Labor shortage


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
IMO, the current labor shortage, despite it's cause, proves the concept of immigration restriction (illegal AND legal) as a policy good for Americans and America.

You restrict the supply of labor and the price goes up, ie wages. There is also other benefits of shifting power from the employer to the employee, such as just better treatment and working environment.

A co-worker of mine got a job recently. A better job and he was kind of excited about it, but it came up in conversation with his new boss that he had had a vacation scheduled in a week.

THe boss said he could take it.

The guy was like, "Nah, once I start something I want to get going, not stop a week in".

So the Boss was like, "Delay your start date by TWO weeks and have a nice vacation."

That is the type of treatment you get, when employer fucking remember that attracting and keeping good staff is part of their job.

Instead of just squeezing the shit out of you workers and patting yourself on the back for being clever.

Some restaurants in Florida are closed or restricted with signs that say they are short staffed. We tried to go to a seafood restaurant yesterday. It was mostly empty, but there was a 45 minute wait.

It's un f'ing believable we're still paying people to not work
Some restaurants in Florida are closed or restricted with signs that say they are short staffed. We tried to go to a seafood restaurant yesterday. It was mostly empty, but there was a 45 minute wait.

It's un f'ing believable we're still paying people to not work

It's happening in the Rust Belt too.
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IMO, the current labor shortage, despite it's cause, proves the concept of immigration restriction (illegal AND legal) as a policy good for Americans and America.

You restrict the supply of labor and the price goes up, ie wages.
The answer to a labor shortage is to restrict the supply of labor. Hmm. Some real smooth brain ape shit right there.
The answer to a labor shortage is to restrict the supply of labor. Hmm. Some real smooth brain ape shit right there.

THe point is restricted supply of labor leads to higher wages.

Do you want to address that, or are you here to try to derail the thread?
THe point is restricted supply of labor leads to higher wages.

Do you want to address that, or are you here to try to derail the thread?
"Oh no! A labor shortage! Hurry, get rid of all the laborers! That will give us more laborers!"
IMO, the current labor shortage, despite it's cause, proves the concept of immigration restriction (illegal AND legal) as a policy good for Americans and America.

You restrict the supply of labor and the price goes up, ie wages. There is also other benefits of shifting power from the employer to the employee, such as just better treatment and working environment.

A co-worker of mine got a job recently. A better job and he was kind of excited about it, but it came up in conversation with his new boss that he had had a vacation scheduled in a week.

THe boss said he could take it.

The guy was like, "Nah, once I start something I want to get going, not stop a week in".

So the Boss was like, "Delay your start date by TWO weeks and have a nice vacation."

That is the type of treatment you get, when employer fucking remember that attracting and keeping good staff is part of their job.

Instead of just squeezing the shit out of you workers and patting yourself on the back for being clever.

For the first time in decades, employees are at an advantage.
You can still treat your employees like shit and refuse to pay more……but your workers have other options
For the first time in decades, employees are at an advantage.
You can still treat your employees like shit and refuse to pay more……but your workers have other options

IMO, that is a good thing. The people around me, the workers, like having options and the ability to demand more pay.

My point is, this time was a lucky accident. But we could choose policy to make it a new normal.

Imagine that, a permanent shift of power from the employer to the employee, with better conditions and more pay being the new long range trends.

Does that appeal to you, or is it something you would oppose?
IMO, that is a good thing. The people around me, the workers, like having options and the ability to demand more pay.

My point is, this time was a lucky accident. But we could choose policy to make it a new normal.

Imagine that, a permanent shift of power from the employer to the employee, with better conditions and more pay being the new long range trends.

Does that appeal to you, or is it something you would oppose?

We used to have something called “Unions” that looked out for the rights of workers
We used to have something called “Unions” that looked out for the rights of workers

It is very strange to me that unions are not taking advantage of this time to expand massively. Have they forgotten how to sell themselves to workers? Can modern union leaders only unionize when they have the government on their side?

Be that as it may, rw. Do you want to comment on the thread topic, ie the idea of using policy to empower workers as we see happening due to the labor shortage?
Labor shortages are rampant in states that eliminated unemployment benefits, too. But you keep sucking off your thought leaders, snowflake.

