Kaitlyn Hunt case finally closed out.

"this case is a media sensation because the girl was lesbian" does not excuse her predation on young girls.


Well then put all HS seniors who have sex with freshman and sophomores (and in tejas, juniors) in jail.

That would be an excellent start. There was a time when MEN even MEN age 18, KNEW that having sex with underage girls was trouble. They didn't do it. Now human beings are considered no more than animals who can't control themselves.
The real question here though is, is there a sex tape ?

If so, I would need to study it first to make a true judgement whether a crime was actually committed.

That's of course the only reason I would need to see it.
Kaitlyn Hunt is a child predator. There's no way around it. She will continue to prey on children until she is put away for a long, long time. Unless some fed up XTIANS takes her out first.

Oh please, this case is a media sensation because the girl was lesbian. How many HS senior boys have sex with underclassgirls? A couple hundred thousand a year? Underage sex between consenting high schoolers is almost NEVER prosecuted. It's NEVER prosecuted when the 18 year old is a girl. The fact is the parents are upset because they found out their little darling is a lesbian and the only way they can lash it is to incarcerate her GF.

...which will likely result in their little darling keeping a BUNCH of shrinks busy for a very long time, since she will likely loathe her parents with a white-hot passion (entirely justified), and blame herself if her lover gets murdered in prison (not justified). Honestly...the best possible outcome here was probably the girls consummating a suicide pact.
"Earlier this year, though, Hunt’s mother, Kelley Hunt Smith, wrote the following in a Facebook post: “The two girls began dating while Kaitlyn was 17 but her girlfriend’s parents blamed Kailtyn for their daughter’s homosexuality. They waited until after Kaitlyn turned 18 and went to the police to have charges brought against her.”

So the girls got "caught" when the older girl was 17 but the parents waited until she turned 18 to file a complaint and prosecute.

So I ask you a question, why didn't the parents got to authorities when she was 17?

Because it wasnt illegal then. Also according to the parents they tried to break it off then, but were rebuffed, and went to the police only after.

Considering it is THIER underage daughter, thier reasons when it involves someone of age are not YOUR FUCKING CONCERN.

Yes, THEIR DAUGHTER REFUSED TO BREAK IT OFF. She even ran away from home...guess where she ran to?

This is a case of a xtian parents who couldn't control their own hated lesbian teenage daughter and when it became convenient decided to destroy the life of another young girl...to control their lesbian teenage daughter.

I see a "pray the gay way" week in this young girl's future...

I wonder if her father is diddling her.
"this case is a media sensation because the girl was lesbian" does not excuse her predation on young girls.


Well then put all HS seniors who have sex with freshman and sophomores (and in tejas, juniors) in jail.

That would be an excellent start. There was a time when MEN even MEN age 18, KNEW that having sex with underage girls was trouble. They didn't do it. Now human beings are considered no more than animals who can't control themselves.

Horseshit. Horse. Shit. News flash: a woman being MARRIED at sixteen was very common not too long ago! (As in: 20th century!)
"Earlier this year, though, Hunt’s mother, Kelley Hunt Smith, wrote the following in a Facebook post: “The two girls began dating while Kaitlyn was 17 but her girlfriend’s parents blamed Kailtyn for their daughter’s homosexuality. They waited until after Kaitlyn turned 18 and went to the police to have charges brought against her.”

So the girls got "caught" when the older girl was 17 but the parents waited until she turned 18 to file a complaint and prosecute.

So I ask you a question, why didn't the parents got to authorities when she was 17?

Because it wasnt illegal then. Also according to the parents they tried to break it off then, but were rebuffed, and went to the police only after.

Considering it is THIER underage daughter, thier reasons when it involves someone of age are not YOUR FUCKING CONCERN.

Yes, THEIR DAUGHTER REFUSED TO BREAK IT OFF. She even ran away from home...guess where she ran to?

This is a case of a xtian parents who couldn't control their own hated lesbian teenage daughter and when it became convenient decided to destroy the life of another young girl...to control their lesbian teenage daughter.

