Kamala Harris Visits Tomb Of Unknown Soldier To Tell Him To Enjoy The Long Weekend

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Babylon Bee ^ | 5/31/2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Vice President Kamala Harris visited The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day to pay her respects, and also to remind the fallen soldier to enjoy the long weekend.

As the military band played, Kamala somberly placed the wreath in its spot. Suddenly, she blurted out: "Hey you! Whoever you are! ENJOY THE LONG WEEKEND! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Onlookers watched in stunned amazement as Kamala walked back to her limousine, cackling loudly the whole time. A nearby crowd of journalists cheered and clapped while jumping up and down as they watched the Vice President speed away.

"Wow, a tremendously heartfelt tribute from Vice President Harris," said one CNN anchor.

Biden, not to be outdone, walked up to the tomb with an ice cream cone and sniffed the wreath.


Runs Xiden a close race for stupidity, and doesn't have dementia!!
It really is infuriating how insensitive she is. How could someone in the vice-presidency do something like that? Does she think it's a joke???
Babylon Bee ^ | 5/31/2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Vice President Kamala Harris visited The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day to pay her respects, and also to remind the fallen soldier to enjoy the long weekend.

As the military band played, Kamala somberly placed the wreath in its spot. Suddenly, she blurted out: "Hey you! Whoever you are! ENJOY THE LONG WEEKEND! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Onlookers watched in stunned amazement as Kamala walked back to her limousine, cackling loudly the whole time. A nearby crowd of journalists cheered and clapped while jumping up and down as they watched the Vice President speed away.

"Wow, a tremendously heartfelt tribute from Vice President Harris," said one CNN anchor.

Biden, not to be outdone, walked up to the tomb with an ice cream cone and sniffed the wreath.


Runs Xiden a close race for stupidity, and doesn't have dementia!!
I've just watched the ceremony involving Biden and Harris. She did no such thing. She did however, say IN A TWEET, "that people should enjoy the long weekend, not mentioning fallen service members."
Hadn't noticed that the OP was in the "Political Satire" section. Had I been paying attention, I would have disregarded the whole thing. Note to self, "look before I leap."
Babylon Bee ^ | 5/31/2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Vice President Kamala Harris visited The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day to pay her respects, and also to remind the fallen soldier to enjoy the long weekend.

As the military band played, Kamala somberly placed the wreath in its spot. Suddenly, she blurted out: "Hey you! Whoever you are! ENJOY THE LONG WEEKEND! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Onlookers watched in stunned amazement as Kamala walked back to her limousine, cackling loudly the whole time. A nearby crowd of journalists cheered and clapped while jumping up and down as they watched the Vice President speed away.

"Wow, a tremendously heartfelt tribute from Vice President Harris," said one CNN anchor.

Biden, not to be outdone, walked up to the tomb with an ice cream cone and sniffed the wreath.


Runs Xiden a close race for stupidity, and doesn't have dementia!!
I've just watched the ceremony involving Biden and Harris. She did no such thing. She did however, say IN A TWEET, "that people should enjoy the long weekend, not mentioning fallen service members."
I guess that is why I put it in SATIRE....another low 2 digit IQ poster!
Babylon Bee ^ | 5/31/2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Vice President Kamala Harris visited The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day to pay her respects, and also to remind the fallen soldier to enjoy the long weekend.

As the military band played, Kamala somberly placed the wreath in its spot. Suddenly, she blurted out: "Hey you! Whoever you are! ENJOY THE LONG WEEKEND! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Onlookers watched in stunned amazement as Kamala walked back to her limousine, cackling loudly the whole time. A nearby crowd of journalists cheered and clapped while jumping up and down as they watched the Vice President speed away.

"Wow, a tremendously heartfelt tribute from Vice President Harris," said one CNN anchor.

Biden, not to be outdone, walked up to the tomb with an ice cream cone and sniffed the wreath.


Runs Xiden a close race for stupidity, and doesn't have dementia!!
Did she ask who he was?
This is why the dimwitted monkey-slut polled at ZERO with her own kind.... she's fucking loathsome in ways that even our favorite serial killer, hillury, is unfamiliar with.... if that's even possible.
Babylon Bee ^ | 5/31/2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Vice President Kamala Harris visited The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day to pay her respects, and also to remind the fallen soldier to enjoy the long weekend.

As the military band played, Kamala somberly placed the wreath in its spot. Suddenly, she blurted out: "Hey you! Whoever you are! ENJOY THE LONG WEEKEND! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Onlookers watched in stunned amazement as Kamala walked back to her limousine, cackling loudly the whole time. A nearby crowd of journalists cheered and clapped while jumping up and down as they watched the Vice President speed away.

"Wow, a tremendously heartfelt tribute from Vice President Harris," said one CNN anchor.

Biden, not to be outdone, walked up to the tomb with an ice cream cone and sniffed the wreath.


Runs Xiden a close race for stupidity, and doesn't have dementia!!
Did she screw him?
Babylon Bee ^ | 5/31/2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Vice President Kamala Harris visited The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Memorial Day to pay her respects, and also to remind the fallen soldier to enjoy the long weekend.

As the military band played, Kamala somberly placed the wreath in its spot. Suddenly, she blurted out: "Hey you! Whoever you are! ENJOY THE LONG WEEKEND! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

Onlookers watched in stunned amazement as Kamala walked back to her limousine, cackling loudly the whole time. A nearby crowd of journalists cheered and clapped while jumping up and down as they watched the Vice President speed away.

"Wow, a tremendously heartfelt tribute from Vice President Harris," said one CNN anchor.

Biden, not to be outdone, walked up to the tomb with an ice cream cone and sniffed the wreath.


Runs Xiden a close race for stupidity, and doesn't have dementia!!
How compunctory of them. The ice cream slobbering wasn't very respectful, though. :rolleyes-41:

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