Kurdish fighters kicking ISIS Ass , We should arm them directly


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
We should be arming the Kurds directly, And what the hell are the Turks doing?:rolleyes-41:


A Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) fighter stands with residents from villages near the town of Tal Abyad, in the northern Raqqa countryside, after taking control of the nearby Suluk town from ISIS fighters


One young girl was pulled through the barbed wire fence as the Syrian refugees desperately tried to flee the ISIS-held town of Tal Abyad

Syrian refugees today broke through a barbed wire fence in a desperate bid to flee from the ISIS-held border town of Tal Abyad and cross into Turkey.

Turkish troops had watched on helplessly yesterday as heavily-armed ISIS terrorists blocked the border crossing at Tal Abyad, where some 13,000 civilians have crossed over the past ten days.

The men, women and children were stopped at gunpoint almost within touching distance of the border town of Akcakale.

However, today - backed by allied rebels and air strikes by a U.S.-led coalition - Kurdish forces pressed forward with their offensive on Tal Abyad and advanced to within three miles of the border town.

Syrian refugees waiting at the border cheered in delight as they heard that Kurdish militia were making headway towards the ISIS stronghold before attempting to battle through the barbed wire which separates Syria from Turkey.


Turkish troops and Isis terrorists stared at each other just a few yards apart across the barbed wire border as the civilians retreated


The terrorists laughed with each other as they forced to the civilians back to the warzone even though heavy fighting is imminent

ISIS border town in Syria closed in on by Kurdish after US led air strikes Daily Mail Online
We should be arming the Kurds directly, And what the hell are the Turks doing?:rolleyes-41:


A Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) fighter stands with residents from villages near the town of Tal Abyad, in the northern Raqqa countryside, after taking control of the nearby Suluk town from ISIS fighters


One young girl was pulled through the barbed wire fence as the Syrian refugees desperately tried to flee the ISIS-held town of Tal Abyad

Syrian refugees today broke through a barbed wire fence in a desperate bid to flee from the ISIS-held border town of Tal Abyad and cross into Turkey.

Turkish troops had watched on helplessly yesterday as heavily-armed ISIS terrorists blocked the border crossing at Tal Abyad, where some 13,000 civilians have crossed over the past ten days.

The men, women and children were stopped at gunpoint almost within touching distance of the border town of Akcakale.

However, today - backed by allied rebels and air strikes by a U.S.-led coalition - Kurdish forces pressed forward with their offensive on Tal Abyad and advanced to within three miles of the border town.

Syrian refugees waiting at the border cheered in delight as they heard that Kurdish militia were making headway towards the ISIS stronghold before attempting to battle through the barbed wire which separates Syria from Turkey.


Turkish troops and Isis terrorists stared at each other just a few yards apart across the barbed wire border as the civilians retreated


The terrorists laughed with each other as they forced to the civilians back to the warzone even though heavy fighting is imminent

ISIS border town in Syria closed in on by Kurdish after US led air strikes Daily Mail Online
We should have armed the Kurds the day after 9/11 and kept them in re-supply.
Why the Kurds would ever trust the US again is difficult to imagine.
Before arming another group (Afghanistan, Libya, etc.) it might also be a reasonable idea to see if their eventual goals are in line with ours.
Why the Kurds would ever trust the US again is difficult to imagine.
Before arming a group again, it might also be a reasonable idea to see if their eventual goals are in line with ours.
The US has been arming every side claiming an own state in the region since 2011. That´s due to their agenda of destabilizing the region.
"Kurdish fighters kicking ISIS Ass , We should arm them directly"

And in the near future we'll be forced to help defend and arm Baghdad fighting against Kurdish separatists to whom we provided American arms.

The ignorance and stupidity common to you and most others on the right concerning the byzantine complexities of ME politics, history, and culture is remarkable and disturbing; the same ignorance and stupidity that resulted in two failed, illegal wars that destabilized the entire Region and created the current conditions that allow terrorists such as the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' to flourish.
"Kurdish fighters kicking ISIS Ass , We should arm them directly"

And in the near future we'll be forced to help defend and arm Baghdad fighting against Kurdish separatists to whom we provided American arms.

The ignorance and stupidity common to you and most others on the right concerning the byzantine complexities of ME politics, history, and culture is remarkable and disturbing; the same ignorance and stupidity that resulted in two failed, illegal wars that destabilized the entire Region and created the current conditions that allow terrorists such as the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' to flourish.
What's your strategy, Herr Feldmarshall? Send flowers?
"Kurdish fighters kicking ISIS Ass , We should arm them directly"

And in the near future we'll be forced to help defend and arm Baghdad fighting against Kurdish separatists to whom we provided American arms.