I see a "pray the gay way" week in this young girl's future...

Considering she is 14, they don't have to give a reason why they don't want their daughter with someone over 18. You are placing a lot of animus on people when there is no evidence of it, except from the person and the family of the person being accused of a crime.

They would have no reason to exaggerate, right?
Well then put all HS seniors who have sex with freshman and sophomores (and in tejas, juniors) in jail.

That would be an excellent start. There was a time when MEN even MEN age 18, KNEW that having sex with underage girls was trouble. They didn't do it. Now human beings are considered no more than animals who can't control themselves.

Horseshit. Horse. Shit. News flash: a woman being MARRIED at sixteen was very common not too long ago! (As in: 20th century!)

Did you miss the word MARRIED in your own post? When an underage girl (in the 20th century) MARRIED, she had to have parental consent.
Kaitlyn Hunt is a child predator. There's no way around it. She will continue to prey on children until she is put away for a long, long time. Unless some fed up XTIANS takes her out first.

Oh please, this case is a media sensation because the girl was lesbian. How many HS senior boys have sex with underclassgirls? A couple hundred thousand a year? Underage sex between consenting high schoolers is almost NEVER prosecuted. It's NEVER prosecuted when the 18 year old is a girl. The fact is the parents are upset because they found out their little darling is a lesbian and the only way they can lash it is to incarcerate her GF.

I am certain that I have posted a similar response in some other thread.

Not certain that I am 'on board' with the predator classification.

I recall reading or watching? an interview with the younger girl's parents--they believed the age difference was a huge issue. shrug--maybe--and maybe it would be the same if the other party was male? Many examples of this.

I wonder how long this relationship will be viable?

When the spotlight is removed and the drama is gone --and it is two barely more than teenage girls--what is the basis for the relationship then?

I didn't really agree with Hunt's parents, fwiw. Not certain what I would do in either position. Before teens start to date I would think I would cover all legal consequences--sad that this has become necessary.
That would be an excellent start. There was a time when MEN even MEN age 18, KNEW that having sex with underage girls was trouble. They didn't do it. Now human beings are considered no more than animals who can't control themselves.

Horseshit. Horse. Shit. News flash: a woman being MARRIED at sixteen was very common not too long ago! (As in: 20th century!)

Did you miss the word MARRIED in your own post? When an underage girl (in the 20th century) MARRIED, she had to have parental consent.

No. My grandmother married at age 16 WITHOUT parental consent. (In fact, she was nearly disowned for it.)
They were a senior and a freshman in high school. How many senior boys are arrested for having a frosh GF?

After being ordered to have no contact with the victim she sent 20,000 text messages to her, including explicit pictures and videos.

She got off easy by any stretch of the imagination.

She should have gotten 5 years for ignoring the judges orders.
"this case is a media sensation because the girl was lesbian" does not excuse her predation on young girls.


Well then put all HS seniors who have sex with freshman and sophomores (and in tejas, juniors) in jail.

If they get caught, hell yes. its the rules. Here they got caught, and she made it worse by IGNORING A COURT ORDER TO STAY AWAY FROM THE GIRL DURING THE CASE.

Wrap this around your head, it is up to the parents to inform the authorities when they find out about this, they did, she's going to jail.

Just so.

Girls get no different treatment than boys in these cases.

The older kids need to understand: "You don't fuck the kids."
They were a senior and a freshman in high school. How many senior boys are arrested for having a frosh GF?

When I was a Senior there was an unwritten rule. Touch a freshman girl, be prepared to get the shit kicked out of you.

I was once a 'freshman girl' and was pretty clear about accountability--personal responsibility. Without a doubt had I become involved with an older student my parents would have said, 'No'. A student of my own age--also 'No'.

This was a long time ago. I cannot imagine 'being in love'--deep, passionate, soulmate type love at 14. Perhaps I was very immature. I know that at 14 issues of great importance to me were 'childish'--clothes, hair, friends, coping with high school. By 11th or 12 th grade some people were going steady--there were some commonly accepted standards--'everyone' attended church regularly, etc.

