Kim Davis Is Winning

Sour grapes from depraved nutbags. many queers has she issued homo union licenses to? ZERO.

Last I heard it was 8 that got licenses from her office. The fact that the dirt clod spent 5 days in jail and was pushed out of the way doesn't really matter at this point.
Sour grapes from depraved nutbags. many queers has she issued homo union licenses to? ZERO.

Last I heard it was 8 that got licenses from her office. The fact that the dirt clod spent 5 days in jail and was pushed out of the way doesn't really matter at this point.
Not from her. She never sought to prevent them. She just refused to be a part of it. Must sting a little when a Christian woman tells you 'I won't commit sacrilege and you won't make me"...and she turns out to be right.

Get used to it. As I have been known to wanna cry and wail and thrash around....I'll give you a reason. You guys are idiots. You have alienated your only protection....and via your own willingness to behave in an illegal and heavy handed manner, you have guaranteed you will get the same treatment...and without us you have no buffer. You undermine Christian values that consider all life precious....and then you realize hey now....nobody thinks fag lives are precious. Morons. Enjoy your brief, fearful lives being butchered by Muslims and the other criminal lunatics you've brought into our country. Killing fags is a hobby for those guys. Can't wait till you try to put them in jail. That will be a show I would pay to see.
She's winning. She will not endorse the licenses. The judge released her and has made the pathetic decision to tell her underlings to issue the licenses anyway....but has acknowledged that they aren't legal nor binding. She isn't going to issue the licenses and she's been released. She won.

Link to the judge saying that the licenses would not be legal or binding?
The licenses are going out and she's become little more than a hideous potted plant at her job.

The delusions you people conjure up are getting boring and predictable.
Sour grapes from depraved nutbags. many queers has she issued homo union licenses to? ZERO.

Last I heard it was 8 that got licenses from her office. The fact that the dirt clod spent 5 days in jail and was pushed out of the way doesn't really matter at this point.
Not from her. She never sought to prevent them. She just refused to be a part of it. Must sting a little when a Christian woman tells you 'I won't commit sacrilege and you won't make me"...and she turns out to be right.

Get used to it. As I have been known to wanna cry and wail and thrash around....I'll give you a reason. You guys are idiots. You have alienated your only protection....and via your own willingness to behave in an illegal and heavy handed manner, you have guaranteed you will get the same treatment...and without us you have no buffer. You undermine Christian values that consider all life precious....and then you realize hey now....nobody thinks fag lives are precious. Morons. Enjoy your brief, fearful lives being butchered by Muslims and the other criminal lunatics you've brought into our country. Killing fags is a hobby for those guys. Can't wait till you try to put them in jail. That will be a show I would pay to see.

She told her staff not to issue marriage licenses. Now they can whether she is in jail or not. She won nothing. And nobody is undermining so callled Christian values, you're being ridiculous.
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.

She went to jail. Nothing has changed. How is she winning?

Quote: "This is not a total victory for Davis—the order comes with pretty specific requirements for the clerk and her employees. For one thing, people have to be able to get a marriage licenses from the Rowan County Clerk’s Office: “Davisshall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples,”"

So..... she's done NOTHING other than take her money for turning a blind eye to something she CLAIMS is against her religion. Wow, winnaaaahhhh.

"Lawyers representing the Clerk’s Office have to file a status report every two weeks for the foreseeable future, ensuring that five of the six deputy clerks of Rowan County are complying with the law."

So, not only that, but she has lawyers breathing down her neck.

"Davis’s lawyers, however, have said she’s not satisfied with this arrangement; she claims that any marriage license that carries either her name or the name of her office would be a burden on her religious exercise. So, unless marriage licenses start carrying the name of another office, like the county executive, Davis will still have objections."

So, marriage licenses are being issued, she's not happy, she went to jail. The only "win" she's got is that she's become a minor celebrity for ignorant, bigoted people. Wow......

If you say so.

Keep proving to everyone how nasty you are and you justify their beliefs.

This issue is going to boil to the surface all over the country.....and the right just may not go quietly into that goodnight.

Put up a picture of Democrats (KKK) in sheets while you're at it.
Well, she's definitely winning in a couple of ways.

First, the way our culture is now, she could quit her job tomorrow, go on a speaking tour and make Palinesque money.

Second, she's got "the base" all fired up, so she'll always have her fans and jobs if she needs them.
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
The issue has nothing to do with 'the left,' just as it has nothing to do with 'religious freedom.'
Yes it has EVERYTHING to do with religious freedom.

It has nothing to do with religious freedom because in this case religious freedom doesn't apply.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

A History Lesson for the Kentucky Clerk Refusing to Grant Marriage Licenses | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.

A History Lesson for the Kentucky Clerk Refusing to Grant Marriage Licenses | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I missed that thread. Looks like a good one.

Off to go read it.

ETA: Well that didn't take long. Connies avoided the thread like the plague.
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
The issue has nothing to do with 'the left,' just as it has nothing to do with 'religious freedom.'
Yes it has EVERYTHING to do with religious freedom.

It has nothing to do with religious freedom because in this case religious freedom doesn't apply.
Yes it does. Her religious rights are being trampled on but I am not going to waste my breathe or time typing to explain it to someone who already has his mind made up.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.

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