Kerry’s Framework Agreement: US Plans ‘Gazafication’ of the West Bank

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
According to Allen’s plan, Israel’s security also requires that Palestinian security forces be only lightly armed, that Israel has control over the airspace and all borders, and that the US install spying technology – euphemistically called “early warning systems” – throughout the West Bank.

In other words, the US vision of a Palestinian state looks remarkably like the model Israel has already implemented in Gaza.

Kerry?s Framework Agreement: US Plans ?Gazafication? of the West Bank | Palestine Chronicle
The plan is to put the West bank into the position where Israel can impose a siege at any time it wants.

Abbas would be a fool to agree to that.
The plan is to put the West bank into the position where Israel can impose a siege at any time it wants.

Abbas would be a fool to agree to that.

On the contrary, it sounds like a very good plan. The Palestinians have to prove they can be trusted.
Palestinians rule out extending peace talks

"The Israelis want to replace occupation by force with occupation by an invitation, with our signature, and it will never happen," he added, calling on the international community to intensify pressure on Israel.

Palestinians rule out extending peace talks
One day the Fakestinians will realize that in order to be trusted they need to prove themselves worthy of being trusted.
According to Allen’s plan, Israel’s security also requires that Palestinian security forces be only lightly armed, that Israel has control over the airspace and all borders, and that the US install spying technology – euphemistically called “early warning systems” – throughout the West Bank.

In other words, the US vision of a Palestinian state looks remarkably like the model Israel has already implemented in Gaza.

Kerry?s Framework Agreement: US Plans ?Gazafication? of the West Bank | Palestine Chronicle
"During a speech to the Saban Forum in Washington this month, Kerry said President Barack Obama’s highest priority was Israel’s 'ability to defend itself, by itself'.

"Shortly afterwards, Kerry headed back to the region to show Israeli and Palestinian officials what he meant.

"Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, was reportedly 'boiling mad' by the US proposal. In recent days PA spokesmen have accused Kerry of 'appeasement' and of failing to be 'a neutral mediator'.

"The criticism looks more than justified. Under cover of a vision for peace, the US secretary of state is offering an Israeli security plan at the expense of meaningful Palestinian statehood.

"That is not entirely surprising given that the plan was drafted by John Allen, a general formerly in command of US forces in Afghanistan, who has spent months quietly liaising with Israeli counterparts."

Kerry?s Framework Agreement: US Plans ?Gazafication? of the West Bank | Palestine Chronicle

It sounds like Kerry is bring Afghanistan to Palestine.
If so, it's not good news for non-Jews
The plan is to put the West bank into the position where Israel can impose a siege at any time it wants.

Abbas would be a fool to agree to that.
And as soon as he rejects the plan we will all be told how Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance...

They miss their chance every single day in saying the things they do, such as the new Palestinian State will be not only free of Jewish residents, but also free of Israeli-Arabs too. They miss their chance by still preaching hate. They miss their chance by showing that peace is the last thing on their minds - they want the whole land of Israel, and getting a chunk is just the next step to getting the whole lot. They are no peace partners at all.
The plan is to put the West bank into the position where Israel can impose a siege at any time it wants.

Abbas would be a fool to agree to that.
And as soon as he rejects the plan we will all be told how Palestinians never miss a chance to miss a chance...

They miss their chance every single day in saying the things they do, such as the new Palestinian State will be not only free of Jewish residents, but also free of Israeli-Arabs too. They miss their chance by still preaching hate. They miss their chance by showing that peace is the last thing on their minds - they want the whole land of Israel, and getting a chunk is just the next step to getting the whole lot. They are no peace partners at all.
They haven't transferred hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts over the past sixty-five years. Why would expect those who have been the victims of Zionist colonialism to forget how the UN ignored one of its founding principles (self-determination of peoples) in 1947 and awarded Jews 55% of Mandate Palestine in spite of their comprising 30% of all Palestinians and owning less than 7% of the land? It is Greater Israel which has proven its intention to rule over all the land between the River and the sea with deeds and words ever since that time.
They haven't transferred hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes, farms, businesses, and bank accounts over the past sixty-five years.
So, when did major arab immigrants from the hood became an industrialized society?
Long before Zionists became committed to preserving property rights:

"The history of the Palestinian exodus is closely tied to the events of the war in Palestine, which lasted from 1947 to 1949, and to the political events preceding it.

