Justice Dept silent as Holder charges critics with racism

Yes we do. He's kinder to your ilk than I would be as attorney general. You'd be a lampshade on my watch.

By the way, watches don't have lampshades, ya big dummy.

:lol: That hung me up too. I gave Salt a 10/10 for execution , but I should have taken off at least a point for grammatical ambiguity.
I immediately thought, what the hell kind of watch needs a lampshade??? Must be a navy thing.
One might say he's a buck dancing minstrel.

Nah, I'm not Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas. Cooning and fat, ugly white women don't cause me to sell my soul.
Nonsense. You're Angry Black Man, straight out of Central Casting. Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before.

The left wants you to be angry, so by damn you're angry. The left wants you to hate Whitey, so by damn you hate Whitey. By your own words you have no reason to...but you do. Because you're told to.

The left is pulling your strings, and you perform on cue.

You're more a minstrel puppet than Cain could ever be.

"Dance, boy! Dance!"

I'm not angry. What do I have to be angry about?

In your mind a black person doesn't even have enough intelligence or a thought process to form an opinion on his/her own. No wonder it's so easy for you to call black men "boys".

I don't dislike Cain for being a black conservative, I like Tim Scott and he's a black conservative. I dislike Cain because he's a buffoon, a la today's minstrels, gangsta rappers.
Let's see, the GOP is about 90-95% white, less than 1% of its convention delegates are minority. If you don't recognize that the farthest RW has racists, you're lying or braindead. LOL

We include all races. It's not really our fault 95% of blacks vote Democrat We don't get to decide party affiliation. Citizens are free to make that choice on their own.
Not that I really blame poor folks. If you supported my lazy ass, I'd likely vote for you too.
In stead, Conservative want the government out of the way so we can hire people and let them work for a living and become self sufficient.
Blacks only think slavery has ended. They are still beholding to democrats for their sustenance, only they don't have to pick cotton any more, all they have to do is vote for their masters.
A great number, that have, through education and hard work, left the plantation, now vote GOP.
This new RW BS that people who point out racist are the racists is total crap.

My experience is, get RWers drunk enough, half will admit to ME they won't vote for blacks, will discriminate against them in hiring, wouldn't want their sister to date one, etc. They also love racist jokes about ni**ers, etc.

Dumbazz lying dittoheads....lol

Lying sack of shit!
Nah, I'm not Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas. Cooning and fat, ugly white women don't cause me to sell my soul.
Nonsense. You're Angry Black Man, straight out of Central Casting. Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before.

The left wants you to be angry, so by damn you're angry. The left wants you to hate Whitey, so by damn you hate Whitey. By your own words you have no reason to...but you do. Because you're told to.

The left is pulling your strings, and you perform on cue.

You're more a minstrel puppet than Cain could ever be.

"Dance, boy! Dance!"

I'm not angry. What do I have to be angry about?

In your mind a black person doesn't even have enough intelligence or a thought process to form an opinion on his/her own. No wonder it's so easy for you to call black men "boys".

I don't dislike Cain for being a black conservative, I like Tim Scott and he's a black conservative. I dislike Cain because he's a buffoon, a la today's minstrels, gangsta rappers.
Wrong. In my mind, YOU don't even have enough intelligence or a thought process to form an opinion on your own.
Let's see, the GOP is about 90-95% white, less than 1% of its convention delegates are minority. If you don't recognize that the farthest RW has racists, you're lying or braindead. LOL

We include all races. It's not really our fault 95% of blacks vote Democrat We don't get to decide party affiliation. Citizens are free to make that choice on their own.
Not that I really blame poor folks. If you supported my lazy ass, I'd likely vote for you too.
In stead, Conservative want the government out of the way so we can hire people and let them work for a living and become self sufficient.
Blacks only think slavery has ended. They are still beholding to democrats for their sustenance, only they don't have to pick cotton any more, all they have to do is vote for their masters.
A great number, that have, through education and hard work, left the plantation, now vote GOP.

Really? Let's deconstruct your argument.

95% of blacks vote Democrat. They are lazy, live on welfare and still have masters. All 95%?

But "a great number, that have, through education and hard work, left the plantation, now vote GOP." What percentage of that possible 5% makes up that "great number"?

Nonsense. You're Angry Black Man, straight out of Central Casting. Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before.

