*Kay Grainger*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. They let Adam Schiffless go.
2. My useless senator, or whatever she is.
3. She isn't much of a person, I've known she is a RINO for years, she is a terrible person.
4. She voted with the democrats to let the snake off, who was behind the constant badgering from the LEFT, the Democrats
5. Which she is a Democrat, Democrat Kay Grainger, of Fort Worth Texas.
6. I don't give a flying fuck about those others who voted to shield *Shitforbrains*! Adam Schiff.
7. Be her, seeing she is just one of many, and of course they are all wrong in so doing.
8. But Kay Grainger is my senator, turning her ass wipe time to Adam Shitface,
9. I will forever throw that bitch under the bus.
10. Dang person of no integrity.!

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Yeah, she's a rep not a senator but she's my piece of shit too. It's easier to just call them all pieces of shit.

If you can't vote to censure that filthy boy toucher, YOU'VE got some skeletons in your closet. And I'll bet that rino pig fucker's got a ton of them. Where's a dry cough when you need one....

This is what they're protecting.

adam shitt boy toucher.jpg
Sorry bout that,

1. So Shitforbrains , got caught running hs shit hand onto another.
2. Seems they protect their own.
3. KAY GRAINGER is scum of the Earth.


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