Kansas Gov. Stands Up to Homo Mafia.

I see. The Governor conjured up an imaginary fairy tale (no pun intended) of the "gay mafia" beating down the door of a Catholic church and forcing the priest therein to marry them. Then the Governor said he just wont let that happen, by golly!

And the rubes clapped their little retard hands with glee at the theater show the demagogue put on for them. We're saved! We're saved!

Nobody should be offended at this. The homos swear they are not interested in religion or churches marrying them. LOL
Let's see. So far today, the Right has smeared blacks, gays, and Latinos. A trifecta!

What say we start a topic about Muslims to round out all the corners?
This Executive Order is nothing more then a solution in search of a problem.
Perhaps solving a non-existent problem deflected attention from his tea party economic governance that tanked the state's economy.
Um, perhaps not. Perhaps it's just Americans standing up to filthy homo bullies.

The clergy and churches are allowed to opt out of officiating gay marriages.

Churches and religious organizations already had that protection under the constitution--you did know that right?
Nobody should be offended at this. The homos swear they are not interested in religion or churches marrying them. LOL
you don't find the governor of kansas playing to that kind of stupidity offensive?
Oh, Sam Brownback can be stupider than this. He's barely scratching the level of his stupidity.

You all sound....well....bothered by this LOL
Bothered? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Greatly amused! Just look at all you little tards drinking down Brownback's piss with so much gusto. We're talking some rib crackingly funny slapstick here.
Perhaps solving a non-existent problem deflected attention from his tea party economic governance that tanked the state's economy.
Um, perhaps not. Perhaps it's just Americans standing up to filthy homo bullies.

The clergy and churches are allowed to opt out of officiating gay marriages.

Churches and religious organizations already had that protection under the constitution--you did know that right?
Show us.
Not a single church has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes in this nation. Not one.
Funny line and WAY over the heads of the OP and the other RW phobes:

"The biggest concern with an executive order like this is whether or not, at some point, the Supreme Court will intervene and yet again strip power from the states."

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