"""Keep Voting For Democrats If You Love Immorality"""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, you have to be sick in the head, if you Vote for a Democrat!

California MassResistance: The Fight Against LBGT Bigotry

Arthur Schaper Posted: Aug 08, 2016 12:01 AM

There is nothing funny about the anti-life, anti-liberty bent of what California Democrats are dreaming up.

And who is the latest Democratic ringleader for this corrupt carnival?

State Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), an anchor baby born to illegal aliens in East Los Angeles. By taking in family members, his parents were not only enabling illegal immigration, but also child molestation. One of the illegals in their safe house repeatedly abused Lara as a child. Though he denies it, that abuse would distort his identity and sexuality. Listen to his disturbing story (and his equally unsettling take on it) here.

Today, Lara is the biggest promoter of the open borders lobby … and the oppressive LGBT agenda. While Lara’s tragic childhood should awaken pity, but why should the entire state of California suffer for her personal hurts? Why are our rights being molested and abused?

To recap:

SB 1146 is a drastic, officious limitation on the First Amendment, particularly targeting Christian colleges. Currently, these schools claim a justified exemption from Title IX of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on tax. The premise for these exemptions rests on separating men and women in their living quarters, as well as opening up specific studies and professions (like the priesthood) to men only.

The Title IX code is facing unprecedented distortions from the Obama Administration, working at the behest of the vulgar, virulent homosexual lobby in the state. Discrimination based on “sex” is now being twisted to mean “sexual orientation” or “gender identity”. This is Orwellian nonsense.

Confucius warned his students: “When words lose their meaning, men lose their liberty.”

How true that is with Lara’s nefarious SB 1146.

This bill would also open up those colleges to lawsuits from any students allying with the LGBT movement to claim discrimination.

The Title IX code is facing unprecedented distortions from the Obama Administration, working at the behest of the vulgar, virulent homosexual lobby in the state.

Arthur Schaper - California MassResistance: The Fight Against LBGT Bigotry

If you are voting on morals , you can't vote Trump now can you? 3x married , cheated on his wives , had a kid out of wedlock , makes money off of shady gaming establishments , pimps women thru his "miss universe " pagent .

That's your moral compass ?

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