Larry Elder goes on Giuliani's podcast, says he's strongly considering running for president, will make announcement early next year


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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I would take Larry Elder for President in a heartbeat. He would unite America in a way Obama never could

I would take Larry Elder for President in a heartbeat. He would unite America in a way Obama never could

America might elect a half black man, like Obama, but not a genetically 100% African American cuz they be so racist and such.

Right Democrats?
Maybe 20 years ago.
Then man has said way-way-way-way too many provocative things.
20 years ago he was a serious writer/attorney. But then he sold his soul to sell books and get on TV.
He would be a terrible choice and lose against almost anyone.
I want to win.
Larry would be fun just to watch in the debates

I say he should run and would contribute immensely.

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