Kathleen Willey - Bill's sex assault victims would fill auditorium

Isn't Kathleen Willey the woman who worked in the White House who told Linda Tripp, also a friend of hers, that she wanted to get the President to have sex with her, and she arranged to always be at after hour promotions or activities so that she could run in to the President wearing that black dress that she knew he like? And this woman is calling Bill's sex partners victims, while she was all the while trying to get him to 'pic her' as one to sleep with?

oh, here is what I had read...

According to Linda Tripp's grand jury testimony, she felt Willey pursued a romance with Clinton from the start of her White House affiliation. Willey had speculated with Tripp as to how she might be able to set up an assignation between herself and the president. She routinely attended events at which Clinton would be present, wearing a black dress she believed he liked. According to Tripp's testimony, Willey wondered if she and Clinton could arrange to meet in a home to which she had access, on the Chesapeake Bay.[4]

Kathleen Willey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong, carpet muncher.
sorry to spoil your fantasy! ;)

I'm not wrong, this did come from under oath testimony...and from a woman that was by no means, a Clinton fan or supporter....Linda Tripp.

Kathleen Willy TRIED her hardest, to get bill Clinton to sleep with her...

Bill Clinton is a serial sexual predator, the law says that even if she initially said yes and then changed her mind he had t stop.
Why would you sell out your principles to defend a man that has raped his way through life AND his bitch wife who has spent a good portion of her life destroying, manipulating, and frightening his victims into silence all so she could ride Bill's ass to prominence. The Bitch has done nothing on her own.
Isn't Kathleen Willey the woman who worked in the White House who told Linda Tripp, also a friend of hers, that she wanted to get the President to have sex with her, and she arranged to always be at after hour promotions or activities so that she could run in to the President wearing that black dress that she knew he like? And this woman is calling Bill's sex partners victims, while she was all the while trying to get him to 'pic her' as one to sleep with?

oh, here is what I had read...

According to Linda Tripp's grand jury testimony, she felt Willey pursued a romance with Clinton from the start of her White House affiliation. Willey had speculated with Tripp as to how she might be able to set up an assignation between herself and the president. She routinely attended events at which Clinton would be present, wearing a black dress she believed he liked. According to Tripp's testimony, Willey wondered if she and Clinton could arrange to meet in a home to which she had access, on the Chesapeake Bay.[4]

Kathleen Willey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong, carpet muncher.
sorry to spoil your fantasy! ;)

I'm not wrong, this did come from under oath testimony...and from a woman that was by no means, a Clinton fan or supporter....Linda Tripp.

Kathleen Willy TRIED her hardest, to get bill Clinton to sleep with her...

Hillary to Sexual Assault Victims: "You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"
Isn't Kathleen Willey the woman who worked in the White House who told Linda Tripp, also a friend of hers, that she wanted to get the President to have sex with her, and she arranged to always be at after hour promotions or activities so that she could run in to the President wearing that black dress that she knew he like? And this woman is calling Bill's sex partners victims, while she was all the while trying to get him to 'pic her' as one to sleep with?

oh, here is what I had read...

According to Linda Tripp's grand jury testimony, she felt Willey pursued a romance with Clinton from the start of her White House affiliation. Willey had speculated with Tripp as to how she might be able to set up an assignation between herself and the president. She routinely attended events at which Clinton would be present, wearing a black dress she believed he liked. According to Tripp's testimony, Willey wondered if she and Clinton could arrange to meet in a home to which she had access, on the Chesapeake Bay.[4]

Kathleen Willey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong, carpet muncher.
sorry to spoil your fantasy! ;)

I'm not wrong, this did come from under oath testimony...and from a woman that was by no means, a Clinton fan or supporter....Linda Tripp.

Kathleen Willy TRIED her hardest, to get bill Clinton to sleep with her...

Hillary to Sexual Assault Victims: "You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"

Notice the silence from the peanut gallery.
I noticed that either Gennifer Flowers or Trump was lying about her being at the debate. Which one do you think was lying this time?
What did Hillary say about Flowers being at the debate? Nothing.
What could she say? Every time her name is mentioned it isn't good for Hillary.

The previous poster claimed Hillary lied about Flowers being at the debate. As usual that was just more made up right wing crap.

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