KKK Grand Dragon Says He’s ‘Glad That Girl Died’ During Charlottesville Rally

“I think there will be more violence like this in the future to come.”

A leader of a North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group says he’s happy a woman died during violent clashes at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Justin Moore, the grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, said he’s “sorta glad” a car rammed into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, has been charged with second-degree murder in the attack.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.

“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”

Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.

More: KKK Grand Dragon Says He's 'Glad That Girl Died' During Charlottesville Rally

How can any sane person defend such hateful, despicable people? I really don't understand.

So, it's freedom of speech to protest, but it's attacking freedom of speech if you protest.

Did anyone tell these people that schooling might have helped them?

Of course not. If these two groups of idiots want to get together and scream at each other, have at it... until it gets violent. It unfortunately was allowed to get out of hand.
Charlottesville shocked me for several reasons - including how many young white racists there were. I assumed most white racists were old and dying off. Apparently I was mistaken. No wonder other terrorist groups like ISIS finds it so easy to attract cult-ready minds. Scary...
“I think there will be more violence like this in the future to come.”

A leader of a North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group says he’s happy a woman died during violent clashes at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Justin Moore, the grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, said he’s “sorta glad” a car rammed into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, has been charged with second-degree murder in the attack.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.

“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”

Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.

More: KKK Grand Dragon Says He's 'Glad That Girl Died' During Charlottesville Rally

How can any sane person defend such hateful, despicable people? I really don't understand.

So, it's freedom of speech to protest, but it's attacking freedom of speech if you protest.

Did anyone tell these people that schooling might have helped them?

Of course not. If these two groups of idiots want to get together and scream at each other, have at it... until it gets violent. It unfortunately was allowed to get out of hand.

Well, this is the problem isn't it? The US is turning into a place where these idiots are coming together, and they're sending a message to the rest of the country that there's a problem. And what does the rest of the country do? Nothing. It's moving in the wrong direction and it's going to end badly because the US govt is incapable of solving problems, or even acknowledging problems.
“I think there will be more violence like this in the future to come.”

A leader of a North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group says he’s happy a woman died during violent clashes at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Justin Moore, the grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, said he’s “sorta glad” a car rammed into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, has been charged with second-degree murder in the attack.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.

“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”

Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.

More: KKK Grand Dragon Says He's 'Glad That Girl Died' During Charlottesville Rally

How can any sane person defend such hateful, despicable people? I really don't understand.
Some of Trump people have said the exact same thing today.
This forum is infiltrated with despicable human beings.
“I think there will be more violence like this in the future to come.”

A leader of a North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group says he’s happy a woman died during violent clashes at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Justin Moore, the grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, said he’s “sorta glad” a car rammed into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, has been charged with second-degree murder in the attack.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.

“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”

Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.

More: KKK Grand Dragon Says He's 'Glad That Girl Died' During Charlottesville Rally

How can any sane person defend such hateful, despicable people? I really don't understand.

Who gives a shit what some fucking Grand Dragon has to say?

There were people on this board that praised the killings of cops.

There is hate and bigotry on all sides, like President Trump said.
“I think there will be more violence like this in the future to come.”

A leader of a North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group says he’s happy a woman died during violent clashes at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Justin Moore, the grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, said he’s “sorta glad” a car rammed into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, has been charged with second-degree murder in the attack.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.

“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”

Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.

More: KKK Grand Dragon Says He's 'Glad That Girl Died' During Charlottesville Rally

How can any sane person defend such hateful, despicable people? I really don't understand.

I agree, the KKK are a bunch of dirt bags. They should be watched very closely and if any of them call for violence they should be locked up and put away.
Violence needs to be banned from all rallies and protests, so far the police have been way to lenient. Lock them all up and that shit will stop.

The feds quieted the Bundys. They can do it with these racist white terrorists as well. However, that might be more unlikely now that we have white racists like Trump and Sessions in power.
That racist garden gnome Sessions isn't exactly known for being a civil rights hero.
Charlottesville shocked me for several reasons - including how many young white racists there were. I assumed most white racists were old and dying off. Apparently I was mistaken. No wonder other terrorist groups like ISIS finds it so easy to attract cult-ready minds. Scary...

The issue is that young minds are easy to manipulate. Where they should be manipulated is in school, to give the ideas of tolerance, of working within society and society's rules. However people have decided this is "indoctrination" and we should just allow racism and intolerance to flourish because it's "free speech" and shit like that.
“I think there will be more violence like this in the future to come.”