The ignorance and stupidity common to you and most others on the right concerning the byzantine complexities of ME politics, history, and culture is remarkable and disturbing; the same ignorance and stupidity that resulted in two failed, illegal wars that destabilized the entire Region and created the current conditions that allow terrorists such as the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' to flourish.
What's your strategy, Herr Feldmarshall? Send flowers?
As already correctly noted, where it is written that this is our problem to solve.

Why is it incumbent upon the United States to develop a 'strategy' when it's Iraq's sole responsibility to defend itself, where Iraq will never be able to defend itself if the United States continues to interfere.

Last, given the fact this problem is the result of American interference that started in 2003, what evidence is there that further American interference will 'solve' the problem.

It's remarkable, but not surprising, how you and most others on the right have failed to learn from the failure of Vietnam.
We should be arming the Kurds directly, And what the hell are the Turks doing?:rolleyes-41:
They are doing nothing but help ISIS and give the West token gestures of support, as per Erdogan's directives and the AKP party line.

Here is Erdogan 'worried' because ISIS is being pushed back by the Kurds, and is thus planting hysteria: Erdogan says troubled by Kurdish advance in northern Syria - Yahoo News
Istanbul (AFP) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday said he was troubled by the advance of Kurdish forces in the Tal Abyad region of northern Syria, saying they could in the future threaten Turkey.
Erdogan wants ISIS to win, as he would prefer if ISIS wiped out the Kurds, and he is also obsessed with overthrowing Assad's regime: German deputy speaker NATO must stop Turkey support for ISIS
BERLIN, Germany – NATO must force Turkey to stop its undeclared support of the Islamic State (ISIS) and shift its policy toward the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the deputy speaker of the German parliament said.

Claudia Roth said in an interview with Rudaw that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government is pursuing a “murky” policy in Syria because it wants the Kurds weakened and their fighters “annihilated.”

“What we have learned is that Mr Erdogan wouldn’t mind if Kurds were weakened and then annihilated,” said Roth, deputy speaker of the Bundestag and a Green Party MP.

Erdogan’s “dealings with the ISIS are unacceptable. I could not believe that Turkey harbors an ISIS militant camp in Istanbul,” Roth said. “Turkey has also allowed weapons to be transported into Syria through its borders. Also that the ISIS has been able to sell its oil via Turkey is extraordinary,” she added.
We shouldn't have armed the "moderate" islamist rebels in Syria to begin with, they turned out to be ISIS. The best way to weaken ISIS at this moment would be to withdraw support to the Syrian opposition and not continue to undermine Assad.
There isn´t "the Kurds". Kurds have different groups there, too, including Islamists like ISIS.

I believe he's speaking of the Kurds were all familiar with back here. The ones that happily kill third world Arab Muslim shithole people in large numbers, unlike so many of our fair weather friends over there.
We shouldn't have armed the "moderate" islamist rebels in Syria to begin with, they turned out to be ISIS. The best way to weaken ISIS at this moment would be to withdraw support to the Syrian opposition and not continue to undermine Assad.

Yeah it's to bad they learned that lesson so late in the game. Now that Lybia is just another shitstain thanks to Obama, illegal immigration from North Africa to Europe is out of control. And you can be sure a lot of those people are going to end up here.
Qdaffy or whatever his name was used to keep that shit down to a dull roar.
"Kurdish fighters kicking ISIS Ass , We should arm them directly"

And in the near future we'll be forced to help defend and arm Baghdad fighting against Kurdish separatists to whom we provided American arms.

The ignorance and stupidity common to you and most others on the right concerning the byzantine complexities of ME politics, history, and culture is remarkable and disturbing; the same ignorance and stupidity that resulted in two failed, illegal wars that destabilized the entire Region and created the current conditions that allow terrorists such as the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' to flourish.
"Kurdish separatist" should have their own country . Iraq is a made up failed state now anyways. The Turks want the Kurds slaughtered, they could give a shit about IsIs. What a useless so-called ally they are
"Kurdish fighters kicking ISIS Ass , We should arm them directly"

And in the near future we'll be forced to help defend and arm Baghdad fighting against Kurdish separatists to whom we provided American arms.