The left wants you to be angry, so by damn you're angry. The left wants you to hate Whitey, so by damn you hate Whitey. By your own words you have no reason to...but you do. Because you're told to.

The left is pulling your strings, and you perform on cue.

You're more a minstrel puppet than Cain could ever be.

"Dance, boy! Dance!"

I'm not angry. What do I have to be angry about?

In your mind a black person doesn't even have enough intelligence or a thought process to form an opinion on his/her own. No wonder it's so easy for you to call black men "boys".

I don't dislike Cain for being a black conservative, I like Tim Scott and he's a black conservative. I dislike Cain because he's a buffoon, a la today's minstrels, gangsta rappers.
Wrong. In my mind, YOU don't even have enough intelligence or a thought process to form an opinion on your own.


"Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before."

Think about that the next time you fly.
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Justice Dept silent as Holder charges critics with racism
Attorney General Eric Holder accused his growing chorus of critics of racist motivations in a Sunday interview published in the New York Times. When reached by The Daily Caller Monday morning, the Department of Justice provided no evidence to support the attorney general’s claims.

Holder said some unspecified faction — what he refers to as the “more extreme segment” — is driven to criticize both him and President Barack Obama due to the color of their skin. Holder did not appear to elaborate on who he considered to make up the “more extreme segment.”

“This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him,” Holder said, according to the Times. “Both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.”​

The main thing is that the divisive and, yes, occasionally racially inappropriate attitudes of this administration have been on display for some time now.

The media may sit on some of the offenses, but they don't do it with the dedication that they once did. I've seen more and more cynicism among the ranks of the MSM with regard to this president.

The mask is off. We are no longer up against an impossible illusion. We definitely have a fighting chance this time around.
One might say he's a buck dancing minstrel.

Nah, I'm not Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas. Cooning and fat, ugly white women don't cause me to sell my soul.
Nonsense. You're Angry Black Man, straight out of Central Casting. Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before.

The left wants you to be angry, so by damn you're angry. The left wants you to hate Whitey, so by damn you hate Whitey. By your own words you have no reason to...but you do. Because you're told to.

The left is pulling your strings, and you perform on cue.

You're more a minstrel puppet than Cain could ever be.

"Dance, boy! Dance!"

I'd say the chances are 90% YOU are a racist with that crappe, and the OP. Even then I don't hate you like you hate, just hoping for your recovery, angry white man....

Never saw Salt say he had no reason. And I'd be shocked if he could go a WEEK, let alone a Navy career w/o many.

I believe a racist has to be in a dominant position, able to discriminate, to be one.Not just a realist.
Justice Dept silent as Holder charges critics with racism
Attorney General Eric Holder accused his growing chorus of critics of racist motivations in a Sunday interview published in the New York Times. When reached by The Daily Caller Monday morning, the Department of Justice provided no evidence to support the attorney general’s claims.

Holder said some unspecified faction — what he refers to as the “more extreme segment” — is driven to criticize both him and President Barack Obama due to the color of their skin. Holder did not appear to elaborate on who he considered to make up the “more extreme segment.”

“This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him,” Holder said, according to the Times. “Both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.”​

The main thing is that the divisive and, yes, occasionally racially inappropriate attitudes of this administration have been on display for some time now.

The media may sit on some of the offenses, but they don't do it with the dedication that they once did. I've seen more and more cynicism among the ranks of the MSM with regard to this president.

The mask is off. We are no longer up against an impossible illusion. We definitely have a fighting chance this time around.

No you don't, but you'll realize it soon enough and it's going to be a wonderful site to behold.
Let's see, the GOP is about 90-95% white, less than 1% of its convention delegates are minority. If you don't recognize that the farthest RW has racists, you're lying or braindead. LOL

We include all races. It's not really our fault 95% of blacks vote Democrat We don't get to decide party affiliation. Citizens are free to make that choice on their own.
Not that I really blame poor folks. If you supported my lazy ass, I'd likely vote for you too.
In stead, Conservative want the government out of the way so we can hire people and let them work for a living and become self sufficient.
Blacks only think slavery has ended. They are still beholding to democrats for their sustenance, only they don't have to pick cotton any more, all they have to do is vote for their masters.
A great number, that have, through education and hard work, left the plantation, now vote GOP.

Really? Let's deconstruct your argument.

95% of blacks vote Democrat. They are lazy, live on welfare and still have masters. All 95%?

