KKK David Duke Declares Victory Through Trump! Pence Won't Call That Deplorable! It's Only Sunday!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Some weeks or day ago, RNC Pence refused to concede that "Deplorables" have gravitated to the Trump campaign of the Party of Abraham Lincoln. "Name-calling," like using a concept "Deplorables" is not the Pence style. "****," "Koon," and "Kueer," however: Are clearly not "Deplorable" names at all of RNC, up and down the RNC ticket, on the ballot in November. Former Klan leader, David Duke, has now declared his life's work validated--due to the RNC campaign.

With white supremacists drawn into political mainstream, David Duke declares victory

The Vice-Presidential debate is only days away. Probably only nominee Pence can see Russia from his porch, right there in Indiana. Likely David Duke is at his side(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Real Christians know the real value of rotted corn, and poison blankets, sent to Lands of Many Nations! RNC knows all about that, even before David Duke!)
Hitlerys mentor trained her well in the tradecraft of the democrat kkk......

The "Jew" word, starting with the applicable k-acronym, isn't even thought a "Deplorable" on this message board of truth--unless some people think there are "Deplorables," and so it is thought deplorable(?)! The OP seems to have been edited.

The question going forward is whether or not the RNC as a whole can find anything at all "Deplorable," from a basket of "Deplorables." Mainly Pence simply wants to distance himself from the entire "Deplorable" campaign: Mainly appealing to the 50% which are the, "Basket of Deplorables!"

Will he take a stand--or the stand--or show ukp(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes do not think that words on paper are valid, if they are called, "Treaties!")
The "Jew" word, starting with the applicable k-acronym, isn't even thought a "Deplorable" on this message board of truth--unless some people think there are "Deplorables," and so it is thought deplorable(?)! The OP seems to have been edited.

The question going forward is whether or not the RNC as a whole can find anything at all "Deplorable," from a basket of "Deplorables." Mainly Pence simply wants to distance himself from the entire "Deplorable" campaign: Mainly appealing to the 50% which are the, "Basket of Deplorables!"

Will he take a stand--or the stand--or show ukp(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes do not think that words on paper are valid, if they are called, "Treaties!")
Pence is the biggest bigot there is.
Pence is from Indiana, which has a curious history of its own. "Gregg Township" is actually named from my family, the oldest brother of three who arrived in Pennsylvania, 1683. I am descended from the youngest of the three. When I was at graduate school university, the Klan would mostly picket in Columbus, Indiana, and pass out leaflets. My insurance agent recalls having been shot at in car, driving in Indiana with a black friend at the wheel.

In 1868, or maybe sooner: Our people left Texas with what property we were still allowed to keep, and headed off to California. The South was penniless. The cows were priceless. That was the Lincoln legacy.

The Klan would later arise--and famously in Texas District One.

Some people had enough sense to leave(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Poison blankets from Catholic Missionaries had already killed of Lands of Many Nations, in California--clearly in the name of all Holy Fathers before and since!)
Senator Byrd became Senate Majority Leader. Lots of people knew Senator Robert Byrd, who called the "Deplorables," all white "*******." Believe me, there are very few in the world who understand the "Deplorables," like the Democratic Centrists understand the "Deplorables!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Lands of Many Nations know whole damned bunch a "Basket of Deplorables!")
Senator Byrd became Senate Majority Leader. Lots of people knew Senator Robert Byrd, who called the "Deplorables," all white "*******." Believe me, there are very few in the world who understand the "Deplorables," like the Democratic Centrists understand the "Deplorables!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Lands of Many Nations know whole damned bunch a "Basket of Deplorables!")

You wouldn't know a deplorable if one socked you in the kisser, you're just repeating loon talking points
Pence doesn't use the word Deplorable, clearly not knowing if anything deplorable exists, or has ever existed!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations know that Deplorables Exist--and in many lodges!)
I don't agree with a lot of what David Duke says, but Obama has much worse folks in the White House.

BLM is FAR more deplorable than David Duke. NBPs too.
Bureau of Land Management, (BLM), is not generally thought to be "Despicable," and nor is "Black Lives Matter!" NBP's are likely in the similar category.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
("Seven Come Eleven" now greater deity at any rate: On lands of many nations!)
Bureau of Land Management, (BLM), is not generally thought to be "Despicable," and nor is "Black Lives Matter!" NBP's are likely in the similar category.

Of course a Hillary supporter would find nothing wrong with the terrorist organization, Black Lives Matter, or the New Black Panthers. Decent Americans do though.
Some weeks or day ago, RNC Pence refused to concede that "Deplorables" have gravitated to the Trump campaign of the Party of Abraham Lincoln. "Name-calling," like using a concept "Deplorables" is not the Pence style. "****," "Koon," and "Kueer," however: Are clearly not "Deplorable" names at all of RNC, up and down the RNC ticket, on the ballot in November. Former Klan leader, David Duke, has now declared his life's work validated--due to the RNC campaign.

With white supremacists drawn into political mainstream, David Duke declares victory

The Vice-Presidential debate is only days away. Probably only nominee Pence can see Russia from his porch, right there in Indiana. Likely David Duke is at his side(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Real Christians know the real value of rotted corn, and poison blankets, sent to Lands of Many Nations! RNC knows all about that, even before David Duke!)

I agree! Thank you!
Let's not think the KKK isn't for the Hildebeast as this interview with the CURRENT GRAND DRAGON states!! LOVE these video's as they continue to FUCK UP THE PROPAGANDA of the FASCIST LEFT scumbags....

Video cartoons get created as easily as 10,000 votes, from just one person, in an online poll. There is lack of third party corroboration. Polls showed Trump supporters to be a bunch of "losers." In actual one-on-one polls,Clinton won, and the Trump losers couldn't help but lose. The video cartoons have no third party support, from anyone independent of any Trump "movement" that doesn't exist. They are mainly editorial cartoons.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes bringing back smoke of Great Spirit of Lands of Many Nations, like on previous ballots!)
Video cartoons get created as easily as 10,000 votes, from just one person, in an online poll. There is lack of third party corroboration. Polls showed Trump supporters to be a bunch of "losers." In actual one-on-one polls,Clinton won, and the Trump losers couldn't help but lose. The video cartoons have no third party support, from anyone independent of any Trump "movement" that doesn't exist. They are mainly editorial cartoons.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes bringing back smoke of Great Spirit of Lands of Many Nations, like on previous ballots!)

This asshole maggot doesn't realized he just said polls can be easily created, then QUOTES A POLL in his favor.... Subversive, maggoty, DemocRATS really have LOW 2 digit iQ's and expect everyone else to be dumber than they are...NOT HAPPENING douche bag!

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