Tell us then genius why people aren't going back to work? Do we have more jobs available than before the pandemic? Are the jobs harder now? Are they paying less? Hmm, maybe, just maybe it has to do with government benefits including stimulus checks, child tax credits(additional welfare) for those NOT paying taxes and extra employment benefits in many states.
IMO, the current labor shortage, despite it's cause, proves the concept of immigration restriction (illegal AND legal) as a policy good for Americans and America.

You restrict the supply of labor and the price goes up, ie wages. There is also other benefits of shifting power from the employer to the employee, such as just better treatment and working environment.

A co-worker of mine got a job recently. A better job and he was kind of excited about it, but it came up in conversation with his new boss that he had had a vacation scheduled in a week.

THe boss said he could take it.

The guy was like, "Nah, once I start something I want to get going, not stop a week in".

So the Boss was like, "Delay your start date by TWO weeks and have a nice vacation."

That is the type of treatment you get, when employer fucking remember that attracting and keeping good staff is part of their job.

Instead of just squeezing the shit out of you workers and patting yourself on the back for being clever.

Labor shortages prevent the economy from growing at a bigger rate, meaning less taxes of all kinds are collected.
IMO, the current labor shortage, despite it's cause, proves the concept of immigration restriction (illegal AND legal) as a policy good for Americans and America.

You restrict the supply of labor and the price goes up, ie wages. There is also other benefits of shifting power from the employer to the employee, such as just better treatment and working environment.

A co-worker of mine got a job recently. A better job and he was kind of excited about it, but it came up in conversation with his new boss that he had had a vacation scheduled in a week.

THe boss said he could take it.

The guy was like, "Nah, once I start something I want to get going, not stop a week in".

So the Boss was like, "Delay your start date by TWO weeks and have a nice vacation."

That is the type of treatment you get, when employer fucking remember that attracting and keeping good staff is part of their job.

Instead of just squeezing the shit out of you workers and patting yourself on the back for being clever.


It is a matter of creating a balance. The solution may be to have more paper pushers and more rules that allow as many workers into understaffed industries in as needed like nursing or lettuce picking for a year or two at a time and and in places where the shortages actually exist--basically employer-tied work visas--without the quota caps.
We used to have something called “Unions” that looked out for the rights of workers

LOL...yeah, those give us such a competitive advantage in this global economy, or do we now want to keep everything within our borders? If so, fine, let's have some Unions since all the companies will be on the same playing field and hindered by Unions. Democrats are economic illiterates of the highest order.
Labor shortages prevent the economy from growing at a bigger rate, meaning less taxes of all kinds are collected.

True. That would be the down side. But we have been playing THAT macro economic game for quite sometime.

IMO, it is the workers turn to have policy the benefits them.

Or is this system only to benefit employers and the workers be damned?
It is a matter of creating a balance. The solution may be to have more paper pushers and more rules that allow as many workers into understaffed industries in as needed like nursing or lettuce picking for a year or two at a time and and in places where the shortages actually exist--basically employer-tied work visas--without the quota caps.

For decades we have been purposefully creating a massive IMBALANCE, by allowing high levels of immigration, legal and illegal.

Let this "Shortage" persist for an equal amount of time, say 50 years, and we can talk about balancing it out, with more immigration.

50 years of rising wages.... I like the sound of that.

I promise you, when the time comes, we can go back to the days of high immigration and stagnant wages, and unpaid overtime.

LOL...yeah, those give us such a competitive advantage in this global economy, or do we now want to keep everything within our borders? If so, fine, let's have some Unions since all the companies will be on the same playing field and hindered by Unions. Democrats are economic illiterates of the highest order.
We are not going to compete with China’s pay scale regardless.
Employers have made massive profits over the last few decades. It has not trickled down to the workers

Now they are finding they have to if they want the best workers
We are not going to compete with China’s pay scale regardless.
Employers have made massive profits over the last few decades. It has not trickled down to the workers

Now they are finding they have to if they want the best workers

Agreed. So, this labor shortage is a lucky accident and not one that is going to last.

What do you think about crafting policy with worker empowerment as the goal?

Good or bad?

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