But "a great number, that have, through education and hard work, left the plantation, now vote GOP." What percentage of that possible 5% makes up that "great number"?

I would bet that 60% of blacks enjoy some form of government assistance, be it welfare, food stamps, free school lunches or medicaid. I'd also be willing to bet that successful black folk are pretty evenly divided, perhaps a slight majority vote GOP, but would never tell you, lest they be branded buck dancing... was it minstrels? Or be turned into lampshades for contrast in your light colored living room
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Nah, I'm not Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas. Cooning and fat, ugly white women don't cause me to sell my soul.
Nonsense. You're Angry Black Man, straight out of Central Casting. Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before.

The left wants you to be angry, so by damn you're angry. The left wants you to hate Whitey, so by damn you hate Whitey. By your own words you have no reason to...but you do. Because you're told to.

The left is pulling your strings, and you perform on cue.

You're more a minstrel puppet than Cain could ever be.

"Dance, boy! Dance!"

I'd say the chances are 90% YOU are a racist with that crappe, and the OP. Even then I don't hate you like you hate, just hoping for your recovery, angry white man....

Never saw Salt say he had no reason. And I'd be shocked if he could go a WEEK, let alone a Navy career w/o many.

I believe a racist has to be in a dominant position, able to discriminate, to be one.Not just a realist.
So you admit you're an asshole?
Nah, I'm not Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas. Cooning and fat, ugly white women don't cause me to sell my soul.
Nonsense. You're Angry Black Man, straight out of Central Casting. Nothing we haven't seen a thousand times before.

The left wants you to be angry, so by damn you're angry. The left wants you to hate Whitey, so by damn you hate Whitey. By your own words you have no reason to...but you do. Because you're told to.

The left is pulling your strings, and you perform on cue.

You're more a minstrel puppet than Cain could ever be.

"Dance, boy! Dance!"

I'd say the chances are 90% YOU are a racist with that crappe, and the OP. Even then I don't hate you like you hate, just hoping for your recovery, angry white man....

Never saw Salt say he had no reason. And I'd be shocked if he could go a WEEK, let alone a Navy career w/o many.

I believe a racist has to be in a dominant position, able to discriminate, to be one.Not just a realist.

Nope. My parents owned their own trucking company, I've never lived in poverty and I've been employed since 1985. I make six figures inspecting commercial and military aircraft. The Navy was a breeze, I was called ****** a couple times, got those guys busted down, and ran into a few black-hating senior enlisted. But, they were easy to deal with. I enjoyed the Navy, see the world, screw exotic women, learn a valuable trade and get good low-cost healthcare and a retirement check
Eric Holder is the first person in any administration who can go into a Congressional Hearing and talk about HIS PEOPLE (blacks!) and then call on his critics on being racists. I thought as Attorney General, he represented all people!
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Justice Dept silent as Holder charges critics with racism
Attorney General Eric Holder accused his growing chorus of critics of racist motivations in a Sunday interview published in the New York Times. When reached by The Daily Caller Monday morning, the Department of Justice provided no evidence to support the attorney general’s claims.

Holder said some unspecified faction — what he refers to as the “more extreme segment” — is driven to criticize both him and President Barack Obama due to the color of their skin. Holder did not appear to elaborate on who he considered to make up the “more extreme segment.”

“This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him,” Holder said, according to the Times. “Both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.”​

The main thing is that the divisive and, yes, occasionally racially inappropriate attitudes of this administration have been on display for some time now.

The media may sit on some of the offenses, but they don't do it with the dedication that they once did. I've seen more and more cynicism among the ranks of the MSM with regard to this president.

The mask is off. We are no longer up against an impossible illusion. We definitely have a fighting chance this time around.

No you don't, but you'll realize it soon enough and it's going to be a wonderful site to behold.

Certainly going to be an exciting year. Whoever wins our nomination will be tempered and will have a lot of resources. The U.S. has seen Obama's clay feet and glass jaw and the luster is gone.

White middle class not in Obama's base - BostonHerald.com
I admit you're a 90% chance racist, idiot dittohead...

I'm a realist and not afraid to speak my mind. Racist? Nope. My second wife was black and my ex son in law is black Both of them are hard working, self sufficient people for whom I have respect. I just find it impossible to respect anyone who expects me to support them, black, white or green.
So you're wrong again, Franco, but at least there IS a 90% chance you are an asshole.

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