Karen Hughes sums up the bigotry beautifully


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
... that would be HER bigotry, in her comment opposing the mosque. Get this:

During my lifetime, a number of racial and ethnic slurs have been effectively banned from our national vocabulary -- not because our free speech has been limited, but because we recognize that these words are deeply offensive to our fellow citizens and we decide to avoid them.

...so to her, a Muslim place of worship is comparable to someone using racial/ethnic slurs.

but better yet:

The proposed site of Park51, an Islamic cultural center that will include a mosque, is especially contentious because it goes to the heart of who is to blame for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

...which is to say, innocent Muslims are at the heart of who is to blame.

She blathers on here:

They tore down all the churches within 5 blocks of the Murrah Bldg...so I don't know what the big deal is.
... that would be HER bigotry, in her comment opposing the mosque. Get this:

During my lifetime, a number of racial and ethnic slurs have been effectively banned from our national vocabulary -- not because our free speech has been limited, but because we recognize that these words are deeply offensive to our fellow citizens and we decide to avoid them.

...so to her, a Muslim place of worship is comparable to someone using racial/ethnic slurs.

but better yet:

The proposed site of Park51, an Islamic cultural center that will include a mosque, is especially contentious because it goes to the heart of who is to blame for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

...which is to say, innocent Muslims are at the heart of who is to blame.

She blathers on here:


Damn, you are stupid.
... that would be HER bigotry, in her comment opposing the mosque. Get this:

During my lifetime, a number of racial and ethnic slurs have been effectively banned from our national vocabulary -- not because our free speech has been limited, but because we recognize that these words are deeply offensive to our fellow citizens and we decide to avoid them.

...so to her, a Muslim place of worship is comparable to someone using racial/ethnic slurs.

but better yet:

The proposed site of Park51, an Islamic cultural center that will include a mosque, is especially contentious because it goes to the heart of who is to blame for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

...which is to say, innocent Muslims are at the heart of who is to blame.

She blathers on here:


Damn, you are stupid.

Smart enough to have reduced you to grade school insults, Corky.
They tore down all the churches within 5 blocks of the Murrah Bldg...so I don't know what the big deal is.

In a forgotten ironic twist, after the Oklahoma rightwing terrorism, the Clinton administration wanted to take a closer look at rightwing militias and the rest of that crowd that McVeigh had been associated with.

The Right threw an epic fit. They were beside themselves that anyone would broadbrush an entire group for the crimes of a few.
... that would be HER bigotry, in her comment opposing the mosque. Get this:

During my lifetime, a number of racial and ethnic slurs have been effectively banned from our national vocabulary -- not because our free speech has been limited, but because we recognize that these words are deeply offensive to our fellow citizens and we decide to avoid them.

...so to her, a Muslim place of worship is comparable to someone using racial/ethnic slurs.

but better yet:

The proposed site of Park51, an Islamic cultural center that will include a mosque, is especially contentious because it goes to the heart of who is to blame for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

...which is to say, innocent Muslims are at the heart of who is to blame.

She blathers on here:


Damn, you are stupid.

Go right ahead....tell us again how smart you are compared to us.
... that would be HER bigotry, in her comment opposing the mosque. Get this:

During my lifetime, a number of racial and ethnic slurs have been effectively banned from our national vocabulary -- not because our free speech has been limited, but because we recognize that these words are deeply offensive to our fellow citizens and we decide to avoid them.

...so to her, a Muslim place of worship is comparable to someone using racial/ethnic slurs.

but better yet:

The proposed site of Park51, an Islamic cultural center that will include a mosque, is especially contentious because it goes to the heart of who is to blame for the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

...which is to say, innocent Muslims are at the heart of who is to blame.

She blathers on here:


Well why don't we see what she has to say in her own words? Seems like generous common sense to me, not at all accusative; a winning argument for putting it elsewhere.

Karen Hughs
I recognize that I am asking the imam and his congregation to show a respect that has not always been accorded to them. But what a powerful example that decision would be. Many people worry that this debate threatens to deepen resentments and divisions in America; by choosing a different course, Rauf could provide a path toward the peaceful relationships that he and his fellow Muslims strive to achieve. And this gesture of goodwill could lead us to a more thoughtful conversation to address some of the ugliness this controversy has engendered.

In 2005, when I was at the State Department, a Danish newspaper published cartoons mocking the prophet Muhammad. The debate around the world was heated and strikingly similar to this one. It pitted those supporting the right of a free press to publish anything, no matter how offensive, against those who took to the streets and threatened death to the cartoonists. Many of those citing freedom as they advocate locating the mosque near Ground Zero were on the other side of the argument when it came to the cartoons. At that time, I joined with many Muslim friends in saying that while newspapers were free to publish the offensive materials, I hoped they would show respect and restraint and decide against it. That is an instructive model now.

A mosque at the edge of Ground Zero would be much more than a house of worship; it would be a symbol, interpreted differently by different audiences. For some it would be the ultimate expression of the freedom of religion we enjoy in America; for others, a searing reminder of terrible deaths at the hands of murderers calling themselves Muslims. I suspect that the terrorists might celebrate its presence as a twisted victory over our society's freedoms. Rauf and his congregation are certainly free to locate their mosque near Ground Zero. But I hope and pray that they will show uncommon courtesy and decide not to.
Oh, and the other punch line, Hughes now claims she doesn't remember working with the Imam!!!

The Plum Line - Karen Hughes: I don't remember any of my work with Imam

lolol, as Jesus said, before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.

That's once, Karen lol
Hell.....she was Lil' Dumbya's Whitehouse Nanny; one-more person to keep him in-line!!



Hey.....birds-of-a-feather......Lil' Dumbya INSISTED he never met Amhad Chalabi!!

Oh, and the other punch line, Hughes now claims she doesn't remember working with the Imam!!!

The Plum Line - Karen Hughes: I don't remember any of my work with Imam

lolol, as Jesus said, before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.

That's once, Karen lol

Not surprising. I never liked her. All she did was sit like another nose on George Bush's face. She was good for nothing and still is.

Reminds me of you.

Thanks for the comment and the neg rep. It always warms my heart when one of you idiots lets me know I pissed you off. :)

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