The ignorance and stupidity common to you and most others on the right concerning the byzantine complexities of ME politics, history, and culture is remarkable and disturbing; the same ignorance and stupidity that resulted in two failed, illegal wars that destabilized the entire Region and created the current conditions that allow terrorists such as the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' to flourish.
What's your strategy, Herr Feldmarshall? Send flowers?
As already correctly noted, where it is written that this is our problem to solve.

Why is it incumbent upon the United States to develop a 'strategy' when it's Iraq's sole responsibility to defend itself, where Iraq will never be able to defend itself if the United States continues to interfere.

Last, given the fact this problem is the result of American interference that started in 2003, what evidence is there that further American interference will 'solve' the problem.

It's remarkable, but not surprising, how you and most others on the right have failed to learn from the failure of Vietnam.
They are dunces. Plain and simple.

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NATO in Turkey played a key role in containing the USSR, and could have a reprise if Russia gets 'funny' again. It is strategically placed in many ways. Cultivating good relations is in the interests of Europe and the US. Antagonizing them serves little purpose. Of course there are problems, but they are not insurmountable.
"Kurdish fighters kicking ISIS Ass , We should arm them directly"

And in the near future we'll be forced to help defend and arm Baghdad fighting against Kurdish separatists to whom we provided American arms.

The ignorance and stupidity common to you and most others on the right concerning the byzantine complexities of ME politics, history, and culture is remarkable and disturbing; the same ignorance and stupidity that resulted in two failed, illegal wars that destabilized the entire Region and created the current conditions that allow terrorists such as the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' to flourish.
"Kurdish separatist" should have their own country . Iraq is a made up failed state now anyways. The Turks want the Kurds slaughtered, they could give a shit about IsIs. What a useless so-called ally they are
Yep. Once, they called them 'Mountain Turks', and tried to assimilate the Kurds and destroy their cultural identity, but that failed, and by the Dersim Massacre they became 'undesirables' like the Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians.

Also Erdogan recently attended a wedding of a Twitter Troll: Erdo an attends wedding of foul-mouthed troll causes outrage
In one of his Twitter posts, for example, Ün shared a photo of a machete, writing that the machete is the only object that can communicate with members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) is a "sustained and healthy" way. He then added "good old 90s," referring to the widespread killing of Kurds by paramilitary groups.

In other Twitter posts, Ün uses radical rhetoric, urging public to "crush the heads" of Alevis, who are bugs that need to stomped. In many tweets, Ün praises "mujahideen of Syria" who are going to victory by "massacring Alawites."
NATO in Turkey played a key role in containing the USSR, and could have a reprise if Russia gets 'funny' again. It is strategically placed in many ways. Cultivating good relations is in the interests of Europe and the US. Antagonizing them serves little purpose. Of course there are problems, but they are not insurmountable.
Sure it serves a purpose. If Erdogan gets no criticism for his stances on the Armenian Genocide, the treatment of the Kurds, his imprisoning of political dissidents, the silencing of freedom of speech and expression, and his defacto support of ISIS, then it will hurt Turkish democracy.

In the recent election Turks stood up to Erdogan's thugs, while the US stood silent to human rights abuses in Turkey.

For the first time Turkey actually has some hope.

And if Erdogan's party is pushed out of power further, it could lead to an end to imprisoning people for their political views, and true freedom of speech and expression within Turkey.

Under Erdogan you go to jail for criticizing the government, supporting Kurds, or calling the events of 1915 genocide. It is no wonder that Turks are getting sick of it, with the stink of corruption, and the fact they have to live in fear of Erdogan's thugs if they say the 'wrong thing'.

It makes you wonder that if current and former US Presidents had actually stood up to the Turkish government, and demanded that it respect the human rights of its citizens, then this well overdue political change might have occurred sooner.
"Kurdish fighters kicking ISIS Ass , We should arm them directly"

And in the near future we'll be forced to help defend and arm Baghdad fighting against Kurdish separatists to whom we provided American arms.

The ignorance and stupidity common to you and most others on the right concerning the byzantine complexities of ME politics, history, and culture is remarkable and disturbing; the same ignorance and stupidity that resulted in two failed, illegal wars that destabilized the entire Region and created the current conditions that allow terrorists such as the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state' to flourish.
"Kurdish separatist" should have their own country . Iraq is a made up failed state now anyways. The Turks want the Kurds slaughtered, they could give a shit about IsIs. What a useless so-called ally they are

Iraq has always been a made up failed state. Saddam had simply met with some success at making Iraq look like what we as Americans perceived as one state under the leadership of a single government.

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