La Raza against h/c bill


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2004
Hot air ballon
The nation's largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization has announced it will oppose the health care bill being considered by Congress unless major changes are made during reconciliation, presenting a potentially damaging late-stage obstacle to the bill's passage

The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) released a statement to the Huffington Post on Thursday morning that recognizes the need to tackle reform but argued that the Senate's version of legislation -- which is the basis for the entire bill -- is a non-starter.

"[NCLR] believes in supporting efforts that address the concerns; the House bill did this, the Senate bill did not," said Jennifer Ng'andu, Deputy Director of the Health Policy Project. "We supported the House bill. It contained rigorous safeguards that would extend access to health care to all U.S. residents while preventing unauthorized workers from receiving taxpayer-funded subsidies. The spirit of the bill worked to ensure access to coverage for vulnerable, eligible families and children, and it was a health reform plan worthy of our support. We cannot say the same for the Senate bill, nor can we support reconciliation if the health care reform proposal remains unchanged."

In airing such concerns about the health care legislation so close to Congress voting on its passage, NCLR adds yet another element of intrigue into whether the bill actually has the necessary votes. Already, members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus have threatened to vote against the Senate bill for provisions that they argue would bar access to health care for even legal immigrants; prevent illegal immigrants from using their own money to purchase health insurance from the proposed health insurance exchanges; and would erect overly burdensome barriers to enrollment for Latino families and children.

Nation's Largest Hispanic Advocacy Group Opposes Reform As Is

no wonder the dems are so scared to put their name to the votes....mikey moore is against it as is, la raza is against as is....once again obama and the dems are being arrogant, people want changes to it, its not that the majority is against reform, they are against THIS bill, whether they want to add to it as above, or lessen in other examples.

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