A leader of a North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group says he’s happy a woman died during violent clashes at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Justin Moore, the grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, said he’s “sorta glad” a car rammed into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, has been charged with second-degree murder in the attack.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.

“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”

Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.

More: KKK Grand Dragon Says He's 'Glad That Girl Died' During Charlottesville Rally

How can any sane person defend such hateful, despicable people? I really don't understand.

Who gives a shit what some fucking Grand Dragon has to say?

There were people on this board that praised the killings of cops.

There is hate and bigotry on all sides, like President Trump said.
Your Nazi sympathizer in chief has been neutered by his own words. No one takes this POS seriously.
“I think there will be more violence like this in the future to come.”

A leader of a North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group says he’s happy a woman died during violent clashes at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Justin Moore, the grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, said he’s “sorta glad” a car rammed into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, has been charged with second-degree murder in the attack.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.

“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”

Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.

More: KKK Grand Dragon Says He's 'Glad That Girl Died' During Charlottesville Rally

How can any sane person defend such hateful, despicable people? I really don't understand.

So, it's freedom of speech to protest, but it's attacking freedom of speech if you protest.

Did anyone tell these people that schooling might have helped them?

Of course not. If these two groups of idiots want to get together and scream at each other, have at it... until it gets violent. It unfortunately was allowed to get out of hand.

Well, this is the problem isn't it? The US is turning into a place where these idiots are coming together, and they're sending a message to the rest of the country that there's a problem. And what does the rest of the country do? Nothing. It's moving in the wrong direction and it's going to end badly because the US govt is incapable of solving problems, or even acknowledging problems.

I don't know what you do about it... who are raising these idiots?
The memory of Heather Heyer deserves better than being smeared by the alt right.
“I think there will be more violence like this in the future to come.”

A leader of a North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group says he’s happy a woman died during violent clashes at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Justin Moore, the grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, said he’s “sorta glad” a car rammed into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, has been charged with second-degree murder in the attack.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.

“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”

Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.

More: KKK Grand Dragon Says He's 'Glad That Girl Died' During Charlottesville Rally

How can any sane person defend such hateful, despicable people? I really don't understand.
bumper sticker thread.
“I think there will be more violence like this in the future to come.”

A leader of a North Carolina-based Ku Klux Klan group says he’s happy a woman died during violent clashes at white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday.

Justin Moore, the grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK in Pelham, said he’s “sorta glad” a car rammed into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. James Alex Fields Jr., 20, has been charged with second-degree murder in the attack.

“I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died,” Moore told CBS affiliate WBTV on Tuesday.

“They were a bunch of Communists out there protesting against somebody’s freedom of speech,” he added. “So it doesn’t bother me that they got hurt at all.”

Chris Barker, the imperial wizard of the group, agreed with Moore’s sentiment.

“When a couple of them die, it doesn’t bother us,” Barker told WBTV. “They’re always attacking and messing with our rallies.”

Moore said members of his group attended the rally in Charlottesville and claimed the gathering would have been “peaceful” if “the anti-fascist and the communists” hadn’t shown up.

More: KKK Grand Dragon Says He's 'Glad That Girl Died' During Charlottesville Rally

How can any sane person defend such hateful, despicable people? I really don't understand.
/----/ I'm surprised a DemocRAT stood up for freedom of speech.
The woman deserved to die, for joining a lynch mob set on depriving other citizens of their safety and First Amendment rights.

You should be happy that women is dead. Her family will sue everyone connected with the alt-right protest then a civil jury will award them all the assets of those "evil" white people. Libtards are always happy to sacrifice their own to hurt others (e.g. black on black crime).

Such ignorance. Posts like this anger me.

She did not deserve to die. Unless proven otherwise, she was little more than a peaceful protester, not a rioteer bent on violence. Honestly. What makes you think to post stuff like this? Where is the evidence that proves she was helping to incite the violence?
ahhhh look at the projection here. nice bumper sticker comment. do you side with the alt left and cop killers? she was with them.
Charlottesville shocked me for several reasons - including how many young white racists there were. I assumed most white racists were old and dying off. Apparently I was mistaken. No wonder other terrorist groups like ISIS finds it so easy to attract cult-ready minds. Scary...
ALL of ISIS' recruits in America come from BLM, The American Communist Party and Antifa.

The same pieces of shit that YOU side with.

The alt-right is the future of America and Europe, and none of us will ever join ISIS.

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