you get to see the movie. I'll @ church then watching sports all day Joy!!! :(

I had grown to dislike the original Mad Max movies but Fury Road was superb.

If you like action films- see it.

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