kerry - the perpetual BS machine


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
It seems that kerry just can't accept the fact that he's been caught in lie after lie in regard to his Viet Nam "service". He just has to keep digging that hole.

The following was e-mailed to me, so I don't have the link. The inserts labeled "My comment" are those of the sender, not mine.

Excerpt from Meet The Press
Sunday, January 30

MR. RUSSERT: You cast yourself as a potential commander in chief during the campaign, particularly at the convention, "I am John Kerry reporting for duty." What affect do you believe this book, "Unfit for Command," and the Swift Boat Veterans had on your candidacy?

SEN. KERRY: Well, that's for others to judge, Tim. I don't know. I mean,
obviously I could have and should have responded faster and more forcefully, I think, to that. But lies and smears were proven in the front pages of The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal. My crew, others, all spoke to those lies and will continue to. But, you know, there's a new communication structure in America. And I think we could have done a better job of addressing it obviously. But that wasn't--you know, what decided this race in the end was really 9/11. And, you know, I am not going to worry about the past. I am going to go forward to the future.

MR. RUSSERT: Now, the New York Daily News editorial wrote an editorial, and it said this. "As for Kerry, he might ask why the Swifties' attacks have been effective. The answer is his propensity to exaggerate. ... It's looking more likely that he exaggerated, if not worse, when he claimed through the years that he was in Cambodia on Christmas Eve '68. He said the memory was `seared' into him, but it's now clear Kerry was elsewhere,at least at that time. He has yet to explain. Until he does, the Swifties will have a powerful weapon in their arsenal."

And they refer, Senator, to a speech on the floor in which you said that you were there, that the president of the United States was saying you were not there, that there were troops in Cambodia. You have the memory seared in you. In a letter to the Boston Herald, you remember spending Christmas Eve '68 five miles across the Cambodian border. You told The Washington Post you have a lucky hat given to you by a CIA guy "as we went in for a special mission to Cambodia." Were you in Cambodia Christmas Eve, 1968?

SEN. KERRY: We were right on the border, Tim. What I explained to people and I told this any number of times, did I go into Cambodia on a mission? Yes, I did go into Cambodia on a mission. Was it on that night? No, it was not on that night. But we were right on the Cambodian border that night. We were ambushed there, as a matter of fact. And that is a matter of record, and we went into the rec-- you know, it's part of the Navy records. It's been documented by the other guys who were on my boat. And Steve Gardner, frankly, doesn't know where we were. It wasn't his job, and, you know, he wasn't involved in that. But we did go five miles into Cambodia. It was on another day. I jumbled the two together, but we were five miles into Cambodia. We went up on a mission with CIA agents--I believe they were CIA agents--CIA Special Ops guys. I even have some photographs of it, and I can document it. And it has been documented.

MR. RUSSERT: You'll release those photographs?

SEN. KERRY: I think they were shown. I gave them to the campaign, but...
(My comment: There was never a release of pictures. he may have released them to the campaign shredder...)

MR. RUSSERT: And you have a hat that the CIA agent gave you?

SEN. KERRY: I still have the hat that he gave me, and I hope the guy would come out of the woodwork and say, "I'm the guy who went up with John Kerry. We delivered weapons to the Khmer Rouge on the coastline of Cambodia." We went out of Ha Tien, which is right in Vietnam. We went
north up into the border. And I have some photographs of that, and that's
what we did. So, you know, the two were jumbled together, but we were on the Cambodian border on Christmas Eve, absolutely.

(My comment: What??? We delivered weapons to the Khmer Rouge? Weren't they our enemy at the time? Would this be considered treason? Don't they shoot people for giving arms to our enemies? But this is just staggering. The Khmer Rouge were Cambodian Communists, trying to assist North Vietnam against the United States, from the late 60's until they captured Phnom Penh, leading to the genocidal maniac Pol Pot. This guys is crazy and thinks that the whole U.S public is too stupid to know that he's a damn liar. We need Congressional Hearings. I want to know more about why John Kerry was working with the CIA, delivering weapons to a communist regime actively helping the enemy we were fighting. I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty? Why didn't he just tell the truth and say, "I'm John Kerry, and I'm a liar and I support communists." Russert, gets partial credit for asking about Cambodia and the hat, but he had the opportunity to ruin John Kerry's political career, and he let him off the hook just like the rest of the mainstream press. The Khmer Rouge regime slaughtered at least 3 million people, Kerry helped arm them wearing our uniform, and we're supposed to believe that he's glad Saddam Hussein is gone? What a creep.)
file a freedom of information act request to get his military records....

bet you a dollar you will find out that he was dishonourable discharged then pardoned and upgraded under carter...his dischrge papers have been upgraded twice i belive
manu1959 said:
file a freedom of information act request to get his military records....

bet you a dollar you will find out that he was dishonourable discharged then pardoned and upgraded under carter...his dischrge papers have been upgraded twice i belive

I did read that Nixon wanted him dishonorably discharged. I have not seen anything that would indicate such a discharge was ever issued.

But in light of kerry's refusal to release his records, it does raise questions.
he fought over there for three month and then got his PH doctored
to get out as fast as possible. Nothing of a devoted service and
in line with most of the protagonist of both sides.

Thats why many in congress for the case that a draft would
become a necessity have pledged to not hand out exemptions
like candy and that the privileged have to share the burden.

A conscription might be the better way to forge some unity
in the country imo.
nosarcasm said:
Thats why many in congress for the case that a draft would become a necessity have pledged to not hand out exemptions like candy and that the privileged have to share the burden.

Personally, I'm of the opinion that the phrase "fat chance" applies to that. The rich will always find ways to get around the chores we common folk have to shoulder.

nosarcasm said:
A conscription might be the better way to forge some unity in the country imo.

I don't think that a military draft is the answer so long as we are getting sufficient volunteers. I'm not bad-mouthing draftees, some have been awarded the Medal of Honor. But I would rather have a unit staffed by people who want to be there than by folks who were dragged in off the street.

But I do believe that there should be a no-exemption nationwide draft for everyone, male and female. Everyone should be required to perform two years of government service in some capacity. There are a great many things that need doing in this country and a national draft would provide a huge manpower resource. Naturally, it would also be expensive.

But I believe that young people need some time to breathe and to mature after completing high school and prior to deciding what they want to do with the rest of their lives. A two year break while serving the nation in some capacity would be just the thing most 18 year-olds need to grow up and make better decisions about college and a career.

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