Kamala Suggests Hurricane Relief Needs to Be Based on "Equity", Income & Race


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
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I'm already on the record stating that we need to abolish FEMA (& the others) & let states & localities look out for their own.

Our "VP" can't help but making everything about race because that is exactly what the racist wokesters do.
For Kamala, white people need not apply for help unless they live on govt poverty plantations.

“It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues not of their own making,” Harris said referring to ‘extreme weather’ events.

She continued, “And so we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity and understanding that we fight for equality but we also need to fight for equity understanding that not everybody starts out at the same place and if we want people to be in an equal place sometimes we have to take into account those disparities.”

You can see she was close to tossing another word salad again but didn't wander into total gibberish like she usually does.
Nothing she said makes sense to anyone smarter than a banana but at least she was semi-coherent with her non-sense this time.

DeSantis responded that everyone can get help & it won't be race based like the actual racists prefer.

The blind squirrel (VP Harris) finally finds an acorn.

The flood insurance that makes these wonderful beach homes available is heavily subsidized by us (the taxpayers), otherwise no insurance company would insure the, and they would not exist.
Democrats prove once again that they are still the party of racism, bigotry and discrimination.

The racist Democratic party needs to be dissolved.
I'm already on the record stating that we need to abolish FEMA (& the others) & let states & localities look out for their own.

Our "VP" can't help but making everything about race because that is exactly what the racist wokesters do.
For Kamala, white people need not apply for help unless they live on govt poverty plantations.

“It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues not of their own making,” Harris said referring to ‘extreme weather’ events.

She continued, “And so we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity and understanding that we fight for equality but we also need to fight for equity understanding that not everybody starts out at the same place and if we want people to be in an equal place sometimes we have to take into account those disparities.”

You can see she was close to tossing another word salad again but didn't wander into total gibberish like she usually does.
Nothing she said makes sense to anyone smarter than a banana but at least she was semi-coherent with her non-sense this time.

DeSantis responded that everyone can get help & it won't be race based like the actual racists prefer.

The trump Nazis, in their own way, agree with Harris. But, the trump Nazis want all government policies to benefit only the billionaire class, Big Business, and, when applicable, the trump Nazis themselves.

What the trump Nazis always overlook is that they are nothing more than gullible tools (fools) the billionaire class and Big Business have exploited for decades.

Use of their overwhelming ignorance, racism, bigotry, and the many other faults related to the trump Nazis' intolerance, has made possible the coming descent into fascism and dictatorship of the United States.

Happily, or sadly, depending on one's personal views, the black, brown, and yellow citizens in this country will have the last laugh on the racist trump Nazis. Because the trump Nazis' expectations of a white, Christian utopia following trump's ascension to führer is soon to be an unrealized dream. Instead, the trump Nazis' cult leader will no longer need their political support as führer, so the trump Nazis will become the equals of the black, brown, and yellow races they hate, not the superior, privileged citizens they have been led to anticipate.

Naturally, the trump Nazis cannot believe their führer could ever betray them in that way. But that disbelief is what has made him such a successful confidence man his entire life. The trail of suckers trump has left in his wake will soon include everyone in the U.S. who voted for him by voting for his chosen candidates in state elections for 2022.

A record setting list of chumps.

To me, it all should depend on the severity of the damage and property loss. Just because you may have all the money and insurance that a person could ever ask for doesn't mean that life will return to however it was before the disaster. There are some things that can't be replaced no matter what.

God bless you and the surviving victims always!!!

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