"In September 1949, the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine estimated 711,000 Palestinian refugees existed outside Israel,[25] with about one-quarter of the estimated 160,000 Palestinian Arabs remaining in Israel as 'internal refugees'.

"The Palestinians say they were evicted at bayonet-point and by panic deliberately incited by the Zionists.[26]

"Efraim Karsh believes that the Israeli government never took such a 'simplistic, single-cause viewpoint'.[27]

"Walid Khalidi[28][29] and Ilan Pappé say that the expulsion was based on a deliberate policy.[30]

"Based on the protocols of Israel's cabinet meetings, the Haganah Archive in Tel Aviv, and the IDF and Israel Defense Ministry Archive in Givatayim,[31] a number of historians have concluded that around half the Palestinians who became refugees were evicted by the Israeli army but this was not an organized policy.[10]:5–7:38–64:462–587[32]"

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Those jews settled in the new Israel which was their historic and religious homeland. Palestinians want to go back to land that was never a state of palestine, but jews cannot go back to the arab states.
Let arab states give palestinians land take from jews in their countries. They share a language, religion and are closer in culture than to the jews they force out.

Arab pogroms forced nearly a million jews out of arab states

So, when did major arab immigrants from the hood became an industrialized society?

The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.
Those jews settled in the new Israel which was their historic and religious homeland. Palestinians want to go back to land that was never a state of palestine, but jews cannot go back to the arab states.
Let arab states give palestinians land take from jews in their countries. They share a language, religion and are closer in culture than to the jews they force out.

Arab pogroms forced nearly a million jews out of arab states

The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.

The Palestinian and Jewish refugees are totally different and unrelated Issues. There is no reason whatsoever to involve the Palestinians.

If the Jews want the right to return they need to raise a stink like the Palestinians are.
They have been with little attention outside the jewish community. If not for Israel they would be a people without a country.
Palestinians have the not just the PA and Gaza but their arab hosts and arab countries that tossed the jews out.
When jews are compensated for losses or allowed to return, perhaps more palestinians might find reunification programs opened up again. Till Camp David 2000 when reunification programs stopped, and Oslo where reentry and other programs began to slow down, an average of about two thousand palestinians a year used to be allow to enter and become citizens of Israel. Some of those included those applying or that have been awarded land deed cased in Israeli courts. Other through education and medical need, etc. also were allowed to live in Israel.
How are so many ignorant of what has been going on? I don't know why so little is taught in schools or published in papers................. it does not bleed so it does not leadf but still I would expect with the internet more about such programs would have been made available by now. I know about them from the camps and helping palestinians process the paperwork needed. Medical necessity entry was handled by doctors at gaza hospital.

Those jews settled in the new Israel which was their historic and religious homeland. Palestinians want to go back to land that was never a state of palestine, but jews cannot go back to the arab states.
Let arab states give palestinians land take from jews in their countries. They share a language, religion and are closer in culture than to the jews they force out.

The Palestinians had nothing to do with that.

The Palestinian and Jewish refugees are totally different and unrelated Issues. There is no reason whatsoever to involve the Palestinians.

If the Jews want the right to return they need to raise a stink like the Palestinians are.
They have been with little attention outside the jewish community. If not for Israel they would be a people without a country.
Palestinians have the not just the PA and Gaza but their arab hosts and arab countries that tossed the jews out.
When jews are compensated for losses or allowed to return, perhaps more palestinians might find reunification programs opened up again. Till Camp David 2000 when reunification programs stopped, and Oslo where reentry and other programs began to slow down, an average of about two thousand palestinians a year used to be allow to enter and become citizens of Israel. Some of those included those applying or that have been awarded land deed cased in Israeli courts. Other through education and medical need, etc. also were allowed to live in Israel.
How are so many ignorant of what has been going on? I don't know why so little is taught in schools or published in papers................. it does not bleed so it does not leadf but still I would expect with the internet more about such programs would have been made available by now. I know about them from the camps and helping palestinians process the paperwork needed. Medical necessity entry was handled by doctors at gaza hospital.

Those jews settled in the new Israel which was their historic and religious homeland. Palestinians want to go back to land that was never a state of palestine, but jews cannot go back to the arab states.
Let arab states give palestinians land take from jews in their countries. They share a language, religion and are closer in culture than to the jews they force out.

The Palestinian and Jewish refugees are totally different and unrelated Issues. There is no reason whatsoever to involve the Palestinians.

If the Jews want the right to return they need to raise a stink like the Palestinians are.

Probably because those programs are a drop in the bucket.

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