Kyle Rittenhouse is doing well

After he gunned down a man in the middle of the street. Huber had a better claim to Self-defense than Rittenhouse did.

Uh, dummy, if you gun down people in the street, you will probably go to jail, and if you don't you will be economically ruined like Kyle Fudd has been.

Huber had no claim to self defense at all. He and others chased down Rittenhouse as he was running to the police. He did not gun down rosenbaum in the middle of the street. He shot Rosenbaum after he was cornered by rosenbaum in a parking lot and rosenbaum tried to take his gun which is a lethal threat.

The facts keep proving you a liar who just hates the out come because you love criminals more than the right to self defense.
Again, where is your link.

I provided a link that showed the Kenosha police were on full alert, and supplemented by the National Guard, State Police AND Federal agencies.

Now, the conduct of the Kenosha Police was pretty bad, in first shooting Jacob Blake in the back to start with, and then letting Kyle and his pals run around with guns.

Shooting Blake int eh back was justified it was not pretty bad.

Like the rittenhouse shootings.

these are proven facts
You know that insurance premiums are actual monies paid by a business, right? It's not free money that government gives you. You didn't know that?

It seems you're one of those people who doesn't understand that the government giving you money comes at a cost to someone else.

See, that's the problem with BLM / antifa groupies. You're convinced you have an entitlement to riot, burn and loot and the damage you cause is just a matter for someone else to deal with.

Nope, stupid white people like you made the riots happen. You had 10 years of peaceful protests to resolve the problem, and you didn't.

You see, this is why I don't feel bad for a business in Kenosha, because they will go right back to voting in the politicians (of both parties) that refuse to fix the problem.

So hope your insurance is paid up.

I think those who were injured in those riots, or whose property was destroyed, would not easily forget.

Maybe. But here's the thing. Those people who got their property burned were usually the ones that were causing resentment in the community to start with. The Convenience store selling expired goods, or the used car lot that sold lemons to poor people. That's why those properties often got targeted.

It would be poetic justice if Joe were to have its home burned down and looted by these mobs of subhuman criminal shit that it supports, and were to be badly injured in the process, to find that insurance didn't cover what it thinks it does. To lose everything, the way so many good Americans have. Not to die; that would be the easy way out; but to be left crippled and homeless.

If that happened, do you think it would continue to take the side of these violent, subhuman vermin, against the side of human beings?

Uh, here's the thing, Mormon Bob, I have had my property damaged by people (of color) that you consider "sub-human" (because you are a racist piece of Mormon Shit.)

In 1989, my home was broken into and they stole my VCR and TV when I was on a field exercise. Insurance paid up nicely.
In 1997, they busted out the window of my car and stole my jacket. Insurance didn't cover that because it was too small.

And my point is still kind of the same- Until we address poverty, gun proliferation, racism, mental illness and drug addiction as societal ills, we are going to have crime.

What happened in 2020 was the pot boiling over. We fixed a few problems, but not all of them.

But do go on with your wank fantasies... because it's truly "Christian" to wish harm on others, just like Mormon Jesus did.
Mormon Bob wanks off in his magic underwear with his murder fantasies again.

A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
You are confused Moon Bat.

There are more firearms in the US than the rest of the world combined including all the militaries in the world and if you are not some inner city druggie, gang banger or street thug living in a Democrat controlled big city shithole that commits most of the gun crime in the US the chances are very low.

You are a fucking dumbass.

It must be hell to have to kook yourself in the mirror knowing what a piece of dumbass shit you are.
Mormon Bob wanks off in his magic underwear with his murder fantasies again.

A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
And you reveal your rhetorical weakness. A gun kills no one on its own. Of course, there is that pack of feral guns that hangs out on your street corner, smoking cigarettes, drinking beer and harassing girls, but other than those, they can't kill anyone on their own.
Huber had no claim to self defense at all. He and others chased down Rittenhouse as he was running to the police. He did not gun down rosenbaum in the middle of the street. He shot Rosenbaum after he was cornered by rosenbaum in a parking lot and rosenbaum tried to take his gun which is a lethal threat.

They chased him down because he just gunned a man down in the middle of the street.
Rosenbaum was half Rittenhouse's size and unarmed.

And you reveal your rhetorical weakness.

