Just So You Know


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
The man has enormous influence. Really sad.

Michel Foucault was probably modern liberalism’s most influential thinker. His postmodernism gave birth to critical theory, featuring rejection of the individual, the universal, Western Civilization, and objective reality in favor of identity groups locked in power struggles of the saintly “oppressed” against demonized “oppressors.” This produced critical race theory, the foundation of Democrat Party ideology.

But true to form he is a pervert. So you know

Like critical theory, postmodernism is a viciously destructive philosophy. Evil ideologies are hatched by evil people, so it should come as no surprise that Foucault molested little boys:
A contemporary intellectual, Guy Sorman, told Britain’s The Sunday Times that he witnessed Foucault courting young boys during his time in Tunisia when the French philosopher took a philosophy professorship at the University of Tunis.

No wonder Foucault advocated legalizing pedophilia.

The victims were as young as 8 years. The press knew about it, but like today’s mainstream media, covered up what reflected poorly on leftists.
Those who advocate and practice "group" think, especially political, fail to acknowledge, they are an Individual- that no group begins, or sustains, without Individual effort- so, at it's core, it's intellectually dishonest-
The theory fails on its own, the personal foibles of its influencers are usually not relevant. Some of the founders of the most powerful and worthy movements in history were not very moral people on many other levels.

Washington, Jefferson, King.

All had some pretty dark aspects of their lives.

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