Most students were concerned with preparing for college.

and times have changed--if I recall correctly--Kaitlyn Hunt was an excellent student, had been accepted by a college---but her 'love' for the 14 yr old was greater. That is the part, one of the parts --that really gets me.

I just don't see how this relationship is going to develop into a healthy longterm relationship.
It won't.

and so what was the point?

I just finished rereading an account of this case--so frustrating for all concerned. It sounds like people--parents, teachers and others in the community did try to talk with the girls at different points--to no avail.

So--instead of either girl having the opportunities to experience college--grow into more mature people--they can look forward to what? 'I love you' --work at menial jobs--not so certain love will be enough. If they can find menial jobs, that is.
Horseshit. Horse. Shit. News flash: a woman being MARRIED at sixteen was very common not too long ago! (As in: 20th century!)

Did you miss the word MARRIED in your own post? When an underage girl (in the 20th century) MARRIED, she had to have parental consent.

No. My grandmother married at age 16 WITHOUT parental consent. (In fact, she was nearly disowned for it.)

I married at 15, with parental consent. Your grandmother MARRIED, she wasn't the town slut. Men who fucked underage girls were either taken care of by the family, or arrested and put in prison. Kaitlyn Hunt fucked an underage girl. She should have been treated like any man. In a better world, the 14 year old's father would have gotten Hunt and beat her within an inch of her life.
Did you miss the word MARRIED in your own post? When an underage girl (in the 20th century) MARRIED, she had to have parental consent.

No. My grandmother married at age 16 WITHOUT parental consent. (In fact, she was nearly disowned for it.)

I married at 15, with parental consent. Your grandmother MARRIED, she wasn't the town slut. Men who fucked underage girls were either taken care of by the family, or arrested and put in prison. Kaitlyn Hunt fucked an underage girl. She should have been treated like any man. In a better world, the 14 year old's father would have gotten Hunt and beat her within an inch of her life.

having once been a 14 yr old girl--I can't 'absolve' the 14 yr old girl from responsibility---what in the 'h'--what in the 'h'--

I just don't 'buy' that things have changed so much--that people have changed so much --that emotions rule--

What is the 14 yr old doing with her life now? Must be 16 or 17--just waiting until she can be with her soulmate?
She can wait, if that's what she wants to do. When she's 18 she can do whatever she wants.
"Earlier this year, though, Hunt’s mother, Kelley Hunt Smith, wrote the following in a Facebook post: “The two girls began dating while Kaitlyn was 17 but her girlfriend’s parents blamed Kailtyn for their daughter’s homosexuality. They waited until after Kaitlyn turned 18 and went to the police to have charges brought against her.”

So the girls got "caught" when the older girl was 17 but the parents waited until she turned 18 to file a complaint and prosecute.

So I ask you a question, why didn't the parents got to authorities when she was 17?

I have to agree with you.:eusa_angel:
Well this story has finally run its course. She ends up getting a chance to NOT be registered as a sex offender, and thats probably due to all the publicity. A man doing this to a 14 year old would probably be on the list for life.

A legal conclusion has been reached in the case of Kaitlyn Hunt, the recent high school graduate who landed in hot water over a lesbian relationship she carried on with a minor. Hunt, who recently turned 19, pleaded no contest on Thursday to five charges.

The charges, as CNN reports, are: two counts of misdemeanor battery, one count of misdemeanor contributing to the dependency of a child and two counts of felony interference with child custody. Previously, Hunt was facing up to 15 years in jail if the case went to trial.

As a result of a deal brokered between her attorneys and prosecutors, the teen will spend four months in jail and will serve two subsequent years of house arrest and nine months of probation

Former High School Cheerleader Who Had Sexual Relationship With Underage Girlfriend Meets Her Legal Fate | Video | TheBlaze.com

That's bullshit. A four year age difference and she gets prison time?

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