Kids today are trained on MURDER.. Murder, yes I said it.


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
Kids today are trained on MURDER.. Murder, yes I said it.
The elite based murder simulators most kids play today. "VIDEO GAMES"
Heck there are lots of them, I guess starting with Doom.
Military funded...via AAE interests.

Over the years they grown and grown and I can't help but think it's for a purpose.

I think elite interests have been training the young in war. For elite interests of course, but the most popular games with the young are "Murder Simulators" !!!

That idea is a really sick idea and has really never existed until today... yes today! well a few decades.

They get the children over the edge, of killing people for State. No one ever tells the children that the state isn't God, and they will be accountable to God and not the State when they die.

God will ask, why did you murder, and the children will say, they told me too. God won't be happy with that answer.
A lot of these boys mostly, and lately girls in this fantasy land, with economic situations as they are; sign up to serve their Country.

They have been de-flowered or made numb and are ready to serve a nation, and not a Creator... but the nation which they are taught they love. Nothing different then in Nazi Germany. To serve men is one thing, to serve the One we are accountable to is another...this is the World. Vapor.

So after years of game play, getting them ready, war is just a video game. IE the drones, which Obama boast about, for the sake of his lovely daughters. And he say's "I'm not kidding"

The problem is after this indoctrination into murder for State, which is ruled by evil men, most of the time, and most of the time if you look are actually ruled by those that hate God, but believe the Devil is the Savior, the problem is, God didn't agree with it...and the Devil has never been a Savior...he is always "SELF", no mercy allowed in self for others.

But the power elite actually state, Lucifer is God, and Jesus is the enemy.

When the young people who have been tricked and murdered for other men IE.. for "State" ... God didn't approve it.

He approves of you defending your family, and your Countryman in a way. But if the Country has rejected Him, all that is left is your Family. But defending your family in a lost State is a trouble in its own.

God, didn't allow killing people for the wants and wills of evil men, for no reason ,but "selfishness" of evil men who hate mankind. God Doesn't allow the evil of men.

Really if you are to talk about self, defending self against evil is the only option, or defending the your family from the selfish is the only option.

The people who run this country today, HATE GOD, they empower
"themselves" and their creation "The Abomination" the UNITED NATIONS, which has a sword against God's Heart. The UN is a product of the Devil himself if you look. UN AGENDA 21

The children today, mostly boys but the girls are taught they are boys too, big mistake. Anyway they are taught to fight for "State", our sad State, which the old enemies ( our Founders Fought against) of the USA have now overcome. Everyone is in terrible trouble.

And that is what the young in this once great country is going through today, the enemy of Liberty has taken our crown, it rejects all that is good and if your children were doing right they would support... God, Family and Country.

But God has to be first. Because without God, our claim to "liberty" doesn't mean a darn thing. We aren't the French you know.

But what if all these millions sold into the "Murder Simulators" of the elites woke up. Then who would they seek to murder, and they would be very good at it...taking the blood of those who taught them to take blood. But if they woke up, they would not be taking the blood of the innocent which their masters taught them, they would be justified in taking the blood of those who hate "mankind", which is our Creator's Creation. OWE THE DOUBLE EDGE SWORD!

The very ones who told them God didn't exist, and that they were not accountable to His Creation, just them...the warmongers of the Whole Earth.


THEY LAUGH AT US, PERHAPS WE CAN LAUGH AT THEM, BECAUSE , God is just sad about the power elites...who seek death for His "CREATION"


Most all of man but those that think they are special, just want to live in peace and enjoy the short little life our Maker gave us to live. Some Disagree.
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Oh... BTW... how come your movers and shakers in the Conglomerate aren't in your twisted fucking picture? Oh that's right, because they are businessmen, they are beyond reproach.

You have a flawed vision of who the "power elite" are.
Kids today are trained on MURDER.. Murder, yes I said it.
The elite based murder simulators most kids play today. "VIDEO GAMES"
Heck there are lots of them, I guess starting with Doom.
Military funded...via AAE interests.

Over the years they grown and grown and I can't help but think it's for a purpose.

I think elite interests have been training the young in war.
I'm guessin' you're too-young to remember the early flight/dog-fight gaming-software.


.....Besides.....everybody knows the early murder-instructions came from.....


I think John Wayne said so.​
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As children we played cops and robbers and cowboys and indians. Literally acting out the parts. Todays kids push buttons on a controller.

Your view is seriously flawed.

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