Krauthammer: "Tea party Plan to Defund Obamacare is N U T S"

Seems the MSM prints Krauthammer's article verbatim ... but they are the bad guys for printing it?

How does that work?


The problem with the lolberal lame stream media is NOT that they quote a guy fully and correctly.

It is that they accept as true the false premise for the guy's "analysis" and don't even "report" the falsity of that "premise."
the TPM will destroy the nation if it does not get its way

that's why the GOP mainstream is taking what it can get from the TPM while continuing to marginalize it
WASHINGTON — A combination of early presidential maneuvering and internal policy debate is feeding yet another iteration of that media perennial: the great Republican crackup. This time it’s tea party insurgents versus get-along establishment fogies fighting principally over two things: (a) national security and (b) Obamacare.

Gov. Chris Christie recently challenged Sen. Rand Paul over his opposition to the National Security Agency metadata program. Paul has also tangled with Sen. John McCain and other internationalists over drone warfare, democracy promotion and, more generally, intervention abroad.

.... The other battle is about defunding Obamacare. Led by Sens. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, the GOP insurgents are threatening to shut down the government on Oct. 1 if the stopgap funding bill contains money for Obamacare.

This is nuts

Krauthammer: Lee?s plan to defund Obamacare is nuts | The Salt Lake Tribune
There's nothing new here. The Tea Party has done this before. If they can't get what they want at the polls or through legislation, then they retaliate not just against the opposition but the entire nation. This reminds me of my grandson's refusal to do his chores unless he get's to watch TV. I think the nation will respond to the Tea Party in much same way I respond to my grandson.

You don't like the Constitution, do you?

It gives the power of the purse to Congress, not to the Executive. Or the Judical.

Or to a secret board appointed by college perfessers somewhere deep in Greenwich Village

To Congress. Specifically to the House of Representatives through the part of the Constitution called the Origination Clause, Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1

If the government shuts down, it's because the Executive and the Senate failed to go along with what the House was offering and couldn't negotiate their differences.

But your side will lie about it. And we will lose the Public Image battle because.....

Well, just look at who's in Office... :cuckoo:

The Constitution is a good read. You should try it sometime
the TPM will destroy the nation if it does not get its way

that's why the GOP mainstream is taking what it can get from the TPM while continuing to marginalize it

Of course that ^ kind of meaningless prattle is what we have come to expect from a dishonest lolberal hack poseur pussy, like FakeySmarmy.
Yup, having a debt ceiling "CRISIS!!" etc every year is a great idea. Half the GOP is brainwashed/nuts...

Maybe perennial debt limit ceilings wouldn't be called for AT ALL if the fucking Congressional lolberal Democrat spendthrifts of other people's money would comport their legislative enactments to what the Constitution permits and to what common sense commands.

Not that any lolberal Democrat Congresscritter would ever do THAT.
the TPM will destroy the nation if it does not get its way

that's why the GOP mainstream is taking what it can get from the TPM while continuing to marginalize it


^^ Tea Party ^^​
[ame=]Blue Oyster Cult Godzilla - YouTube[/ame]
^^Tea Party^^​
If the government shuts down, it's because the Executive and the Senate failed to go along with what the House was offering and couldn't negotiate their differences.

Typical Tea Party response. Do it my way or else.
If the government shuts down, it's because the Executive and the Senate failed to go along with what the House was offering and couldn't negotiate their differences.

Typical Tea Party response. Do it my way or else.

Yeah, they "inherited" that last sentence from the POTUS, as it seems to be working...
Krauthammer is wrong on this. I usually agree with him, but not on this.

the house could fund every aspect of the govt EXCEPT obamacare. There would be no shutdown and the terrible legislation known as ACA would die as it should.

Krauthammer, as usual, was right, and Redfish, as usual, was wrong.

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