Just When You Thought Schools Couldn't Get Worse....

... I always suspected I'd be unlucky enough to watch the sun rise over the end of civilization as we know it ...

Bullshit. You mean that's always been your nihilistic, indirect-ego fantasy. Too fucking bad for you, but civilization will go on for ages and ages after you are quickly forgotten.

Calm down, Unk

You're too smart not to recognize the last few months as a return to paganism, and might makes right, and see our major political party encourage and shield the savages in the streets.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

And these are the individuals that control the education industry.

"If the Middle-Class is weaponized, it’ll be the weaponization of Middle-Class youth, whose parents have long abdicated responsibility for what their children are learning.

If Cultural Marxism continues to march, recruit, and mobilize jackboots without challenge, the Middle Class are in for a great culture shock, as their youth seek to act out their indoctrination. Triggered into action by reflexes long conditioned through exposure to carefully positioned Marxists, manipulative propaganda, and the mass distortion of political education.” 'The Great Awokening': Culture Shock, Cultural Marxism and the Weaponization of the Middle-Class · Caldron Pool

Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.
They sound like Neanderthals to me.
What I am is old enough and educated enough in American history to know that we have gone through periods of upheaval before. We have always come through it stronger and better. We will come through this very strange period of time as well.

I have also worked in all aspects of the education industry for more than a quarter of a century. There is no nefarious conspiracy to corrupt or brainwash or any such nonsense. There simply is not. A lot of teachers happen to be liberal, but that does not indicate some evil scheme on a vast scale. This is simply untrue. People seem to love the hysteria of imagining this, but I am telling you for the One millionth time, that it is not so. I think people are looking for a bogeyman to distract from the much more difficult issue of larger societal changes, and not necessarily positive ones, that have been taking place since the 1960s at least.
Gender confusion is up some 4000% since the gender crap is being taught in schools.

Why is that and is that good?

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