LA Times and CBS (finally?) turning on Barry?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Two shocking stories from CBS and published in the LA Times allege that Obama's A.G. committed perjury in a congressional hearing. The allegations could extend to the president. Holder testified that the first he heard about operation Fast and Furious (the ATF shipping 2,000 illegal weapons to Mexico) was a couple of weeks ago when the story broke. CBS dug up documents that showed Holder was regularly briefed about the operation at least a year ago.
Democrats want to put a hall of fame baseball player on trial for the second time for allegedly lying to congress about steroid use. Let'see them go after the A.G. the same way for lying about his role in the plan to ship 2,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and the shooting death of a Border Patrol officer.
My guess is that the so-called mainstream media wants to retain some credibility when the Obama administration comes crashing down. Woodword and Karl Marx Bernstein put a fake informant in the Nixon whitehouse forty years ago. What does it take for the modern internet savvy media to check on the A.G.'s e-mail?
The post is about the media but the real issue is about justice. Will congress seek an indictment against the Attorney General for perjury.
Is the honeymoon really over??

There are two honeymoons going on. Democrats think Barry's agenda will make them pregnant with power and the liberal media still thinks that hope and change is a substitute for a relationship. If the republicans miss the opportunity to bring down the prom king there is little hope for the next generation.
We certainly haven't reached the final tipping point yet for the media but it might come if this administration continues to unravel further. If that happens they'll have no choice but to warm up the buses as a matter of saving face for having virtually carried this loser to the White House. Of course they'll never admit that they were wrong. They'll talk about his promises, the opportunity he had, etc., etc., and then lament the fact that he did so much wrong, squandered everything and blah, blah, blah.

Sure hope it comes to that because they'll likely be quite brutal about it.
Apparently there hasn't been a single word about the ATF scandal in NBC or ABC in several months. The NY Times and the once trusted Washington Post (former home of W&B) chose to ignore the story. The Obama administration hopes the scandal will blow over with the cooperation of most of the mainstream media but since those pesky republicans gained the majority in congress it seems that justice just might prevail. Those responsible for the shipment of 2,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and the subsequent shooting death of the Border Patrol officer might find an indictment in their in-box.

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