Kurt Schlichter proposes a reasoned compromise on gun control with the democrats.........

According to the CDC, there were 19,384 gun homicides in the US out of 24,756 homicides total.

Happy to have helped you out there, you were looking a little dopey.

So why did the gun homicide rate shoot up? Well, as I always say, most gun violence is domestic. You lock up half the country in their homes, getting on each other's nerves even more than they usually do, and put a gun in that mix, you are going to have problems.

Give us the FBI number...the CDC is rabidly anti-gun, and has been caught pushing gun control.....

And if not for the democrat party attacking the police and releasing violent criminals, the gun murder rate would not have gone up since 2015....

But you vote for the party you call the slave rapist party.......
Wrong.....you didn't take into account population growth....

again...Pew...you know, Pew...the research group?

Fuck Pew. Population growth didn't go up that much between 2000 and 2020.

Population only grew 16% in the years between 2000 and 2020, according to the Census Bureau. Moreover, the population has grown demographically older. Yet crime has spiked in the last five years after being flat for the previous 15.

3) they used their brown shirts, blm/antifa to burn, loot and murder for 7 months in primarily black neighborhoods while the democrat party mayors ordered the police to stand down and not stop them......in order to hurt Trump during the election.

Wow... paranoid much? There wouldn't have been riots if Trump hadn't outright endorsed police misconduct. You see, BLM has been around for a while. But we didn't have riots before 2020 because their concerns were being addressed.

They just got tired of asking nicely.
According to the CDC, there were 19,384 gun homicides in the US out of 24,756 homicides total.

Happy to have helped you out there, you were looking a little dopey.

So why did the gun homicide rate shoot up? Well, as I always say, most gun violence is domestic. You lock up half the country in their homes, getting on each other's nerves even more than they usually do, and put a gun in that mix, you are going to have problems.

It's cute....the FBI, the gestapo of the democrat party....is now only computing murders by weapon in 10 year increments........rather than yearly as they did before...at least I can't find a yearly estimate...perhaps someone else can...
Fuck Pew. Population growth didn't go up that much between 2000 and 2020.

Population only grew 16% in the years between 2000 and 2020, according to the Census Bureau. Moreover, the population has grown demographically older. Yet crime has spiked in the last five years after being flat for the previous 15.

Wow... paranoid much? There wouldn't have been riots if Trump hadn't outright endorsed police misconduct. You see, BLM has been around for a while. But we didn't have riots before 2020 because their concerns were being addressed.

They just got tired of asking nicely.

The democrats ordered their brown shirts, blm and antifa to riot, to burn, loot and murder blacks in their neighborhoods to hurt Trump......your slave rapist party at work.
When the democrat party let's the most violent criminal back out...that isn't keeping them locked up....and when democrat party prosecutors and judges are now refusing to prosecute criminals caught on video shooting at people....that is the problem...not guns or gun owners.

Again, was anyone hit? If they weren't, it's a petty nuscience crime. We don't have time for those. You can't flood the streets with guns like you Ammosexuals have, and then whine that there are too many bad guys with guns out there. YOU BUILT THIS.

Give us the FBI number...the CDC is rabidly anti-gun, and has been caught pushing gun control.....
It's cute....the FBI, the gestapo of the democrat party....is now only computing murders by weapon in 10 year increments........rather than yearly as they did before...at least I can't find a yearly estimate...perhaps someone else can...

Aw, what's wrong, can't find an FBI number to back up your claims?

Let me get this straight. You trust the FBI on gun numbers, but you don't trust them when they tell you that Trump colluded with the Russians. Got it.

The FBI has a vested interest in lowballing numbers. They really suck at their jobs if crime is going up. Especially when they rely on law enforcement to report.

The CDC has more complete numbers because they are collecting data from health care.
The democrats ordered their brown shirts, blm and antifa to riot, to burn, loot and murder blacks in their neighborhoods to hurt Trump......your slave rapist party at work.

