KKK leader, "...glad that girl died"

so no one in here has defended the asshole at all - so who are you talking to in this?

not a fucking person at all. you just pretend this applies to conservatives.

I do not think conservatives "endorse" him; I have seen posts stating he was "running away".
i have no idea what he was doing.
i have no idea if a former CIA spook filmed it
i have no idea if this was yet another soros sponsored event
i have no idea which groups were even there anymore.

the ONLY place we get our info these days tends to be from a media no one trusts.

kinda a seriously jacked up place to be as people fight to be right about things they simply cannot be definition understand well enough to make an informed smart decision. so they just fight along company lines and see it according to their sides needs of the event.

kinda a seriously jacked up thing to do.
No he just went back to his first and only opinion. If he'd been in the car, he would have plowed into and killed that poor girl, too
That's it! You're not worthy to have your posts cluttering further threads I am reading. Off to IgnoreLand for you for your hate speech toward our President.
K. Good luck overcoming your deformities from inbreeding, you miserable piece of shit.
Hey, how did that refund from Ancestory.com go for you? I heard they offered you a free account because there were no branches in your family tree.
I think it may be time to move on. These threads are devolving into complete drivel.
Tuckered out, our word warriors are.

And today, after walking back towards sanity a couple days ago, Trump doubled down on his siding with the Nazis and White Supremacists there.

We have a 'president' who will not denounce Nazis and their murder of an innocent, but he will give them cover by saying "well everyone was standing on Earth that day so we just don't know, it could have been any one of 7 billion people".

Bat -------- shit.

The violence was instigated by the terrorist BLM and Antifa organizations in their illegal counter demonstration blocking public streets and attacking those exercising their lawful right of peaceful assembly with a permit.
Who gives a shit?

the fucking moron was responsible for her fate. She knew what she was getting into and that there were risks associated with it. Let's go protest with a bunch of guys with bats and pipes!

Having said that, you appear to be making a fallacy. Just because some KKK leader believes that, doesn't mean that anyone who believes that is in league with the KKK.

For example, many nazis support universal healthcare. Does that make everyone who supports healthcare a nazi?


You have no argument here.
Who gives a shit?

the fucking moron was responsible for her fate. She knew what she was getting into and that there were risks associated with it. Let's go protest with a bunch of guys with bats and pipes!

Having said that, you appear to be making a fallacy. Just because some KKK leader believes that, doesn't mean that anyone who believes that is in league with the KKK.

For example, many nazis support universal healthcare. Does that make everyone who supports healthcare a nazi?


You have no argument here.

#freeJamesAlexFields #praisekek
Who gives a shit?

the fucking moron was responsible for her fate. She knew what she was getting into and that there were risks associated with it. Let's go protest with a bunch of guys with bats and pipes!

Having said that, you appear to be making a fallacy. Just because some KKK leader believes that, doesn't mean that anyone who believes that is in league with the KKK.

For example, many nazis support universal healthcare. Does that make everyone who supports healthcare a nazi?


You have no argument here.

#freeJamesAlexFields #praisekek

Indeed. you don't punish a rat catcher for killing rats.
Who gives a shit?

the fucking moron was responsible for her fate. She knew what she was getting into and that there were risks associated with it. Let's go protest with a bunch of guys with bats and pipes!

Having said that, you appear to be making a fallacy. Just because some KKK leader believes that, doesn't mean that anyone who believes that is in league with the KKK.

For example, many nazis support universal healthcare. Does that make everyone who supports healthcare a nazi?


You have no argument here.

#freeJamesAlexFields #praisekek

Indeed. you don't punish a rat catcher for killing rats.

I don't support the KKK or National Socialists (both leftist organizations btw) but notice that no one from the left will condemn antifa and BLM? In fact leaders of the latter racist terrorist organization were invited to the white house numerous times, in fact Obama defended them at the Dallas Police Memorial service for the police slaughtered by a BLM terrorist, the unmitigated gall of these hypocritical scum.

I won't lose sleep over a dead Antifa/BLM activist who was part of a violent mob blocking traffic and attacking cars with bats and sticks.
That's not how it happened. Wake up and smell the coffee, CSC.
Large groups of people walking back to their cars, or their homes--a lot were from town. There WAS no traffic, except for Fields. No cars in front of him, none behind him. His car got smacked after he accelerated into the midst of them.

I won't lose sleep over a dead Antifa/BLM activist who was part of a violent mob blocking traffic and attacking cars with bats and sticks.
That's not how it happened. Wake up and smell the coffee, CSC.
Large groups of people walking back to their cars, or their homes--a lot were from town. There WAS no traffic, except for Fields. No cars in front of him, none behind him. His car got smacked after he accelerated into the midst of them.

I watched several videos several times there absolutely was a car in front of him, two actually a white sedan and a maroon mini van, there was also a black pick up to his rear. In this video we can see clearly that his car was attacked before he hit anyone:

This aerial video shows that it was a crowded and open city street being illegally blocked by antifa thugs without a permit:

Whoops, now back to your regularly scheduled media narrative.
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