There are more firearms in the US than the rest of the world combined including all the militaries in the world and if you are not some inner city druggie, gang banger or street thug living in a Democrat controlled big city shithole that commits most of the gun crime in the US the chances are very low.

Yes, there are. And we have record amounts of murder, not just in the inner cities, but all over the country.

8 of the top 10 states for violent crime are red states.


And that's being generous and calling Georgia a blue state because it voted for Biden once.
Nope, stupid white people like you made the riots happen. You had 10 years of peaceful protests to resolve the problem, and you didn't.

You see, this is why I don't feel bad for a business in Kenosha, because they will go right back to voting in the politicians (of both parties) that refuse to fix the problem.

So hope your insurance is paid up.

Maybe. But here's the thing. Those people who got their property burned were usually the ones that were causing resentment in the community to start with. The Convenience store selling expired goods, or the used car lot that sold lemons to poor people. That's why those properties often got targeted.

Uh, here's the thing, Mormon Bob, I have had my property damaged by people (of color) that you consider "sub-human" (because you are a racist piece of Mormon Shit.)

In 1989, my home was broken into and they stole my VCR and TV when I was on a field exercise. Insurance paid up nicely.
In 1997, they busted out the window of my car and stole my jacket. Insurance didn't cover that because it was too small.

And my point is still kind of the same- Until we address poverty, gun proliferation, racism, mental illness and drug addiction as societal ills, we are going to have crime.

What happened in 2020 was the pot boiling over. We fixed a few problems, but not all of them.

But do go on with your wank fantasies... because it's truly "Christian" to wish harm on others, just like Mormon Jesus did.
Um.... yeah 'Stupid white people''.

During those 10 years of peaceful protests, where were self-hating SJW's like you? Wasn't it your job to blame whitey for all your failures and ineptitudes?

Don't complain to me about the alleged break-ins and theft you claim you suffered. Check your priviledge and use those stories as a talking point to feel better about yourself at your next teary-eyed SJW gripe session.

You're a long suffering leftist. Wear it like a badge of honor ridicule.
They chased him down because he just gunned a man down in the middle of the street.
Rosenbaum was half Rittenhouse's size and unarmed.

Yes, there are. And we have record amounts of murder, not just in the inner cities, but all over the country.

8 of the top 10 states for violent crime are red states.


And that's being generous and calling Georgia a blue state because it voted for Biden once.

You keep repeating bald faced lies.

He shot Rosenbaum after Rosenbaum chased him cornered him in a parking lot. Rosenbaum attempted to take his rifle which IS a lethal threat. Rosenbaum was not half his size and it was not in the middle of the street.

Being unarmed is IRRELEVANT when you attempt to take someone's weapon. Just Like Micheal Brown and Darren Wilson which was also justified.
Nope, stupid white people like you made the riots happen. You had 10 years of peaceful protests to resolve the problem, and you didn't.

You see, this is why I don't feel bad for a business in Kenosha, because they will go right back to voting in the politicians (of both parties) that refuse to fix the problem.

Maybe. But here's the thing. Those people who got their property burned were usually the ones that were causing resentment in the community to start with. The Convenience store selling expired goods, or the used car lot that sold lemons to poor people. That's why those properties often got targeted.

It takes an Incel Joe level of sociopathy to blame the victims in these cases, for the behavior of the subhuman criminal shit that caused them harm.

Just another variant on the cliché about blaming the rape victim because she dressed attractively.

You see, this is why I don't feel bad for a business in Kenosha, because they will go right back to voting in the politicians (of both parties) that refuse to fix the problem.

So you want actual human brings to be punished, by the subhuman criminal shit that you support, for daring to vote for candidates and causes other than how you want them to vote. Not government of, for and by the people, but government of, for, and by criminals, carried out through violence and intimidation against those who do not support their evil and insane agenda.

And my point is still kind of the same- Until we address poverty, gun proliferation, racism, mental illness and drug addiction as societal ills, we are going to have crime.

Your point is utter bullshit.

Crime happens because some nominally-human creatures are lacing in basic ethics, and are not held responsible for their behavior.

And your solution is to hold them even less responsible for their behavior.

But do go on with your wank fantasies... because it's truly "Christian" to wish harm on others, just like Mormon Jesus did.

By wishing that subhuman criminal shit should be allowed to commit acts of violence, destruction, and theft, with minimal or no adverse consequences, you are wishing harm on actual human beings who will be victimized by this subhuman criminal shit.

“Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.” ― Adam Smith​
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They chased him down because he just gunned a man down in the middle of the street.
Rosenbaum was half Rittenhouse's size and unarmed.

Yes, there are. And we have record amounts of murder, not just in the inner cities, but all over the country.

8 of the top 10 states for violent crime are red states.


And that's being generous and calling Georgia a blue state because it voted for Biden once.

You stupid shithead. There you are being confused again.

I have explained this to you a million times but you are too stupid to comprehend.

There is no such thing as red states and blue states. That was a term invented by USA Today to discuss the 2000 Presidential election. The division is real America and the filthy ass Democrat dominated big city shitholes.

For instance, the gun crime in Tennessee is mostly in Democrat controlled Memphis with a dumbass Democrat Negro Mayor. In Louisiana it is Democrat dumbass Negro Mayor controlled New Orleans. In Mississippi Democrat controlled Jackson. In Georgia it is all those idiot Negros in Atlanta with Democrat Negro Mayor that commit the great majority of the gun crime in the state. Starting to see a trend there Sport or do you still have peanut butter in your ears?

Meanwhile in Democrat Negro controlled Chicago with a lot of goddamn Negros and a stupid low IQ Negro Mayor.:

hey jackass

Preliminary 2022 Totals

Shot & Killed: 665 )
Shot & Wounded: 2937
Total Shot: 3602
Total Homicides: 734


By the way Moon Bat, just to educate you further.

My wife's college roommate lives in a mostly White suburb of Chicago that most votes Republican. The city has a Republican Mayor and Republican dominated city council.

Her husband had a 30 year career as a police officer in the city and retired as Chief of Police.

He told me that in his 30 career there were only four homicides. However, nearby in Chicago there were literally tens of thousands of homicides during that time frame. Much much higher per capita homicide rate.

His city did not have the same strict gun control laws that Chicago had and he retired before the more strict state laws were enacted.

What the hell do you think the difference was? Put on your thinking cap before you answer that question because you are liable to get ridiculed for your typical stupid response.
Riot damage is insured.
Stuff can be replaced... live cannot.
Yeah but in this case we had five folks whose lives had less than zero value by their own actions. So nothing was lost.

Also, protecting property with guns should just be the baseline - don’t want to die, don’t riot and destroy.
Yeah but in this case we had five folks whose lives had less than zero value by their own actions. So nothing was lost.

Also, protecting property with guns should just be the baseline - don’t want to die, don’t riot and destroy.

Remember the Korean shopkeepers, whose businesses were the only ones to survive in their neighborhood, during the Rodney “Piñata” King riots in 1992?
e shot Rosenbaum after Rosenbaum chased him cornered him in a parking lot. Rosenbaum attempted to take his rifle which IS a lethal threat. Rosenbaum was not half his size and it was not in the middle of the street.

How do you corner someone in a "parking lot". A Parking lot is a big empty space, there were plenty of places he probably could have run to.

is too much of a piece of dumbass shit to know what a piece of dumbass shit it is.
Yet, I live rent free in your head, Mormon Bob. Holy shit, you get up at 3 AM every morning to whine about me... spend your ever waking moment thinking about me.. you werirdly obsess about my sex life and hope bad things happen to me. it's just too funny.

I'm sorry I've become the center of your life, Bob. I think my new years resolution will be to avoid baiting you as much, because it's clear I've done some serious psychological damage. (Or compounded what the Mormon Cult has already done to you.).

There is no such thing as red states and blue states. That was a term invented by USA Today to discuss the 2000 Presidential election. The division is real America and the filthy ass Democrat dominated big city shitholes.

For instance, the gun crime in Tennessee is mostly in Democrat controlled Memphis with a dumbass Democrat Negro Mayor. In Louisiana it is Democrat dumbass Negro Mayor controlled New Orleans. In Mississippi Democrat controlled Jackson. In Georgia it is all those idiot Negros in Atlanta with Democrat Negro Mayor that commit the great majority of the gun crime in the state. Starting to see a trend there Sport or do you still have peanut butter in your ears?

Actually, no... there are red states, all of which I am sure have blue cities in them, but 9 of the top ten states for murder have Republican governors and have pretty consistently voted for Republicans... So how can this possibly be?