Oh, so you have evidence of this order? YOu know, like Trump ordering the riots on Jan 6.

We'd love to see it.

Here's why you have riots.

You had a population already stressed the fuck out because of Covid. They they watched a black man be murdered in the street by a cop and they had enough.

That's why you had riots.
Again, was anyone hit? If they weren't, it's a petty nuscience crime. We don't have time for those. You can't flood the streets with guns like you Ammosexuals have, and then whine that there are too many bad guys with guns out there. YOU BUILT THIS.

Aw, what's wrong, can't find an FBI number to back up your claims?

Let me get this straight. You trust the FBI on gun numbers, but you don't trust them when they tell you that Trump colluded with the Russians. Got it.

The FBI has a vested interest in lowballing numbers. They really suck at their jobs if crime is going up. Especially when they rely on law enforcement to report.

The CDC has more complete numbers because they are collecting data from health care.

I can't find a year by year breakdown anymore.........they give 10 year totals....not helpful....

Trump didn't collude with the Russians as the mueller inquisition pointed out........

The FBI deals with crime...the CDC does not.
Oh, so you have evidence of this order? YOu know, like Trump ordering the riots on Jan 6.

We'd love to see it.

Here's why you have riots.

You had a population already stressed the fuck out because of Covid. They they watched a black man be murdered in the street by a cop and they had enough.

That's why you had riots.

You have to give them room to destroy!
According to the CDC, there were 19,384 gun homicides in the US out of 24,756 homicides total.

Happy to have helped you out there, you were looking a little dopey.

So why did the gun homicide rate shoot up? Well, as I always say, most gun violence is domestic. You lock up half the country in their homes, getting on each other's nerves even more than they usually do, and put a gun in that mix, you are going to have problems.
LOL CDC? Really? I listed the numbers with a valid link. where is yours?
According to the CDC, there were 19,384 gun homicides in the US out of 24,756 homicides total.

Happy to have helped you out there, you were looking a little dopey.

So why did the gun homicide rate shoot up? Well, as I always say, most gun violence is domestic. You lock up half the country in their homes, getting on each other's nerves even more than they usually do, and put a gun in that mix, you are going to have problems.
The CDC. Now there's a federal agency from whom we can trust their data. But as bad a reputation as the CDC has gained in data because of their complete cover ups of data during the Fauci pandemic, you are even less trustworthy.

Homicides does not equal murder. Homicides include murder plus every legal death caused by someone other than suicide. You can be certain that if guns are outlawed and bad guys try to kill with knives there will still be justifiable gun homicides - and there should be.

Accident, my ability to carry, or just bad choices on my part might get me in a situation where I have either equal weapons against a bad guy or lesser weapons than a bad guy, but that will never be my intent. Even if not perfect in it, it is my intention to always out-arm the bad guys who might want to kill me by so much that it's not even a close fight.
You have to give them room to destroy!

You mean don't make the situation worse by shooting more people? Um, yeah. That was done. They also only shot one MAGAt storming the Capitol.

Now, not a cop, but when I was in the National Guard, they gave us Civil Disturbance Training.

And still stung by the memory of Kent State (This was only about a decade after) a very wise officer giving the training said the following to us. (And it's stuck with me for 40 years).

"Those are not the enemy out there. Those are your fellow citizens, they are upset about something, and they have every right to be."

The decision NOT to over-react to demonstrations was the right one.

And not at all comparable to Trump organizing a riot, spending hours riling these people up, and then unleashing them on Congress.

If lack of room leaves gun criminals free, build more rooms, or stop whining about gun crime.

How many cells do you want to waste on.

Again- cost benefit analysis. It costs $45,000 a year to incarcerate one prisoner. And that is if you can find people do to it, corrections departments are ALREADY facing shortages of corrections officers.

So lock up a murderer or rapist? Absolutely. And he violates his parole by merely having a gun, throw him back in. But locking people up for merely having guns? Um, no, just not practical.

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