Kurt Schlichter explains Charlottesville as normal people see it....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep...if you are normal, you understand what happened....and Kurt Schlichter explains it for lefties and other foolish people...
Normal Americans Are Bored By The Fake Drama

to find that a consensus had formed that Nazis are bad. Beforehand, I had no idea where the establishment stood on Nazis, but now it's crystal clear. They hate Nazis because Nazis are bad. Everyone from CNN to Mitt Romney hates Nazis. I couldn't be prouder of an establishment that takes that kind of tough stand. They're going to hate Nazis, and they don't care whose jack-booted toes they step on!

I also learned that if you hate Nazis for being bad, you're not allowed to hate anybody else who’s also bad, because Nazis are so bad that you have to devote all your hating capacity to hating Nazis such that there's no room left to hate anybody else. Those hammer and sickle flag-carrying Communists? Well, you must love the Nazis if you hate them, because you have got to hate the Nazis with all your mind and all your heart since, as we learned this week, Nazis are bad. I'm so glad that our moral betters have this all figured out.

This new breed of Nazis - for whom breeding doesn't seem to be in the cards - is less menacing that the originals. Instead of schmeissers they pack Tiki torches - for reasons no one seems able to explain. The old Nazis invaded Poland and wouldn't leave; these invade their moms’ basements and will never leave.

But apparently these 300 or so misfits and malcontents are a potent peril to our republic. I'm not sure if they themselves are a direct threat to anything besides the bottom line at a Golden Corral all-you-can-eat buffet unlucky enough to have them as patrons. The only thing scarier to its manager would be seeing Lena Dunham waddling in on a cheat day.


They are not utterly harmless; one of these cowardly morons ran over and murdered a woman, which fulfilled the media’s long-standing dream of being able to report on a terrorist who wasn't a radical Muslim, a Black Lives Matter fan, or a Bernie bro.

But the fact remains that this scraggly collection of polo-shirted dinguses numbering in the dozens is less of a threat to our society than the gleeful attempt by the establishment and its media puppets to use the looming threat of the Third Helping Reich to crush all opposition to the status quo.

And about the Republican members of the democrat party.....

It's also got the usual suspects of the wuss right activated. That's why you see needy Fredocons like Mitt Romney being retrieved from their well-deserved obscurity and sent out to dance eagerly for the nods and nickels tossed his way by the same media that said he gave people cancer.

I don’t know, but assume the guys vying to replace John McCain as the leader of the Blue Falcon wing of the GOP, Jeff Flake and Ben Sasse, competed vigorously to see who could ignore violent leftists in order to signal the most solemn rejection of Nazis in a manner that validates the lying liberals’ premise that the Republican Party harbors Nazis.

Of course, we saw another pathetic grasp at relevance in the form of finger-wagging by the has-beens at that failing cruise cabin sales organization,The Weekly Standard.

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And the idea that when there are two sets of idiots facing each other you can't point out that both sets of idiots are idiots just doesn't ring true. Normal people are blessedly free of the little taboos that the establishment seeks to impose, like the one that forbids pointing out that the alt left is just as scummy and slimy as the alt right. The general feeling among normals is “A pox on both your basements.”
It's funny to think about how hurt the media will be when they realize the people think they are full of shit. I don't know anyone that agrees with their narrative on this issue, even the libs I know do not understand what was so wrong with what the president said.
"No one normal was paying attention to the Wolf Blitzers or the Rachel Maddows. Everyone normal was living their lives, and this fake moral meltdown had no part in them. The fact that the whole thing is so ridiculous doesn't help it gain traction. Donald Trump is a lot of things, but a Nazi is not one of them".

Normal Americans Are Bored By The Fake Drama
Yes....NAZIS and communists are bad.....who did the killing? who walked around with tiki torches and NAZI flags chanting NAZI salutes?

who did the killing?

An assclown.

who walked around with tiki torches and NAZI flags chanting NAZI salutes?

A group of assclowns.

Who were the Commie assclowns who protested the Nazi assclowns?
I am not a communist. You march down my street with the flag of the Nazi party, and you are going down. You assholes are still trying to equate those that would fight back against the nazis with the nazis. In other words, you would support the US becoming the Fourth Reich.
I am not a communist. You march down my street with the flag of the Nazi party, and you are going down. You assholes are still trying to equate those that would fight back against the nazis with the nazis. In other words, you would support the US becoming the Fourth Reich.

trying to equate those that would fight back against the nazis with the Nazis.

The Antifa thugs are equivalent to the Nazi losers.
Yes....NAZIS and communists are bad.....who did the killing? who walked around with tiki torches and NAZI flags chanting NAZI salutes?

Who went nuts in Berkeley?
Who attacked average Trump supporters in San Jose?
Show us the pictures of them marching with flags and salutes and chants. Show us who they murdered.
Yes....NAZIS and communists are bad.....who did the killing? who walked around with tiki torches and NAZI flags chanting NAZI salutes?

Who went nuts in Berkeley?
Who attacked average Trump supporters in San Jose?
Show us the pictures of them marching with flags and salutes and chants. Show us who they murdered.

