Kerry sabotaging America in Iran

I’m glad John Kerry is trying to stop Iran from restarting their nuclear weapons program after Trump gave them permission to.
Treason isn't something new to Kerry, he's flirted with it before.

He's hinted he'd run in 2020....go for it Lurch you'll be crucified
Isn't it treason for a U.S. civilian to deal with a foreign power to undermine the agenda of the President of the United States?

I do not think that the agenda of the POTUS is a protected thing by the constitution.

Feel free to show me where I am wrong

Less treasonous than meeting with the N.Viets in Paris while he was still a reserve officer but yeah, he needs to swing from a tree limb.
I am sure that he is in conclusion with Iran Note: illegal. He has done stuff like this since Nam and has not changed since.
Isn't it treason for a U.S. civilian to deal with a foreign power to undermine the agenda of the President of the United States?

I do not think that the agenda of the POTUS is a protected thing by the constitution.

Feel free to show me where I am wrong

The President has the sole authority to treat with foreign countries, either himself or via his appointees.

If anything if this is true we get to see if the Logan act is actually constitutional or not.
I’m glad John Kerry is trying to stop Iran from restarting their nuclear weapons program after Trump gave them permission to.

Whaaaa??? Did you just arrive on a spaceship from Bizarro World?

Kerry is consorting with individuals who were responsible for the deaths of U.S soldiers in the Middle East. You do know that, right?

John Kerry needs to be made an example of and prosecuted under the Logan Act. He is in no way a representative of the United States government, nor is he employed by the United States government.
Will wonders never cease! I just received this in an e-mail a few minutes. I hope Iran names some big fish.


As Reported by Joe for| President Trump announced early this week that the US will withdraw from the deceptive Iranian nuclear deal. President Trump made his position on the terrible Iran deal clear during his 2016 campaign.

This didn’t stop former Secretary of State John Kerry from acting as a rogue government agent against the Trump administration, in order to redeem the lame deal with the oppressive Iranian regime.

Many have referred to this as “Shadow diplomacy,” we prefer to call it treason.

The President was quick to call Kerry out:

During his speech to the NRA, Trump criticized Kerry for his fundamental role in negotiating the Iran deal.

“We have the former administration as represented by John Kerry, not the best negotiator we’ve ever seen,” Trump stated. “He never walked away from the table, except to be in that bicycle race where he fell and broke his leg.”

Naturally, the Iranian regime is extremely upset with President Trump and his decision to re-impose a great number of sanctions on Iran.

Here’s where it gets good…

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari has just warned Western politicians that if they do not put pressure on the Trump administration the Iranian regime will leak the names of all officials who accepted bribes to pass the disastrous deal in the first place!

IRAN Threatened To EXPOSE Politicians Who Took BRIBES To Pass Nuclear Deal


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