Just Who is dying from Covid-19?

The same demographics that die with every virus that comes through. This is a complete fucking joke. They closed my Gym...I have to work from home...and this STUPID FUCKING SHIT has only just started.
We need another world war...a world full of pussies.

Wow- you can't go to your gym.

What a victim.
You don't miss hangin at the fag bar?

Is that what you call the gym you can't go to?

What a snowflake.
Does anyone have reliable demographic information on who has died from Covid-19? I would like to know the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of those people, but that information is not readily available. Wouldn't this be useful information for determining who needs extra protection?
It took me about 1 minute on Google to find this
Who is getting sick? A look at coronavirus risk by age, gender, and more

Though I always want to recommend to everyone this webpage Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
and related pages for more info.

Thanks, but I asked who was dying from Covid-19. From what I hear on the news, everyone who tests positive is considered to be a new case, i.e., "sick."
Does anyone have reliable demographic information on who has died from Covid-19? I would like to know the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of those people, but that information is not readily available. Wouldn't this be useful information for determining who needs extra protection?
I we had started testing sooner and taken this seriously we would have better data. Blame the orange idiot in the WH.

Had China Government taken this virus more seriously and not try to hide it from the World then maybe we would not have a Pandemic...
I'm pretty sure they took it seriously but didnt want to look bad. Theyre on the way out. Look at us. Were just starting even after seeing what happened there. Drumpf is such a sad, sad fuckup.

They did?

So why cover it up, arrest the whistleblower Doctor that later died and when they knew it was spreading like wildfire they did nothing to protect the world from it?

And yet you are more upset at Trump for China Government failure to contain a virus that has killed thousands so far...

It comes down to who was elected to lead the country and it sure wasnt China. I'm more upset with someone that is supposed to be leading the country than someone that would like to drop a bomb on us. I expect them to try and hurt us. I dont expect the supposed leader of the country to convey the message that its a hoax.
Does anyone have reliable demographic information on who has died from Covid-19? I would like to know the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of those people, but that information is not readily available. Wouldn't this be useful information for determining who needs extra protection?
I we had started testing sooner and taken this seriously we would have better data. Blame the orange idiot in the WH.

Had China Government taken this virus more seriously and not try to hide it from the World then maybe we would not have a Pandemic...

Absolutely China fucked this up.

But the United States should have been better prepared. Its not as if the administration wasn't warned that a pandemic was a possibility 3 years ago.
Does anyone have reliable demographic information on who has died from Covid-19? I would like to know the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of those people, but that information is not readily available. Wouldn't this be useful information for determining who needs extra protection?
Mostly elderly Italians at the moment.
Does anyone have reliable demographic information on who has died from Covid-19? I would like to know the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of those people, but that information is not readily available. Wouldn't this be useful information for determining who needs extra protection?
It took me about 1 minute on Google to find this
Who is getting sick? A look at coronavirus risk by age, gender, and more

Though I always want to recommend to everyone this webpage Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
and related pages for more info.

Thanks, but I asked who was dying from Covid-19. From what I hear on the news, everyone who tests positive is considered "sick."

You didn't even bother to read the article did you?

I don't know why the fuck people like you here at USMB expect everyone to spoon feed information to you.
Does anyone have reliable demographic information on who has died from Covid-19? I would like to know the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of those people, but that information is not readily available. Wouldn't this be useful information for determining who needs extra protection?
It took me about 1 minute on Google to find this
Who is getting sick? A look at coronavirus risk by age, gender, and more

Though I always want to recommend to everyone this webpage Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
and related pages for more info.

Thanks, but I asked who was dying from Covid-19. From what I hear on the news, everyone who tests positive is considered "sick."

You didn't even bother to read the article did you?

I don't know why the fuck people like you here at USMB expect everyone to spoon feed information to you.

Why don't you "spoon feed" me the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of people who have died from Covid-19 that you claim is in your article?
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Nobody that I know ...

Nobody at all is dying from the China virus that I know

None, zilch, zero.
Enemy democrats have partnered with the Chinese in blaming Trump. It looks like democrats are trying to nudge the Chinese into all out war. It's really the last card they have.
Does anyone have reliable demographic information on who has died from Covid-19? I would like to know the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of those people, but that information is not readily available. Wouldn't this be useful information for determining who needs extra protection?
It took me about 1 minute on Google to find this
Who is getting sick? A look at coronavirus risk by age, gender, and more

Though I always want to recommend to everyone this webpage Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
and related pages for more info.
Does anyone have reliable demographic information on who has died from Covid-19? I would like to know the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of those people, but that information is not readily available. Wouldn't this be useful information for determining who needs extra protection?
I we had started testing sooner and taken this seriously we would have better data. Blame the orange idiot in the WH.