Who did those particular white racists murder? There was one guy .... likely a schizo.... and if it is guilt because this killer belonged to the white racists, then the black lives matter marchers own the 10 dead police officers murdered by black racists who supported black lives matter and black nationalism...right?
Yes....NAZIS and communists are bad.....who did the killing? who walked around with tiki torches and NAZI flags chanting NAZI salutes?

antifa are marxists....black lives matter are racists.... sympathizers to those causes murdered 10 police officers....
I am not a communist. You march down my street with the flag of the Nazi party, and you are going down. You assholes are still trying to equate those that would fight back against the nazis with the nazis. In other words, you would support the US becoming the Fourth Reich.

No....we are equating the antifa assholes with marxists...... you know, the system that murdered 100 million people....more than the white racits nazi ancestors......and black lives matter, whose sympathizers have murdered at least 10 police officers.....

national socialists are assholes......and international socialists are assholes....white racists are assholes, black racists are assholes.....

You are the one trying to hide and ignore the socialism and racism of antifa and black lives matter, not us.
I am not a communist. You march down my street with the flag of the Nazi party, and you are going down. You assholes are still trying to equate those that would fight back against the nazis with the nazis. In other words, you would support the US becoming the Fourth Reich.

No asswipe........we support the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence....those documents were created to prevent morons like you and your blood brothers, the white racists, from turning this country into the racist, socialist country that you want....and you hate those documents because of that.
Yep...if you are normal, you understand what happened....and Kurt Schlichter explains it for lefties and other foolish people...
Normal Americans Are Bored By The Fake Drama

to find that a consensus had formed that Nazis are bad. Beforehand, I had no idea where the establishment stood on Nazis, but now it's crystal clear. They hate Nazis because Nazis are bad. Everyone from CNN to Mitt Romney hates Nazis. I couldn't be prouder of an establishment that takes that kind of tough stand. They're going to hate Nazis, and they don't care whose jack-booted toes they step on!

I also learned that if you hate Nazis for being bad, you're not allowed to hate anybody else who’s also bad, because Nazis are so bad that you have to devote all your hating capacity to hating Nazis such that there's no room left to hate anybody else. Those hammer and sickle flag-carrying Communists? Well, you must love the Nazis if you hate them, because you have got to hate the Nazis with all your mind and all your heart since, as we learned this week, Nazis are bad. I'm so glad that our moral betters have this all figured out.

This new breed of Nazis - for whom breeding doesn't seem to be in the cards - is less menacing that the originals. Instead of schmeissers they pack Tiki torches - for reasons no one seems able to explain. The old Nazis invaded Poland and wouldn't leave; these invade their moms’ basements and will never leave.

But apparently these 300 or so misfits and malcontents are a potent peril to our republic. I'm not sure if they themselves are a direct threat to anything besides the bottom line at a Golden Corral all-you-can-eat buffet unlucky enough to have them as patrons. The only thing scarier to its manager would be seeing Lena Dunham waddling in on a cheat day.


They are not utterly harmless; one of these cowardly morons ran over and murdered a woman, which fulfilled the media’s long-standing dream of being able to report on a terrorist who wasn't a radical Muslim, a Black Lives Matter fan, or a Bernie bro.

But the fact remains that this scraggly collection of polo-shirted dinguses numbering in the dozens is less of a threat to our society than the gleeful attempt by the establishment and its media puppets to use the looming threat of the Third Helping Reich to crush all opposition to the status quo.

And about the Republican members of the democrat party.....

It's also got the usual suspects of the wuss right activated. That's why you see needy Fredocons like Mitt Romney being retrieved from their well-deserved obscurity and sent out to dance eagerly for the nods and nickels tossed his way by the same media that said he gave people cancer.

I don’t know, but assume the guys vying to replace John McCain as the leader of the Blue Falcon wing of the GOP, Jeff Flake and Ben Sasse, competed vigorously to see who could ignore violent leftists in order to signal the most solemn rejection of Nazis in a manner that validates the lying liberals’ premise that the Republican Party harbors Nazis.

Of course, we saw another pathetic grasp at relevance in the form of finger-wagging by the has-beens at that failing cruise cabin sales organization,The Weekly Standard.

Normal Americans get it. That is why they disapprove of Trump on Charlottesville. You have a President who seems to be sympathetic and gives and encouragement to white supremacists. The fact is that it is far more than dozens. White supremacists have been responsible for a number of deaths. To pooh-pooh their threat is either demagoguery or complicity.

The fact is that Republicans should distance them from these people. I am glad to see them speaking out. However they need to call out Trump as well. It is cowardice to do otherwise.
Yes....NAZIS and communists are bad.....who did the killing? who walked around with tiki torches and NAZI flags chanting NAZI salutes?

antifa are marxists....black lives matter are racists.... sympathizers to those causes murdered 10 police officers....
OK, you fucking nazi sympathizer, the police are most afraid of far right wing nuts like you. They have murdered far more police officers than the antifa or BLM sympathizers.

Part IV. What is the Threat to the United States Today?

Part IV. What is the Threat to the United States Today?
The Threat is not Existential
In the fifteen years after 9/11, jihadists have killed 95 people inside the United States. Each of those deaths is a tragedy. The attack in Orlando was the deadliest terrorist attack in the United States since 9/11 and the deadliest mass shooting in American history. However, the attacks are not national catastrophes of the type the United States experienced on 9/11. Instead the death toll has been quite similar to other forms of political—and even non-political—violence Americans face today.

8 deaths from the BLM. 68 from the far right. From the jihadists, 95, but 49 of those were from one attack. Police are in far more danger from jokers like you with all your silly guns, than from either the BLM or Antifa.

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