Kuwaiti woman sentenced to death for killing Filipino maid


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Kuwait City: A Kuwaiti woman was sentenced to death after she killed a 26-year old Filipino domestic worker, Jeanelyn Villavende, local media reported.
Her husband was also convicted and was sentenced to four years for not reporting the crime and covering it up.
Fawzia Al Sabah, the Philippine Embassy’s lead council, pointed out that that the court’s ruling was fair and adhered to Kuwaiti, as well as Sharia law.
In a statement the Embassy said, “may the court’s decision on the Villavende murder case serve as a reminder to everyone that no Filipino is a slave to anyone, anywhere and everywhere, and that justice will always come to the defense of the weak and the oppressed.”

This is the first article that I have come across that mentions their names as well as the response from Manila.
Kuwait City: A Kuwaiti woman was sentenced to death after she killed a 26-year old Filipino domestic worker, Jeanelyn Villavende, local media reported.
Her husband was also convicted and was sentenced to four years for not reporting the crime and covering it up.
Fawzia Al Sabah, the Philippine Embassy’s lead council, pointed out that that the court’s ruling was fair and adhered to Kuwaiti, as well as Sharia law.
In a statement the Embassy said, “may the court’s decision on the Villavende murder case serve as a reminder to everyone that no Filipino is a slave to anyone, anywhere and everywhere, and that justice will always come to the defense of the weak and the oppressed.”

This is the first article that I have come across that mentions their names as well as the response from Manila.

In fact it does not adhere to Shariah law which prohibits capital punishment upon
a Muslim who murders a Kaffirah. It is noteworthy that the Manila rep. INCLUDED
in his statement "I reject any offer of 'blood-money' " and LUDICROUSLY the
Kuwaiti rep. decided to evince INDINATION at the "slur". Poor deposed
MUSSHARAF of Pakistan TRIED to take the civilized route regarding the
murderers of KAFFIR Daniel Pearl------but he is out and the murdering
islamic hero is STILL ALIVE and virtually exonerated
Looks like she's gonna get her neck stretched, which is the official method of execution in Kuwait.

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