Kari Lake lost because she pissed off Republucans


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
While the Crybaby Loser claims she was cheated, analysis of results show she lost because so many Republicans refused to vote for her.

Those decisions made a profound difference: Democrat Katie Hobbs picked up the support of 33,000 Maricopa County voters who cast ballots for Republicans in six down-ballot races, such as state treasurer and county attorney. Adding to Lake’s deficit were another nearly 6,000 Republican-leaning voters who opted to skip the race altogether or wrote in a candidate, the analysis found.

If those voters had stuck with the GOP ticket, Lake would have won
It's amazing how many Republican voters go for Dems when the corrupted machines don't work, the RINOs in charge state they are working against any America First candidates & the ballot adjudication process is performed without scrutiny.

Kari Lake won, it was another stolen election & your gaslighting is weak & pathetic.
Sell it to your fellow travellers
It's amazing how many Republican voters go for Dems when the corrupted machines don't work, the RINOs in charge state they are working against any America First candidates & the ballot adjudication process is performed without scrutiny.

Kari Lake won, it was another stolen election & your gaslighting is weak & pathetic.
Sell it to your fellow travellers

The bizarre rantings of MAGA candidates even turn Republicans off
While the Crybaby Loser claims she was cheated, analysis of results show she lost because so many Republicans refused to vote for her.

Those decisions made a profound difference: Democrat Katie Hobbs picked up the support of 33,000 Maricopa County voters who cast ballots for Republicans in six down-ballot races, such as state treasurer and county attorney. Adding to Lake’s deficit were another nearly 6,000 Republican-leaning voters who opted to skip the race altogether or wrote in a candidate, the analysis found.

If those voters had stuck with the GOP ticket, Lake would have won
Shitting in your pants?
Republican strategist Barrett Marson explained, “Kari Lake scolded John McCain Republicans and told them to go somewhere else. And they did. They voted for Katie Hobbs. Even from his grave at Annapolis, Senator John McCain is still shaping Arizona politics.”

Somebody more clever than I -- maybe miketx -- we need a great meme to identify all these LDS ( Lake Derangement Syndrome) sufferers, much like the famous TDS memes like this one


You know, the ones who hate her so much but can't stop talking about her.


Unfortunately, the Left is correct here.

Patriots have to distinguish between two types of person: Republican career politicians who have helped lead us to the terrible situation we are now in. Not all of them are "Rinos", but "Rinos" are certainly in their camp.

The way they work is like this: The more extreme Left (out in academia, never the elected politicians) will come up with something almost everyone agrees is a really eccentric or even insane, terrible idea.

Not many of these remain un-implemented, so ... let's think... ah, yes: Someone proposes that all schoolchildren will have, alongside their Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic classes, a Respect class. The idea is that currently dis-respected groups will come in and teach the children about their lifestyles and why they are just as good, if not better than anyone else's.

Sado-masochists, for example, ordinary homosexuals of course, 'Minor Attracted Persons' obviously. Polygamists, Open Marriage advocates ... Children would get lessons at least weekly from these people, to learn how to respect them and be inclusive and all that.

Now, at first, this would be laughed out of court, or howled out. Almost everyone would be against it. Then, bit by bit, various progressives would start to support it. More moderate liberals would go silent. Some of the more extreme Democrat politicians -- the DSA-supported ones, for example -- would start saying, "We ought to at least consider it..."

Step by step, year after year ... -- It seems to take about 25 years, one generation, for these ideas to go from 'insane' to 'implemented' -- OpEds in support would appear in the New York Times ... articles in The Nation magazine ... Opponents of teaching children Respect would be denounced as bigots.

And slowly the idea would become mainstream. Some Republicans, maybe those in swing states, would stop opposing it.

Finally, it would pick up steam: are you against teaching Respect??? Are you for lynching gay people? etc etc. Progressive-school districts would begin to implement 'Respect' classes. Six year olds would get to learn about the pleasures of bondage.

Certain Republican politicians would come out in support -- after all, who wants to be denounced as an old hateful bigot by all the great and the good? Academics raising doubts would be fired from their jobs. Mobs would overrun any conservative students brave enough to hold a meeting to debate the idea. Microsoft would fire any of its programmers who didn't wear a 'RESPECT FOR EVERYONE' badge.

Some rightwing parents somewhere would sue. Off the issue would go to the courts ... finally, to the Supreme Court ... where it would be approved 5-4. It is the Constitutional right of Sado-masochists to have their life style taught to school children. Equal Protection etc etc.

Then the majority of elected Republican politicans would either just go silent, or mumble a bit about how they personally won't teach their children about sado-masochist sexual techniques but if the majority approve it in school, well. ... etc etc.

So .. patriots are quite right to distrust the professional politicians of the Republican Party.

BUT .... that does NOT mean we can dismiss those Republican voters who support them. Kari Lake's telling McCain Republicans to "get out" was not just shooting herself in the foot, it was putting her foot into a sausage-making machine. (McCain!!!! Jesus, he used to drive the Left nuts! A war-monger! He dropped bombs on Vietnamese orphanages! etc etc)

We've got to fight smart. Of course we want liberal Republicans, patriotic Democrats, independents, to vote for us. We are very concerned to listen to all their concerns. They are a very important part of our coalition, blah blah blah. And we welcome their support -- for US, not for the other side, or people who appear to be on our side but who will cave in to the other side.

In politics, you try to win over the enemy's base, cut them out from under him, pull them away from him. You don't drive them away. And you doubly don't drive away people in your own party. Jesus, what was the woman thinking? Or is that the right verb?

Anyone who doesn't understand this must take Stupid Pills every morning.
While the Crybaby Loser claims she was cheated, analysis of results show she lost because so many Republicans refused to vote for her.

Those decisions made a profound difference: Democrat Katie Hobbs picked up the support of 33,000 Maricopa County voters who cast ballots for Republicans in six down-ballot races, such as state treasurer and county attorney. Adding to Lake’s deficit were another nearly 6,000 Republican-leaning voters who opted to skip the race altogether or wrote in a candidate, the analysis found.

If those voters had stuck with the GOP ticket, Lake would have won
They saw right thru her. :heehee:

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