Kinzinger: in 5 or 10 years, you won't find a single American who will admit to voting or supporting Trump. it's like supporting Nixon after Watergate

Stove piped raw intel manipulated to produce an intended result

But hey. I'll give you credit for staying with the sunken ship
Your opinion, not fact. Kerry, Clinton, and many of the other (D) you vote for and defend, supported taking out Iraq. You need to point to facts and not entitlement.
It’s NOT just Trump! It started decades ago. It’s Nixon, Gingrich, Reagan. It’s the Federalist Society. Everything ‘for profit’, privatization of services, ‘trickle down’ economics. Today it’s Roe, tomorrow it will be Obergefell then Griswold & Brown v Board of Education. It’s the GOP!

Thanks for posting a video from the Clinton News Network. Anyone who believes this crap has holes in their head.
I think it was George Carlin who asked: "If you confuse a confused person, do the understand clearly"?

It seems that corrupt people view non-corrupt people as being corrupt.

Or perhaps corrupt people believe that everyone is as corrupt as themselves, and can't believe that people in power are not corrupt.

Perhaps they view Trump as being so obviously corrupt that he's the only honestly corrupt person in politics - thereby making him less corrupt than the honest non-corrupt people who are really corrupt.

Do you understand?
I'm confused.
I voted for Nixon twice. Other than trying to cover for his people, he was one of the best Presidents in history. Rump shouldn't be able to lick the sweat off Nixons Balls. Nixon made a few mistakes but overall, he was a great president.

Not all of us deny voting for Nixon.
People, could we clean up the language here? Darn.

You could be right. But Bush was their religion 20 years ago, too.

Trump is no Reagan. He's the antipole of Reagan.

But you may be right since Bush was just wrong, while Trump consciously lies. After swallowing thousands of lies, it is virtually impossible for a rube to admit they were that stupid. So it is quite possible they will go to their graves completely deluded.

Bush was not a religion in the same way Trumpism is IMHO.

The energy and devotion is entirely different. There really is noting that Trump can do that would lessen his support. Noting at all. Most of them are entirely unable to criticize anything he has done whatsoever at any time.
It’s NOT just Trump! It started decades ago. It’s Nixon, Gingrich, Reagan. It’s the Federalist Society. Everything ‘for profit’, privatization of services, ‘trickle down’ economics. Today it’s Roe, tomorrow it will be Obergefell then Griswold & Brown v Board of Education. It’s the GOP!

Oh that pole smoker? LMAO.

Heil Shitler!

Long live EmperorShtizHizPantz and the 666 4th Reich!
Even after Nixon resigned in disgrace he still had. 54% approval rating among Republicans.

Bush was in roughly those same waters.

Now? No one approved of either. No one admits to voting for either.

Trump will be the same. Just an Orange stain on democracy
Even after Nixon resigned in disgrace he still had. 54% approval rating among Republicans.

Bush was in roughly those same waters.

Now? No one approved of either. No one admits to voting for either.

Trump will be the same. Just an Orange stain on democracy

I voted for both Nixon and Bush (Son and Father) but I refused to vote for Rump.
Even after Nixon resigned in disgrace he still had. 54% approval rating among Republicans.

Bush was in roughly those same waters.

Now? No one approved of either. No one admits to voting for either.

Trump will be the same. Just an Orange stain on democracy

I voted for both Nixon and Bush (Son and Father) but I refused to vote for Rump.

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