Kung Flu Death Rate in the USA drops 20%!


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

The overall death rate is probably much less than 4%. When you consider how many people are asymptomatic and/or have minor symptoms and don't bother to get tested. I would guess that the death rate would drop by half, at least. My personal, and mostly uneducated, opinion is that A LOT of people have had the virus that do not know it. A lot more than those who have tested positive.

The pertinent information is the death rate based on underlying conditions. What is the death rate if someone has diabetes? High blood pressure? Obese? Blood type? etc...For those people to make educated and risk assessed decisions.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

Deaths lag new cases by about a month.
A week ago we saw a doubling of new cases, so we'll see if we have doubling a death rate in 3 weeks.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

Deaths lag new cases by about a month.
A week ago we saw a doubling of new cases, so we'll see if we have doubling a death rate in 3 weeks.

The lag is already counted in, and it is less than a month.

The democrats are done. The Trump economy will triumph now. Their attempt at destroying the country has been deflected and president Trump will rise to victory.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

Deaths lag new cases by about a month.
A week ago we saw a doubling of new cases, so we'll see if we have doubling a death rate in 3 weeks.
Cases have been rising for months, so you are full of shit.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

I just saw that a bunch of red states are seeing an upward tick in cases.

it’s interesting to see people who wanted to open early and not wear masks do a 180.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

Deaths lag new cases by about a month.
A week ago we saw a doubling of new cases, so we'll see if we have doubling a death rate in 3 weeks.

The lag is already counted in, and it is less than a month.

The democrats are done. The Trump economy will triumph now. Their attempt at destroying the country has been deflected and president Trump will rise to victory.
In mid June, we had 20k new cases per day.
Currently we're about 50k new cases per day.

IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

Deaths lag new cases by about a month.
A week ago we saw a doubling of new cases, so we'll see if we have doubling a death rate in 3 weeks.

The lag is already counted in, and it is less than a month.

The democrats are done. The Trump economy will triumph now. Their attempt at destroying the country has been deflected and president Trump will rise to victory.
In mid June, we had 20k new cases per day.
Currently we're about 50k new cases per day.

We have also dramatically increased testing. Coincidence?
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

Deaths lag new cases by about a month.
A week ago we saw a doubling of new cases, so we'll see if we have doubling a death rate in 3 weeks.

The lag is already counted in, and it is less than a month.

The democrats are done. The Trump economy will triumph now. Their attempt at destroying the country has been deflected and president Trump will rise to victory.
In mid June, we had 20k new cases per day.
Currently we're about 50k new cases per day.

Then we had actual cases.

Now it's false positives from the ridiculously crazy amount of testing the democrats are doing.

They are hell bent on destroying the country.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

I just saw that a bunch of red states are seeing an upward tick in cases.

it’s interesting to see people who wanted to open early and not wear masks do a 180.
You mean the upward tick all thinking people said would happen when we reopen?

I guess we know why you got caught off guard.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

I just saw that a bunch of red states are seeing an upward tick in cases.

it’s interesting to see people who wanted to open early and not wear masks do a 180.
Why would they? The number of deaths continues to drop.

Cases of Covid != to deaths.

If that is to complicated for you then I'll explain it this way.

When they say there are 2000 new cases of covid 19, they are NOT saying there are 2000 deaths.

At less than 1% fatality rate, if we have 2000 new cases today, it can be estimated that less than 20 people will die from it.

More people are going to die on our highways.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

Deaths lag new cases by about a month.
A week ago we saw a doubling of new cases, so we'll see if we have doubling a death rate in 3 weeks.

The lag is already counted in, and it is less than a month.

The democrats are done. The Trump economy will triumph now. Their attempt at destroying the country has been deflected and president Trump will rise to victory.
In mid June, we had 20k new cases per day.
Currently we're about 50k new cases per day.

We have also dramatically increased testing. Coincidence?
What more testing means that that it is proof that many, many more people have had covid-19 all along than was reported.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

I just saw that a bunch of red states are seeing an upward tick in cases.

it’s interesting to see people who wanted to open early and not wear masks do a 180.
Mortality remains the same or is going DOWN!!!
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

Deaths lag new cases by about a month.
A week ago we saw a doubling of new cases, so we'll see if we have doubling a death rate in 3 weeks.

The lag is already counted in, and it is less than a month.

The democrats are done. The Trump economy will triumph now. Their attempt at destroying the country has been deflected and president Trump will rise to victory.
In mid June, we had 20k new cases per day.
Currently we're about 50k new cases per day.

We have also dramatically increased testing. Coincidence?
What more testing means that that it is proof that many, many more people have had covid-19 all along than was reported.
When you factor in all those who had it without symptoms, or being tested on the one hand, and all the deaths erroneously attributed to the Kung Flu to artificially inflate the death toll on the other, our mortality rate is well below 1%.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

Deaths lag new cases by about a month.
A week ago we saw a doubling of new cases, so we'll see if we have doubling a death rate in 3 weeks.

The lag is already counted in, and it is less than a month.

The democrats are done. The Trump economy will triumph now. Their attempt at destroying the country has been deflected and president Trump will rise to victory.
In mid June, we had 20k new cases per day.
Currently we're about 50k new cases per day.

We have also dramatically increased testing. Coincidence?
What more testing means that that it is proof that many, many more people have had covid-19 all along than was reported.
When you factor in all those who had it without symptoms, or being tested on the one hand, and all the deaths erroneously attributed to the Kung Flu to artificially inflate the death toll on the other, our mortality rate is well below 1%.
IIRC, the Kung Flu death rate in the US peaked at 5.8% (the highest I recall). It has dropped to 4.3%. A WHOPPING DROP OF OVER 20%!

President Trump’s fast and decisive actions are paying off, despite the incompetence of Cuomo and other Dimwinger Governors.

Nice job, President Trump!

This is another lie from trump. Even if it was true, it means nothing to the dead and their families.
Even if it was true. It means nothing to the thousands and thousands of recovered patients with permanent lung disease and require oxygen supplementation for life.

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