Could it be that murder is just as common in rural white areas as urban black ones?

But, hey, I give you credit for being honest in your racism.

His city did not have the same strict gun control laws that Chicago had and he retired before the more strict state laws were enacted.

Chicago hasn't had "Strict gun control laws" since 2010, when the McDonald Decision struck down our city's mild ordinences.
Remember the Korean shopkeepers, whose businesses were the only ones to survive in their neighborhood, during the Rodney “Piñata” King riots in 1992
I’ve certainly heard of that - entirely appropriate and well within their rights.

Heard similar stories from Buffalo recently during that blizzard.
Remember the Korean shopkeepers, whose businesses were the only ones to survive in their neighborhood, during the Rodney “Piñata” King riots in 1992?

Uh, you find humor in a man being nearly beaten to death by police over a traffic violation? Well, this is why we know you are a racist, Bob.

Here's the background of why those Korean Shops were targetted.

n the year before the riots, 1991, there was growing resentment and violence between the African American and Korean American communities.[21] Racial tensions had been simmering for years between these groups. In 1989, the release of Spike Lee's film Do the Right Thing highlighted urban tensions between white people, black people, and Koreans over racism and economic inequality.[22] Many Korean shopkeepers were upset because they suspected shoplifting from their black customers and neighbors. Many black customers were angry because they routinely felt disrespected and humiliated by Korean store owners. Neither group fully understood the extent or sheer enormity of the cultural differences and language barriers, which further fueled tensions.[23]

On March 16, 1991, a year before the Los Angeles riots, storekeeper Soon Ja Du shot and killed black ninth-grader Latasha Harlins after a physical altercation. Du was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and the jury recommended the maximum sentence of 16 years, but the judge, Joyce Karlin, decided against prison time and sentenced Du to five years of probation, 400 hours of community service, and a $500 fine instead.[24] Relations between the African American and Korean communities significantly worsened after this, and the former became increasingly mistrustful of the criminal justice system.[25] A state appeals court later unanimously upheld Judge Karlin's sentencing decision in April 1992, a week before the riots.[26]

Did standing on the rooftops with guns help?

Not really.

As the riots spread, roads between Koreatown and wealthy white neighborhoods were blocked off by police and official defense lines were set up around the independent cities such as Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, as well as middle-upper class white neighborhoods west of Robertson Boulevard in Los Angeles.[101] A Korean American resident later told reporters: "It was containment. The police cut off Koreatown traffic, while we were trapped on the other side without help. Those roads are a gateway to a richer neighborhood. It can't be denied."[102] Some Koreans later said they did not expect law enforcement to come to their aid.[103]

Out of the $850 million worth of damage done in L.A., half of it was on Korean-owned businesses because most of Koreatown was looted and destroyed.[107] The effects of the riots, which displaced Korean Americans and destroyed their sources of income, and the little aid given to those who suffered, still affected LA-based Koreans in 2017, as they struggled with economic hardship created by the riots.

So to recap.. White people threw Koreans to mob to protect white property... And you think this is a good thing.

I’ve certainly heard of that - entirely appropriate and well within their rights.

Heard similar stories from Buffalo recently during that blizzard.

Again, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
How do you corner someone in a "parking lot". A Parking lot is a big empty space, there were plenty of places he probably could have run to.

Yet, I live rent free in your head, Mormon Bob. Holy shit, you get up at 3 AM every morning to whine about me... spend your ever waking moment thinking about me.. you werirdly obsess about my sex life and hope bad things happen to me. it's just too funny.

I'm sorry I've become the center of your life, Bob. I think my new years resolution will be to avoid baiting you as much, because it's clear I've done some serious psychological damage. (Or compounded what the Mormon Cult has already done to you.).

Actually, no... there are red states, all of which I am sure have blue cities in them, but 9 of the top ten states for murder have Republican governors and have pretty consistently voted for Republicans... So how can this possibly be?

Could it be that murder is just as common in rural white areas as urban black ones?

But, hey, I give you credit for being honest in your racism.

Chicago hasn't had "Strict gun control laws" since 2010, when the McDonald Decision struck down our city's mild ordinences.
Wrong MORON. Parking lots are often filled with parked cars.

In this case Rittenhouse was conered in a parking logt next to a building and parked cars.

You are one simple fool

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