Keith Olbermann goes on unhinged rant -- declares Trump should get the "death penalty" for 220,000 "murders"


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014

Keith Olbermann: “And I’m tired of the thought that we’re now going to repeat the months of March and April in this country, a country that should have learned something but which in large part has been authorized to wallow and die in its own stupidity because of one man, one dumb bastard, one selfish son of a bi**h, one real-life major French attacking the only hope we have, the science. And insisting science is wrong and Fauci is an idiot and only I can save you, and insisting you can do whatever you want, then the disease affects almost nobody. Donald Trump should be on trial for 220,000 murders, death penalty for each count.”

I heard this on the radio today and I had to turn it off because I didn't want this man's insane rant to cause me to lose my own sanity.

Will this man lose his job for publicly wishing death on the United States President?

At the very least, the Secret Service ought to pay him a visit and determine if he has any plans to act out on his violent fantasies.

Keith Olbermann: “And I’m tired of the thought that we’re now going to repeat the months of March and April in this country, a country that should have learned something but which in large part has been authorized to wallow and die in its own stupidity because of one man, one dumb bastard, one selfish son of a bi**h, one real-life major French attacking the only hope we have, the science. And insisting science is wrong and Fauci is an idiot and only I can save you, and insisting you can do whatever you want, then the disease affects almost nobody. Donald Trump should be on trial for 220,000 murders, death penalty for each count.”

I heard this on the radio today and I had to turn it off because I didn't want this man's insane rant to cause me to lose my own sanity.

Will this man lose his job for publicly wishing death on the United States President?

At the very least, the Secret Service ought to pay him a visit and determine if he has any plans to act out on his violent fantasies.
Saw him years ago on MSNBC on his own network show. Interesting at first, but got crazier and more over the top as he went on. I think that is why he got the boot and went back to broadcasting sports, but could be wrong.
Is he allowed to do this on the air?

It seems he should be fired for wishing death on the President.

That's highly inappropriate, and might even be against the law.

Keith Olbermann: “And I’m tired of the thought that we’re now going to repeat the months of March and April in this country, a country that should have learned something but which in large part has been authorized to wallow and die in its own stupidity because of one man, one dumb bastard, one selfish son of a bi**h, one real-life major French attacking the only hope we have, the science. And insisting science is wrong and Fauci is an idiot and only I can save you, and insisting you can do whatever you want, then the disease affects almost nobody. Donald Trump should be on trial for 220,000 murders, death penalty for each count.”

I heard this on the radio today and I had to turn it off because I didn't want this man's insane rant to cause me to lose my own sanity.

Will this man lose his job for publicly wishing death on the United States President?

At the very least, the Secret Service ought to pay him a visit and determine if he has any plans to act out on his violent fantasies.


Keith Olbermann: “And I’m tired of the thought that we’re now going to repeat the months of March and April in this country, a country that should have learned something but which in large part has been authorized to wallow and die in its own stupidity because of one man, one dumb bastard, one selfish son of a bi**h, one real-life major French attacking the only hope we have, the science. And insisting science is wrong and Fauci is an idiot and only I can save you, and insisting you can do whatever you want, then the disease affects almost nobody. Donald Trump should be on trial for 220,000 murders, death penalty for each count.”

I heard this on the radio today and I had to turn it off because I didn't want this man's insane rant to cause me to lose my own sanity.

Will this man lose his job for publicly wishing death on the United States President?

At the very least, the Secret Service ought to pay him a visit and determine if he has any plans to act out on his violent fantasies.
We need to execute commies like obermann.

We need to round up all the communist fuck twinkle-toed cocksuckers and fucking execute them by beheading on national TV. And then we need to bathe in their fucking guts.
He's motivating his base, those octogenarian Democrats that are radicals...
While I am no fan of strident trumpers, I would be surprise if Olbermann has a Democrat base to speak of, and am pretty sure I would not like them either. In my opinion, the strident committed of both parties are an embarrassment to their party and the country as a whole.
Is he allowed to do this on the air?

It seems he should be fired for wishing death on the President.

That's highly inappropriate, and might even be against the law.


Keith Olbermann: “And I’m tired of the thought that we’re now going to repeat the months of March and April in this country, a country that should have learned something but which in large part has been authorized to wallow and die in its own stupidity because of one man, one dumb bastard, one selfish son of a bi**h, one real-life major French attacking the only hope we have, the science. And insisting science is wrong and Fauci is an idiot and only I can save you, and insisting you can do whatever you want, then the disease affects almost nobody. Donald Trump should be on trial for 220,000 murders, death penalty for each count.”

I heard this on the radio today and I had to turn it off because I didn't want this man's insane rant to cause me to lose my own sanity.

Will this man lose his job for publicly wishing death on the United States President?

At the very least, the Secret Service ought to pay him a visit and determine if he has any plans to act out on his violent fantasies.
We need to execute commies like obermann.

We need to round up all the communist fuck twinkle-toed cocksuckers and fucking execute them by beheading on national TV. And then we need to bathe in their fucking guts.

Best O' luck wit dat.
Olberfuhrer is a screeching queen that's completely harmless... he's just so amusing when he's off his lithium and on a manic bender...

If Trump legalized fucking 12-year old boys tomorrow Keithie would be his BFF and all would be forgiven.
Is he allowed to do this on the air?

It seems he should be fired for wishing death on the President.

That's highly inappropriate, and might even be against the law.

It's not hate speech if far leftist does it.

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