Kerry frets war will distract from climate change


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2009
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I doubt Putin gave globull warming a second thought
Good grief. War erupts and this douche nozzle can't get off the globull warming soap box

This is what makes them so dangerous. They know they are powerful and do not respond to the people when needed at this point. This is why we hear Democracy. Once the election happens the totalitarian edicts start up or continue.
Easier to employ a hoax than a reality

He seems like a true believer.

He claims the emmissions from war are bad for the atmosphere…

…maybe also the dead humans is just bad in general, John.

He seems like a true believer.

He claims the emmissions from war are bad for the atmosphere…

…maybe also the dead humans is just bad in general, John.

He seems like a true believer.

He claims the emmissions from war are bad for the atmosphere…

…maybe also the dead humans is just bad in general, John.
4% of the planet is developed. Highly unlikely we are overwhelming the other 96%. It’s another hoax for the mathematically ignorant
OMG, Lurch is a fucking subhuman shit bag.

Aww, the human casualties are costing him grift money...

Where's a dry cough when you need one...

How about this Mr. Kerry:

Sit your old ass down and shut the fuck up, ok?

I know a couple Polar Bears that would gladly make a meat Popsicle out of you for free.

You want me to call them?
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