Had China Government taken this virus more seriously and not try to hide it from the World then maybe we would not have a Pandemic...

Absolutely China fucked this up.

But the United States should have been better prepared. Its not as if the administration wasn't warned that a pandemic was a possibility 3 years ago.

Now there is someone that is honest and will admit that China is the one that fucked up!

Many countries from the U.S. to Italy to Iran were caught with their pants down, so as much as our country was not ready, well the entire World was not ready for what China unleashed onto the World.

So to attack our Government and say " They should have been better prepared " well the entire World should have been but again China did not allow the WHO to do their job and lied to the WHO until it was too late and the Pandemic was out of Control!
Why would Communist China try to cover up this virus? If it had just occurred naturally like other viruses, there would be no need for a cover up. They could have made themselves look good by sharing information and helping other countries understand and prepare for the virus. But when these commies started covering up and denying this virus was loose, that tells me they did something they didn't want the world to know. I think they developed the virus, studied it and had a treatment for it before it was accidentally or intentionally released into society. These Red Chinese are lowlife killers that aren't fit to occupy this world. Hopefully, one day soon, our Democrats will pull their heads out of their asses and see these commies for what they are
Why would Communist China try to cover up this virus? If it had just occurred naturally like other viruses, there would be no need for a cover up. They could have made themselves look good by sharing information and helping other countries understand and prepare for the virus. But when these commies started covering up and denying this virus was loose, that tells me they did something they didn't want the world to know. I think they developed the virus, studied it and had a treatment for it before it was accidentally or intentionally released into society. These Red Chinese are lowlife killers that aren't fit to occupy this world. Hopefully, one day soon, our Democrats will pull their heads out of their asses and see these commies for what they are

I asked this question yesterday in another thread:

Look at the data and how many Government Officials and Soldiers contracted the Coronavirus 19 versus the poor general population and then ask yourself if the level is low to none do they have the Vaccine already and are using this virus to crash the World Economy and start a war with the U.S. ?

Many on the left will scuff at the idea that China Government would lie about the numbers or how the virus was allow to spread quickly but if anyone from the Cold War days knows anything about China Government they will know that there is nothing that China Government will do to crush it enemy and would use biological warfare including unleashing a virus onto the World.

We must remember it is a election year and China is pretty pissed at Trump, so I would not put it past them ( China and their butt buddy Russia ) to do something this stupid and to release a virus onto the World...
The same demographics that die with every virus that comes through. This is a complete fucking joke. They closed my Gym...I have to work from home...and this STUPID FUCKING SHIT has only just started.
We need another world war...a world full of pussies.

Wow- you can't go to your gym.

What a victim.

I admit that I'm liking working from home. but at some point it's going to impact business.

Even a Stalinist like you has to admit this is 99% hype.
Does anyone have reliable demographic information on who has died from Covid-19? I would like to know the age, prior medical condition, ethnicity and country of origin of those people, but that information is not readily available. Wouldn't this be useful information for determining who needs extra protection?
Try reading the news. Meanwhile, what is your take on this?:

GOP Congressman On Coronavirus: Ignore ‘Beer Virus’ Hysteria

The Anchorage Daily News reports:

Alaska’s lone member of the U.S. House, Rep. Don Young, told a gathering of senior citizens last week that dangers posed by the coronavirus pandemic — the “beer virus,” he called it — have been overblown due to media-fueled hysteria.

Speaking on Friday at Mat-Su Senior Services, a Palmer nonprofit that provides housing and services for the elderly, Young urged calm and told the crowd that COVID-19 is not as deadly as some past viruses, according to a recording of the luncheon.
The same demographics that die with every virus that comes through. This is a complete fucking joke. They closed my Gym...I have to work from home...and this STUPID FUCKING SHIT has only just started.
We need another world war...a world full of pussies.

Wow- you can't go to your gym.

What a victim.

I admit that I'm liking working from home. but at some point it's going to impact business.

Even a Stalinist like you has to admit this is 99% hype.

You mean just like a Fascist like you has to admit that Trump has lied repeatedly about coronavirus?

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